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The Gods are Among Us

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Okay I know what you're thinking. Oh Noez !!! Another know-nothing brat thinks he can make the HORROR that's the Legal Gods into something useful. LOCK THE THREAD!!!! LOCK THE THREAD!!!! Well, let me get things straight, for one, I'm a know-nothing jock, and two, even though we all know the new Legal Gods are nerfed versions of the originals, could they have a use? Here's the thread to answer that burning question. This thread is to post any potential deck types or future potenntial support. That's right, support, why else would they nerf the most popular cards?

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Obelisk is good enough to be funny. I HAVE seen pro decks fall to it a few times.


Ra is trash.


Slifer... dunno yet.


More support? Maybe. Wasn't there a card some butthole in GX used to summon Ra? Maybe a nerfed version of that card? It's hard to say. For now, their best bet is modified Monarch deck skeletons.

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