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Test! (this counts for -1% of your YCM grade)


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  1. 1. Is this test...

    • "Fun"
    • Phailure
    • Who cares?! I've got cookies!

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Ok I'm bored and want to make a game. Hopefully this won't crash and burn like my other threads. Well I'll post a new test each week (if it's succsesful) and you try to answer it as wrong as you can. The most wrong/funny each week will get a 1+(if its good), Neutral (if its ehh), and if it's actually right no rep recieved. (I wont be mean and give ppl a neg)

BUT FIST!-- [spoiler=rules]

1 on your test, you may not spam, troll, or use profanaty-- wel no adult language period. (please do it for the children)

2 you may not do your test over.

3 Ok, get out your iPods kids! Go to virtual page 926, today were studying YCM and how they have pie





[spoiler=watch out this is long]























best failest

fail test


the winner

gets their


posted on

test 6

also they will

recieve 1 or 2 reps

no purchase nessasary



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Test 1 Name: Pie


Date: yesterday


1. What is your username: look up


2. Who created YCM: Mr. ohaithar


3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it: SHOOPDAWHOOP!!!


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =3.1415687421


5. type your ABC's

abcefgqwioouytttcjdm;sdjghaem,gnk;ejarhfg1234556473249+sd m. Yay.

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Test 1 Name: Pie


Date: yesterday


1. What is your username: look up


2. Who created YCM: Mr. ohaithar


3. If this is in the games section' date=' will you get posts for it: SHOOPDAWHOOP!!!


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =3.1415687421


5. type your ABC's

abcefgqwioouytttcjdm;sdjghaem,gnk;ejarhfg1234556473249+sd m. Yay.



lol F-

1 Nick


3Only on the third friday of every 4 months every year of the yellow cow

4 = a used condom

5 Anthropolagy

I'm putting up rules because of you

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1. What is your username? Bob


2. Who created YCM? MCY


3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it? As many as you get when you are rick-rolled


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =Pi


5. type your ABC's: abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabc

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1. What is your username? Bob


2. Who created YCM? MCY


3. If this is in the games section' date=' will you get posts for it? As many as you get when you are rick-rolled


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =Pi


5. type your ABC's: abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabc


you failed, good job *whispers under breath to self* "wow this kid is dumb!"

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1. What is your username?




2. Who created YCM




3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it?




4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =


(SHOOP DA WHOOP -9001) x Rickroll + Facepalm <----- That from left to right.


5. type your ABC's



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Guest Zeonark

1. What is your username?



2. Who created YCM



3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it?

Screw your posts I have money.


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =

Divided by zero.


5. type your ABC's



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Date: 2/25/2010


1. What is your username? (jk233_ultimatemaster)


2. Who created YCM? (YCMaker, a.k.a God)


3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it? (Not until 2012, lol)


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =


(Let's see, it would first be (SDW - 9001). Then add facepalm and rickroll and my answer.

"Epic fail"


5. type your ABC's


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1. What is your username?

Lil Jevans


2. Who created YCM



3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it?

If only.


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =

An explosion of internet memes. Whilst I faceplam.


5. type your ABC's


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Luna, Feb 26

1. What is your username?

I have one o.O

2. Who created YCM

Yugi Moto, of the Digimon Empire

3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it?

Yes. I will get +1000000 posts. That, or I will be banned.

4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =

I wouldn't. Too much work.

5. type your ABC's

your ABC's

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Test 1 Name: Ownage


Date:Last week


1. What is your username? ownage_is_aypic


2. Who created YCM: My mommy


3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it? No but cookies


4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) = Epicnezz



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so far Nero1010100, Luna Lovegood, Xion, and jk233_ultimatemaster have the lowest grades and funniest answers (if you check the first post, this was one of the criteria). I'll see who phailed the most tomorrow and they will recieve a chicken sandwich-- I-I-I mean a posotive rep. Bad luck out there!

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1. What is your username? a username


2. Who created YCM


3. If this is in the games section, will you get posts for it?

burger king.

4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =


5. type your ABC's












This is stupid fun.

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1. What is your username? a username


2. Who created YCM


3. If this is in the games section' date=' will you get posts for it?

burger king.

4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =


5. type your ABC's












This is [s']stupid[/s] fun.


i said you cant do your test over. For people who do this in the future, both of the test wont count. I'll let this slide because you suck are my in real life friend

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1. What is your username? a username


2. Who created YCM


3. If this is in the games section' date=' will you get posts for it?

burger king.

4. using the order of operations, how would you find the answer to: Facepalm + Rickroll x (SHOOP DA WHOOP! - 9001) =


5. type your ABC's












This is [s']stupid[/s] fun.


i said you cant do your test over. For people who do this in the future, both of the test wont count. I'll let this slide because you suck are my in real life friend

It was for fun... -_-
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1. What word am i thinking of: no word

2. Do you have psychic powers: pie.

3. what is byakugan: me

4. I'm such a narutard aren't I: Keyboard

5. ... hi... write a summary of the universe:

Once apon a time, ther was a yellow chicken. He ate my pie. I killed him. We all lived happily evar except we got truck by lightning, sending us off on a meteorite that hit the sun and gave us -5 degree burns.

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Test 2 Name:-Pichu-

Date: feb 27


1. What word am i thinking of?: pizza


2. OMG HOWD YOU KNOW!!! do you have psychic powers?: i have wizard powers


3. what is byakugan?: a ball thingy


4. I'm such a narutard aren't i?: yes yes u r


5. ... hi... write a summary of the universe: Big and black with cirlce stuff

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Test 2 Name: Why d'ya wanna know my name?

Date: Not now


1. What word am i thinking of?: Food, Yes, you are.


2. OMG HOWD YOU KNOW!!! do you have psychic powers?: How d'ya know that? You must have them too!


3. what is byakugan?: A type of cheese?


4. I'm such a narutard aren't i?: I LIKE TURTLES


5. ... hi... write a summary of the universe: The universe is in fat the inside of a giant Hippo, and the Milky Way is in the stomach. The big band happened when the Hippo burped.

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Test 2 Name: Why d'ya wanna know my name?

Date: Not now


1. What word am i thinking of?: Food' date=' Yes, you are.


2. OMG HOWD YOU KNOW!!! do you have psychic powers?: How d'ya know that? You must have them too!


3. what is byakugan?: A type of cheese?


4. I'm such a narutard aren't i?: I LIKE TURTLES


5. ... hi... write a summary of the universe: The universe is in fat the inside of a giant Hippo, and the Milky Way is in the stomach. The big band happened when the Hippo burped.


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Test 2

Name:Rick Roll

Date:Feb. 31


1. What word am i thinking of? Pie


2. OMG HOWD YOU KNOW!!! do you have psychic powers? No, you are just an idiot


3. what is byakugan? A nasty eye infection


4. I'm such a narutard aren't i? You were watching Bleach idiot


5. ... hi... write a summary of the universe. SHOOP DA WOOP

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