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name: pedobear

date: who cares i have moneey

1. tell me every digit of pi: moooo


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response: give me a wtf


3. the answer to the universe?: nukes


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?: pluto


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1: atom bomb

edit: there i put in colons.

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put a colen and stop leaving where it should be blank, or putting a question mark. It's annoying >________________________>

1. list every digit of pi: peanut butter.


2. Cheerleader Dog: God redealreehc


3. the answer to the universe: Butterflies.


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like: Bacon.


5. Can I have doggy: I'm hungry.

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Test 4 Name: Atman Date: Teh begging of teh time


1. tell me every digit of pi


pi? wtf is pi?! me no care about pi cause me only pay attentions to cookies


2. Cheerleader Dog' date=' now tell me your response




3. the answer to the universe?


two things: wun, lolcats. too, no loldogz


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?


tehy look as bad as teh pi u talked bout b4


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1




End of test!

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Test 4 Name: I have a name?! Date: What's a date?!


1. tell me every digit of pi

Hold on why I use my formula.If Y= F*H and F=6.0000003 and H=1.5234 so that means Y=9.14040045702 and then take Y*Shoop Da Woop squared -Bacon = Chuck Norris and then take Chuck Norris*Epic Fail=ANYONE WHO CARES ABUT PI NEEDS A LIFE!



2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response

A battle with the Kung-fu Ninja Cat of Epicness


3. the answer to the universe?

The square root of chuck norris*lolcats+loldogs/da bombz


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

The have masks too.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

hold on.5.65*7.65+catdogthingy*OMG!=NO!


Iz haz the end of test!

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Test 4


Date: Date to buy a watch! Wait.....


1. tell me every digit of pi

This question isn't descriptive enough. There are many types of pie, all with different mathematical building blocks. For example, lemon meringue in the most complicated pie, due to all of the "x" elements in the whipped cream. Due to it's giga lamness, chocolate cream pie is the least complicated and is equal to "23".


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response

Jennifer? She's not a dog, she is just kind of ugly. :3


3. the answer to the universe?

Eat, sleep, repeat. Alternatively, the meaning of life is 42.


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

You don't have feet, because the cake is a lie, your floor is cake, and that makes the floor, and in addition, you, a lie.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

I am sorry, son, doggy isn't coming home. I am afraid he is dead. Oh yes, quite dead. I saw blood, blood, blood, blood everywhere. Nothing but blood. It seemed like he was still alive, for a little while. Until he started moving... Then I knew all life had left him. It was gruesome, horrible, nightmarish. The way he his broken, deformed, jaws poured out black, clotted blood to pile on the other half of his shredded body. For a second, I thought it was a demon. He screamed out the cries of dying child as he tried to move closer to me, even though the guts were pouring out of the back of him. It was almost sad, but I was to horrified to feel it at the moment. He lunged at me. Scared for my life, I used your mother as a human shield. He slowly killed her by ripping her insides out, one chunk at a time. After the dog ripped everything out, he throw up into a hole he made in her chest and died.

After reading this, do you really want a "doggy"?


End of test!

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Test 4

Name: Kira' date=' GOD OF THE NEW WORLD!

Date: Date to buy a watch! Wait.....


1. tell me every digit of pi

This question isn't descriptive enough. There are many types of pie, all with different mathematical building blocks. For example, lemon meringue in the most complicated pie, due to all of the "x" elements in the whipped cream. Due to it's giga lamness, chocolate cream pie is the least complicated and is equal to "23".


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response

Jennifer? She's not a dog, she is just kind of ugly. :3


3. the answer to the universe?

Eat, sleep, repeat. Alternatively, the meaning of life is 42.


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

You don't have feet, because the cake is a lie, your floor is cake, and that makes the floor, and in addition, you, a lie.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

I am sorry, son, doggy isn't coming home. I am afraid he is dead. Oh yes, quite dead. I saw blood, blood, blood, blood everywhere. Nothing but blood. It seemed like he was still alive, for a little while. Until he started moving... Then I knew all life had left him. It was gruesome, horrible, nightmarish. The way he his broken, deformed, jaws poured out black, clotted blood to pile on the other half of his shredded body. For a second, I thought it was a demon. He screamed out the cries of dying child as he tried to move closer to me, even though the guts were pouring out of the back of him. It was almost sad, but I was to horrified to feel it at the moment. He lunged at me. Scared for my life, I used your mother as a human shield. He slowly killed her by ripping her insides out, one chunk at a time. After the dog ripped everything out, he throw up into a hole he made in her chest and died.

After reading this, do you really want a "doggy"?


End of test!



O.e i might have to throw up now but im not sure... i may have to make an adustment to the rules, this is counted though

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Test 4

Name: Kira' date=' GOD OF THE NEW WORLD!

Date: Date to buy a watch! Wait.....


1. tell me every digit of pi

This question isn't descriptive enough. There are many types of pie, all with different mathematical building blocks. For example, lemon meringue in the most complicated pie, due to all of the "x" elements in the whipped cream. Due to it's giga lamness, chocolate cream pie is the least complicated and is equal to "23".


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response

Jennifer? She's not a dog, she is just kind of ugly. :3


3. the answer to the universe?

Eat, sleep, repeat. Alternatively, the meaning of life is 42.


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

You don't have feet, because the cake is a lie, your floor is cake, and that makes the floor, and in addition, you, a lie.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

I am sorry, son, doggy isn't coming home. I am afraid he is dead. Oh yes, quite dead. I saw blood, blood, blood, blood everywhere. Nothing but blood. It seemed like he was still alive, for a little while. Until he started moving... Then I knew all life had left him. It was gruesome, horrible, nightmarish. The way he his broken, deformed, jaws poured out black, clotted blood to pile on the other half of his shredded body. For a second, I thought it was a demon. He screamed out the cries of dying child as he tried to move closer to me, even though the guts were pouring out of the back of him. It was almost sad, but I was to horrified to feel it at the moment. He lunged at me. Scared for my life, I used your mother as a human shield. He slowly killed her by ripping her insides out, one chunk at a time. After the dog ripped everything out, he throw up into a hole he made in her chest and died.

After reading this, do you really want a "doggy"?


End of test!



O.e i might have to throw up now but im not sure... i may have to make an adustment to the rules, this is counted though


Woohoo!! It technically counts! XD

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Test 4

Name: Kira' date=' GOD OF THE NEW WORLD!

Date: Date to buy a watch! Wait.....


1. tell me every digit of pi

This question isn't descriptive enough. There are many types of pie, all with different mathematical building blocks. For example, lemon meringue in the most complicated pie, due to all of the "x" elements in the whipped cream. Due to it's giga lamness, chocolate cream pie is the least complicated and is equal to "23".


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response

Jennifer? She's not a dog, she is just kind of ugly. :3


3. the answer to the universe?

Eat, sleep, repeat. Alternatively, the meaning of life is 42.


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

You don't have feet, because the cake is a lie, your floor is cake, and that makes the floor, and in addition, you, a lie.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

I am sorry, son, doggy isn't coming home. I am afraid he is dead. Oh yes, quite dead. I saw blood, blood, blood, blood everywhere. Nothing but blood. It seemed like he was still alive, for a little while. Until he started moving... Then I knew all life had left him. It was gruesome, horrible, nightmarish. The way he his broken, deformed, jaws poured out black, clotted blood to pile on the other half of his shredded body. For a second, I thought it was a demon. He screamed out the cries of dying child as he tried to move closer to me, even though the guts were pouring out of the back of him. It was almost sad, but I was to horrified to feel it at the moment. He lunged at me. Scared for my life, I used your mother as a human shield. He slowly killed her by ripping her insides out, one chunk at a time. After the dog ripped everything out, he throw up into a hole he made in her chest and died.

After reading this, do you really want a "doggy"?


End of test!



O.e i might have to throw up now but im not sure... i may have to make an adustment to the rules, this is counted though


Woohoo!! It technically counts! XD


the last one was kinda gross and i was expecting "yes" D:

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Test 4

Name: Kira' date=' GOD OF THE NEW WORLD!

Date: Date to buy a watch! Wait.....


1. tell me every digit of pi

This question isn't descriptive enough. There are many types of pie, all with different mathematical building blocks. For example, lemon meringue in the most complicated pie, due to all of the "x" elements in the whipped cream. Due to it's giga lamness, chocolate cream pie is the least complicated and is equal to "23".


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response

Jennifer? She's not a dog, she is just kind of ugly. :3


3. the answer to the universe?

Eat, sleep, repeat. Alternatively, the meaning of life is 42.


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

You don't have feet, because the cake is a lie, your floor is cake, and that makes the floor, and in addition, you, a lie.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

I am sorry, son, doggy isn't coming home. I am afraid he is dead. Oh yes, quite dead. I saw blood, blood, blood, blood everywhere. Nothing but blood. It seemed like he was still alive, for a little while. Until he started moving... Then I knew all life had left him. It was gruesome, horrible, nightmarish. The way he his broken, deformed, jaws poured out black, clotted blood to pile on the other half of his shredded body. For a second, I thought it was a demon. He screamed out the cries of dying child as he tried to move closer to me, even though the guts were pouring out of the back of him. It was almost sad, but I was to horrified to feel it at the moment. He lunged at me. Scared for my life, I used your mother as a human shield. He slowly killed her by ripping her insides out, one chunk at a time. After the dog ripped everything out, he throw up into a hole he made in her chest and died.

After reading this, do you really want a "doggy"?


End of test!



O.e i might have to throw up now but im not sure... i may have to make an adustment to the rules, this is counted though


Woohoo!! It technically counts! XD


the last one was kinda gross and i was expecting "yes" D:



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Test 4

Name: Kira' date=' GOD OF THE NEW WORLD!

Date: Date to buy a watch! Wait.....


1. tell me every digit of pi

This question isn't descriptive enough. There are many types of pie, all with different mathematical building blocks. For example, lemon meringue in the most complicated pie, due to all of the "x" elements in the whipped cream. Due to it's giga lamness, chocolate cream pie is the least complicated and is equal to "23".


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response

Jennifer? She's not a dog, she is just kind of ugly. :3


3. the answer to the universe?

Eat, sleep, repeat. Alternatively, the meaning of life is 42.


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

You don't have feet, because the cake is a lie, your floor is cake, and that makes the floor, and in addition, you, a lie.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

I am sorry, son, doggy isn't coming home. I am afraid he is dead. Oh yes, quite dead. I saw blood, blood, blood, blood everywhere. Nothing but blood. It seemed like he was still alive, for a little while. Until he started moving... Then I knew all life had left him. It was gruesome, horrible, nightmarish. The way he his broken, deformed, jaws poured out black, clotted blood to pile on the other half of his shredded body. For a second, I thought it was a demon. He screamed out the cries of dying child as he tried to move closer to me, even though the guts were pouring out of the back of him. It was almost sad, but I was to horrified to feel it at the moment. He lunged at me. Scared for my life, I used your mother as a human shield. He slowly killed her by ripping her insides out, one chunk at a time. After the dog ripped everything out, he throw up into a hole he made in her chest and died.

After reading this, do you really want a "doggy"?


End of test!



O.e i might have to throw up now but im not sure... i may have to make an adustment to the rules, this is counted though


Woohoo!! It technically counts! XD


the last one was kinda gross and i was expecting "yes" D:




yeah not really

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Guest Random Dude

1. Impossible, Pi is infinite


2. Que?


3. There is no answer


4. How does the first part have anything to do with the second


5. If you want

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1. tell me every digit of pi

It's 3 (yay rounding :))

2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response

I won't

3. the answer to the universe?

it's 42, duh.

4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

They got cut off a superglued onto the mask.

5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

If you give me a lotz of $

End of test!

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1. Tell me every digit of pi.



2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response.

Playing Cat.


3. The answer to the universe?



4. If i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?

Shoes that are superglued onto your feet.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1

No, but you can have a Golden Retriever.

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Test 4 Name: Name Date: Date


1. tell me every digit of pi: Meat


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response: Bovril


3. the answer to the universe?: Lemonz?


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?: Hairy, Mr. Baggins.


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1: Woof, woof.

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Date: 24.12334.2330988209


1. tell me every digit of pi



2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response


3. the answer to the universe?


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1



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