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Question about a Tribute ruling

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Ok, this is kind of a noob question but I figured if i never ask I'll never know. I couldn't really find any ruling about this at the yugioh wiki.


hmm how best to describe this... Ok, these are the cards were using, Mystic Wok and a monster on my side of the field and my opponents side of the field. What happens when my opponent attacks my monster and at the same time I activate Mystic Wok to tribute it? does the monster get tributed and I take a direct attack? Or is the attack stopped because it being tributed at the same time its destroyed?


Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but if you guys could refrain from flaming for it I would be most appreciative.

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Might as well change this topic to "[DISC] Mystic Wok".


I guess this could work well in your standard healing fairy deck with Neo-Parshath, Agents of Mars/Saturn, Ancient Sacred Wyvern, considering the high attack these can get (except Agent of Judgment - Saturn) to further boost them even higher by a large amount.


Even better there if someone tries to destroy these cards by card effects (since I doubt they'd be destroyed by battle if they have the high attack) it would be a good way to gain life points instead of letting them go to waste by your opponent's card's effects.

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