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Since a common lord and a Greek bisexual fish have dunnit...


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... and since I'm bored - B-O-R-E-D - B-O-R-E-D - of playing the same sheet...


... someone suggesta good band/artist anything new.


And, please, as much as you can restrain yerself, no metal. Heard it, wan that. One gets tired of repetition in a thousand Malmsteen carbon copies, and there's only so much to ask for when you've got only John Zorn and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum (and affiliates) to mine upon.


Also, refrain from suggesting anything hiphop/rap/whateversimilar. Experience tells me the age of rap-as-something has passed, and rap-as-sheet as set. Five years maximum and everybody'll move on to some other sheet.


(Rejoice, bastards.)

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