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3-Part Contest: Over (LOCKED)


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ill post my cards now before i forget i suppose...


[spoiler=Card 1]



When this card is Special Summoned, destroy all cards on the field with ATK that is lower than this card's. For every card destroyed by this effect, those card's controller draws 1 card.


[spoiler=Card 2]



You can send this face-up card you control to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Level 8 or higher Rock-Type Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. When the Synchro Monster that was Special Summoned battles, discard 1 card from your hand, if you cannot, destroy all monsters you control.


[spoiler=Card 3]



1 EARTH Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner EARTH monsters.

When this card is Synchro Summoned, pay Life Points in mulitples of 1000 (max.3000). Destroy all face-up monsters on the field whose ATK is lower than the amount of Life Points you paid. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, destroy all monsters that are Normal Summoned or Special Summoned whose ATK is lower than the amount of Life Points you paid.


Eikolithos means Giant Boulder in Greek. It sounds better if you ask me ;)



[spoiler=Card 4]



During the turn this card is activated, if any monsters you control are removed from play, you can discard 1 card from your hand to Special Summon 1 of the removed from play monsters. Then, you can add 1 Monster Card from your Deck whose ATK is more than the monster you Special Summoned.


[spoiler=Card 5]



If an effect controlled by you would destroy a Monster Card you control, you can pay 500 Life Points to remove from play all monsters you control. When this card is removed from the field, return all monsters removed by this effect to their original Battle Positions.


[spoiler=Card 6]



You can only activate this in response to a card effect that you control that would destroy 2 or more monsters you control. Monster Cards you control cannot be destroyed by card effects this turn.



[spoiler=If you need to know the connection]

Activate Ritual of Monster Stealing. Summon the Giant or the Earthquaker or the Synchro. When it's effect to destroy all monsters on the field activates you remove them from play instead. You can then use the effect of your D.D Gate to Special Summon 1 of them, or use the Trap to negate their destruction altogether.

The mutt is to summon after the destruction and also provides an easy way to bring out the Synchro Monster so it's effect can take action.


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