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  1. 1. Is this test...

    • "Fun"
    • Phailure
    • Who cares?! I've got cookies!

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1. What is your username? How about you look it up you lazy bum?


2. Who created YCM? God did' date=' you idiot.


3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it? Ass many as you would on a Rick Roll, ike the one i posted like a year ago.


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) I have no idea, but the answer is probably somewhere near ChuckNorris.51093


5. type your ABC's: Your ABC's.



I lol'd.

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1. What is your username? How about you look it up you lazy bum?


2. Who created YCM? God did' date=' you idiot.


3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it? Ass many as you would on a Rick Roll, ike the one i posted like a year ago.


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) I have no idea, but the answer is probably somewhere near ChuckNorris.51093


5. type your ABC's: Your ABC's.


I see you have no talent in making lolz.

Failure! *dun dun dun*

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Name: Corporal Clegg.... HAD A WOODEN LEG!!!! He won it in the war' date=' in 1944. Corporal Clegg had a medal too! In orange, red and blue! He found it in the zoo!

Date: It is a about 13:61, Gleedember-98


1. What word am i thinking of?

You are thinking of the number tuna.


2. OMG HOWD YOU KNOW!!! do you have psychic powers?

In soviet Russia, psychic powers have you. =D


3. what is byakugan?

It is a place in the center of Texas Colorado which is a mini-country formed about 3 hours ago by Abraham Lincoln. In 1867, this place was considered to be the worst place on earth and was deserted. After desertion, byakugan was invaded by bunnies. And that is where babies come from. =D


4. I'm such a narutard aren't i?

No, I believe that this "llama" you speak of is NOT a christian icon and should be painted pink, with all due respect.


5. ... hi... write a summary of the universe

The "universe" is the 2nd, 3rd or 7425th nick name for "Jackber McNeel". Jackber is famous for the invention of death, which we all use at some point in time. Jackber first created his theory of death when he licked an orange peel. He noticed that the orange attracted more electricity and "dooptrons". Dooptrons are tiny people that slowly eat you alive while you sleep. So, knowing how the saliva attracted these lil' buggers, he giga-spat on everyone on earth. Dooptrons started to slowly multiply and eat everyone on earth. Fortunately, they are slow eaters and it takes 20 - 100 years.



sorry i didnt do this sooner i went to my dads and read basically the whole time, but you win. Ill be posting the new test after you recieve your chicken sandwich.

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Test 3

Name:Rick Roll



1. What color is my underwear?! Brown (they USED to be white)


2. Which anime do i like better, Naruto or Bleach? Yes


3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences I'd rather write a 5 page report on the Rick Roll


4. where is the bathroom? Where the bath is


5. what is my llamas name? It has the same name as your mom...i wonder why

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Test 3

Name:Rick Roll



1. What color is my underwear?! Brown (they USED to be white)


2. Which anime do i like better' date=' Naruto or Bleach? [b']Yes[/b]


3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences I'd rather write a 5 page report on the Rick Roll


4. where is the bathroom? Where the bath is


5. what is my llamas name? It has the same name as your mom...i wonder why


"It has the same name as your mom...i wonder why"


that was mean :(

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1. What color is my underwear?!


2. Which anime do i like better, Naruto or Bleach?

Naruto of course

3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences

12 paragraphs about those sentences

4. where is the bathroom?

In Tobi's room

5. what is my llamas name?


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1. What color is my underwear: I like pancakes. Does this mean I get a cookie?


2. Which anime do i like better, Naruto or Bleach: 42.


3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences:

This is a really happy story. Once there was a boy. His name was Bob. He died a very horrible death that started with RickRolls.


4. where is the bathroom: Me.


5. what is my llamas name: Do doez crazy people in da clock town think da moon is going to fall or something? GAHH!

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1. What color is my underwear?!


2. Which anime do i like better' date=' Naruto or Bleach?

[b'] Naruto of course[/b]

3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences

12 paragraphs about those sentences

4. where is the bathroom?

In Tobi's room

5. what is my llamas name?




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Name: Jacky-B McClusterfuck

Date: A long' date=' long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


1. What color is my underwear?!

Shiny blood purple! Normally, I wouldn't know this, but I have an equation. You see, if x = 9 ÷ 93.2 + 6 - -23, then x would be GREATER than R because R + 78 = 0.009 but X.9 = 0.002. How could this be true? Isn't R supposed to be the INF factor? NO! The INF factor has to be at least a -7 through 8.2 variable barrier. Due to the .999999999... point of R, this just cannot be right. When you divide R by the "Neck Value" of X, you would reach = I KNOW THE COLOR OF YOUR UNDERPANTS BECAUSE I STARE AT YOU THROUGH YOUR WINDOW!! HAHAHHAHAHAH!!!! WHY, MOTHER?!?!?! NOOOOOOO!!!!! MOTHER LOOOOOVES MEEEE!!! WHY WONT SHE LET ME FEEL HER FROM THE INSIDE!??!?! SWALLOW ME!!! ENGULF ME INTO THE THICK, BLOODY, WARM GRASP OF THE PIT OF YOUR DYING FLESH!!!!

See? Simple! :D


2. Which anime do i like better, Naruto or Bleach?

I don't like Anime. Why? Do you really want to ask me this?.... Fine... ANIME KILLED JESUS!!!


3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences

Gaara: So... We meet again.

Hitler: So... We do....

Gaara: HYAAAAA!!!! -lunges at Hitler... While covered in jelly-

Hitler: -pulls out a fish from his pants- >;O


Hitler: We will see, little bunny >;O

Gaara: DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT!!!! The last person who call me that was my mother, and she is dead.

Hitler: DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER THAT WAY-----SON! -charges at Gaara with fish-

Gaara: YOU SHUT UP, BROTHER!!! I CAN TALK MY FATHER HOWEVER I WANT!!! HYAAAAA!!!! *charges at Hitler while doing the chicken dance*

Hitler: -jumps up and t-bags Gaara-

Gaara: NAAAASTY!!!! -throws up and passes out-

-7 hours later-

Gaara: -wakes up- W-what happened?

Hitler: I ubersexygigasmexyomgwtfhappenedbbqpwned you.

Gaara: -crys- Why won't you just die for me, father? All I ever wanted is a dead brother.... To soak in blood in the hot sun while I lick my lips... Mmmmhmmmm......

Hitler: I understand the feeling. But I replaced all that evil and hate... With love....

Gaara: I don't know.. I don't think that would ever work...

Hitler: Yea, you're right.

-about 2 minutes later, Gaara and Hitler are naked and french kissing-

-about 1 hour later, Gaara and Hitler are still naked... but in bed. O_O-

The rest was removed by the government. I wonder why. :D



4. where is the bathroom?

Your bottom half! *tard face*


5. what is my llamas name?

...Excuse me? HE IS A WOMAN BY HIS CHOICE!!! I WILL HEAR [u']NO MORE[/u] OF YOUR RACIST NAME CALLING!!!! It is a apple's choice to become another sex because the other one doesn't rhyme with the right words.. You know? He is a proud Hardanalvore American. And he should be respected for it.... Wait, you said llama? Oh, I am sorry, I thought you said "Haha, charade you are". His name is General Buttfuck and he works at a retirement home. Rumors are, he is having an affair with a few of the elderly men. :3


End of test!


O.O ... that was disturbing... and rule breaking, not counted, but you can try again next week and try to follow the rules

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O.O ... that was disturbing... and rule breaking' date=' not counted, but you can try again next week and try to follow the rules



Oh, sorry. I guess I got a bit too carried away? I will attempt to remove my post...


Thats ok, I may let you retake the test. We'll have to see how things turn out

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O.O ... that was disturbing... and rule breaking' date=' not counted, but you can try again next week and try to follow the rules



Oh, sorry. I guess I got a bit too carried away? I will attempt to remove my post...


Thats ok, I may let you retake the test. We'll have to see how things turn out


Na, I will wait until next week.

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O.O ... that was disturbing... and rule breaking' date=' not counted, but you can try again next week and try to follow the rules



Oh, sorry. I guess I got a bit too carried away? I will attempt to remove my post...


Thats ok, I may let you retake the test. We'll have to see how things turn out


Na, I will wait until next week.


ok, feel free to change your mind

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Test 3 Name: (Insert Name) Date: Some time around now.


1. What color is my underwear?!: You have underwear? o.O


2. Which anime do i like better, Naruto or Bleach?: Well, bleach is something that makes fabric white, so Naruto.


3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences: 12 paragraphs about these sentences


4. where is the bathroom?: The place with the bath, duh.


5. what is my llamas name?: Llama.

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Test 3 Name: (Insert Name) Date: Some time around now.


1. What color is my underwear?!: You have underwear? o.O


2. Which anime do i like better' date=' Naruto or Bleach?: Well, bleach is something that makes fabric white, so Naruto.


3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences: 12 paragraphs about these sentences


4. where is the bathroom?: The place with the bath, duh.


5. what is my llamas name?: Llama.




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Test 3 Name: Atman Date: Teh end of teh world


1. What color is my underwear?! purple with blue spots


2. Which anime do i like better' date=' Naruto or Bleach? [b']neither, you like One Peice[/b]


3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences How about a picture?




4. where is the bathroom? ask your talking map. it's in the pocket of your canibal backpack


5. what is my llamas name? it doesnt matter. teh professor will still call it "Llama"


End of test!


Good! Now... where's that Impossible Quiz 3? Ah, here it is >clicks another tab<

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Name: Lollipop

Date: Today...


1:What Colour is my underwear? It ain't there, I stealed it, sold it to a hobo in cambodia then told him to call you and ask you out. His wife then slapped him, made him bleed on it and sued him. He's in jail at the mo and uses that underwear everyday. He used his only call to phone me, telling me he could'nt ask you out, and to tell you that you're wierd.


2. Which anime...? Bleach. It doesn't have a Japanese name. Nor has it ever ---ed my English teacher.


3. Can't be bothered.


4. Where is the bathroom? Piss your pants. No-one likes you anyway.


5. What is my Llama's name? No-one cares.

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Test 3 Name: pegasasu Date: AAAAAH PRESSURE


1. What color is my underwear?! ....I would know this how?


2. Which anime do i like better, Naruto or Bleach? You know the answer- why do I have to tell it for you?


3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences














4. where is the bathroom? -_- T_T


5. what is my llamas name? The identity of a llama you own.

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1. What color is my underwear?!


2. Which anime do i like better' date=' Naruto or Bleach?

[b'] Naruto of course[/b]

3. Gaara... OF THE FUNK!! unch unch unch unch GAARA, OF, THE FUNK!! (from the naruto abridged series on youtube) now write 12 paragraphs about those sentences

12 paragraphs about those sentences

4. where is the bathroom?

In Tobi's room

5. what is my llamas name?




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Test 4

Name: Rick Roll

Date: 9/11


1. tell me every digit of pi P-I


2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response Yes you are one


3. the answer to the universe? Chuck Norris


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like? Banannas


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1 Yes, but it's a dead dog

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Name: Diego Millan

Date: 14/3/10


1. tell me every digit of pi


It doesn't have digits. Digits are, like... fingers and toes. See? No fingers or toes:



2. Cheerleader Dog, now tell me your response




3. the answer to the universe?


42. Then again, that's also the answer to life and everything, as well.


4. if i'm wearing a mask that is superglued onto my face, what do my feet look like?


Who the bloody hell's lookin' at your feet? You've superglued a mask to your face, for cripe's sake!


5. i can haz doggy?!?!?!1?!?!/!?1/1/1/11/1?1/1?/1/1


....I'm not even saying. I think the answer would get me banned. >.>

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