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ok so here goes

i havnt played yugioh since i was thirteen, tht was 5 years ago, i know alot has changed and stuff, but ive recently decided to start back up an ive bought new cards and decks n stuff, and contributed some of my old cards as well, but tell me, is this deck worth playing with? does it need work? alot of work? start over from scratch? or just little changes


heres my deck:




speed warrior x2


exiled force


tune warrior


Gemini Elf


Quickdraw synchron


Debris Dragon


Atlantean Pikeman




turret warrior


stardust xialong


night wing sorceress


sonic chick




quillbolt hedgehog


charcoal inpachi


darksea float


majestic dragon


water spirit


level eater


junk synchron


renge, gatekeeper of the dark world


stardust dragon/assault mode





Nitro Warrior


junk warrior


armory arm


stardust dragon


majestic star dragon





Symbols of duty


spell shattering arrow


ribbon of rebirth


synchro boost


smashing ground


double summon


silver wing


synchro blast wave


one for one


cost down


card destruction


lightening vortex


monster reincarnation




pot of avrice





torrential tribute


magic cylinder


sakuretsu armor


scrap-iron scarecrow


urgent tuning


reinforce truth


spirit force


threatening roar


divine wrath


assault mode activate




so tell me what u guys think, dont be too harsh, im jus stepping back into the game trying to get better. im gonna maybe try and play this weekend at a local tournament but like i said, i dont wanna embarrass myself so jus give me helpful tips, i dont wanna hear negatives

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