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PokeMon Mystery Dungeon: Distorted Days- New Characters! Ch 1 posted!


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When a boy named Dyl changes into a Pichu, the Distorted World opens outside of a small, quiet village called Junan Town. Dyl washes up on Bubble Beach and Mudkip finds him. They make a Rescue team named PokeMon FX. But a other team, Team Mads, wants to stop PokeMon FX from closing the Distorted World. With the help of their friends Dyl and Mudkip try to stop the Distorted form expanding to Junan Town, stop the evil Team Mads, and a creature thats lives in the Distorted World.


Here are the Characters


MDP172.png Dyl the Pichu

MDP258.png Mudkip

MDP090.png Shellder- Soon to be member of Pokemon FX

MDP133.png Eevee- owner of Eevee's Storage

MDP082.png Mangaton- Magnet Bank

MDP025.png Pikachu- PikaMini Shop

MDP026.png Raichu- Raichu's Shop

MDP106.png Hitmonlee- Dojo

MDP340.png Wise Old Whiscash- Whiscash Pond

MDP229.png Houndoom- Houndoom's Bar

MDP396.png Starly- Star Mail

MDP397.png Staravia- Star Mail

MDP398.png Staraptor- Star Mail

MDP040.png Wigglytuff- PokeSchool

MDP388.png Grotle- Friends-4-Ever

MDP440.png Happiny- Pokemon Center

MDP242.png Blissey- Pokemon Center

MDP089.png Muk- Police Force Leader

MDP088.png Grimer x8- Police Force

MDP393.png Piplup- Passing Bystander in Junan Town

MDP013.png Weedle- Passing Bystander in Junan Town

MDP190.png Aipom- Passing Bystander in Junan Town

MDP093.png Haunter- Team Mads

MDP429.png Mismagius- Team Mads

MDP024.png Arbox- Team Mads

MDP444.png Gabite- PokeTrapper

MDP178.png Xatu- Wise Psyhic

MDP282.png Gardevoir- Pokemon in Dyl's Dreams

MDP488.png Cresselia- Trapped by ______

MDP065.png Alakazam- Team A.C.T

MDP006.png Charizard- Team A.C.T

MDP248.png Tyranitar- Team A.C.T

MDP487.pngMDP487-O.png Giratina- Monster of the Distorted World


The place in Junan Town


Eevee's Storage

Magnet Bank

Raichu's Shop


Wishcash Pond

Houndoom's Bar

Star Mail



Pokemon Center

Police Force Jail and Office

PikaMini Shop- in the Field, NOT in Town

Bubble Beach



Beach Cave

Distorted Mt.

Plains of No Return

more to come


Now here it is Chapter 1

[spoiler=Ch 1: Beached Pichu]


"Hold on Dyl!"

"The storm is too strong!"

"Don't let go!"







"GET OUT!" Houndoom yelled while kicking Mudkip out of his bar.

"Come on! I only wanted a drink." Mudkip said to Houndoom.

"Yeah you did. But you ain't got no money." Houndoom said.

"I believe the proper grammar is I don't have any money."

"Oh! Now you're being a smart......" Houndoom said before Mudkip interrupted him.

"No. I'm fixing your grammar."

"Unless you have money, don't come in!" Houndoom yelled as he walked back in his bar. Mudkip walked away from Houndoom's Bar and walked to Bubble Beach.

"Oh well. Guess I'll walk around this beach." Mudkip said to himself. Then he saw a Pichu laying on the beach.

"Oh my gosh! It's a beached Pichu!" Mudkip walked over to the Pichu and started hitting it's face. The the Pichu jumped up in anger.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!" The Pichu yelled.

"I was waking you up." Mudkip said quietly.

"Wait. Did you just talk?"

"Yes. Wow you're a weird Pichu."

"You're a talking Mudkip!?!?"

"Yes I am. And you're a talking Pichu."

"What do you mean talking..." Pichu said as it looked at his body.

"Do you need to go to the Pokemon Center?"

"No. I'm not a Pokemon. I'm a human. I'm Dyl the human." Dyl the Pichu said.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HUMAN! HAHAHA!" Mudkip burled out. Dyl looked at Mudkip with a serious look on his face.

"Wait. You were serious?"


"Maybe you are."

"I am. Now I'm a Pokemon. No wait. I'm not! This is all a dream! And soon I will wake up on my dad's boat feeling great!"

"Come on. You're going to the Pokemon Center." Mudkip said looking at Dyl like he was psycho.

"So this isn't a dream? And this is real."

"Yes! I won't say it again!"

"Well.... are we friends?" Dyl asked Mudkip.

"Sure. HEY! Want to form a Rescue Team?"

"A Rescue Team?"

"YEAH! They help Pokemon in need!"

"Sure I'll form a Rescue Team with you. I might be here awhile."

"I have a PERFECT name! Pokemon FX!" Mudkip said while jumping up and down.

"Pokemon FX. I like it!" Dyl said. And so Dyl and Mukip formed Pokemon FX.




"La, la, la!" Piplup sang while walking outside of Junan Town. Then a purple cirlce appeared.

"AHHHH!" Piplup screamed while running away. The portal opened. and two eyes appeared.




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Looks good; great start to a story. I think you need something to explain a little more about Dyl's past' date=' but otherwise, I can't wait to see where this is going. I like the dialogue, it's just like the similar shows and manga are.



Dyl's past will be said in a future ch when Dyl and Mudkip talk to Xatu!

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