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[DISC] Machina Fortress

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You can discard Machine-Type monster(s) whose total Levels equal 8 or more to Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, select and destroy 1 card your opponent controls. When this face-up card you control is targeted by an opponent's Effect Monster's effect, look at your opponent's hand and discard 1 card from their hand.


This ruling makes me LOVELOVELOVE this card.


You can discard from your hand "Machina Fortress" and other Machine-Type monsters to Special Summon that "Machina Fortress" from your Graveyard. You can do this even if there is no other "Machina Fortress" in your Graveyard.[5]

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This ruling makes me LOVELOVELOVE this card.


You can discard from your hand "Machina Fortress" and other Machine-Type monsters to Special Summon that "Machina Fortress" from your Graveyard. You can do this even if there is no other "Machina Fortress" in your Graveyard.[5]


Well, it makes sense, because you can Special Summon it from the Hand or Graveyard. If it could only be Special Summoned from the Graveyard, you wouldn't be able to activate this effect unless it was in the Graveyard.

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You called? :D


My spirit monster in all respects. Cuz my friends support me, so they discard themselves to get me out. If somebody takes me out, I take them down with me, the battle effect. And if my opponent taunts me, I yell back a worse comment and they cry by losing a card (the effect monster targeting effect.)


That is me. And with this, I hope to rule the meta!

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I didn't know that... not super flippen epic' date=' but it helps to reduce it from a normal -2 to a -1



Summon Scrap Recycler

Pitch this

Discard 2 dead Gadgets

Return them both for a draw



-Dead Draws


This is why Fortress Gadgets are pro.


Fortress Gadgets? I never heard of it

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I didn't know that... not super flippen epic' date=' but it helps to reduce it from a normal -2 to a -1



Summon Scrap Recycler

Pitch this

Discard 2 dead Gadgets

Return them both for a draw



-Dead Draws


This is why Fortress Gadgets are pro.


Fortress Gadgets? I never heard of it


Let me think, the new structure deck ring a bell? I would converse the machina deck into a gadget/fortress combo instead of a union combo, unions are semi-slow, but gadgets are faster (just summoning one is a +1 in most cases)

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