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Witchblade: Bio-War [PG-16][Advanced][Started][Accepting by PM]

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Xandi transformed into her cloneblade her hair turns a shade light shade peach with green highlights Orange armor with green highlights covered her body. A iweapon started charging for Xandi as soon as she landed but she cut it in half before it could do any more damage.

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joey shot another large bolt of electricty hitting 5 iweopens in a row. "yay baby i love this." joey laughed. he jumped into the air then came down spinning with electricty around him makeing a sort of drill into the large tank.

"man Duchess is gonna murder me but hey thats if she can catch me."

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Duchess huddled with her team.

"Any of you remember Joey? Justice, I know you don't since he bashed you in the head with a lorry last time we ran into him, so I'll fill you in. He's a failed genetic experiment that can utilize electricity. He's incredibly dangerous, and must be treated with caution."

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Electricty flew by duchess's head. "now duchess is that anyway to talk about me its not like i want to hurt the lovly ladies around you." joey smiled looking even more like a wolf then usual.

"besides i wouldnt say that genetic experment it quite accuret. im tencaly a faliure. or as some people call me a muntant.' joey jumped down behind duchess putting one hand one her sholder.' besides you seem to like when im around it gives you something to do." duchess tryed to punch joey but he simply jumped back out of the girls range.

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Duchess mentally cursed herself.

"Joey, I thought we taught you last time to not play in our battlefields? As I recall, Ranger here managed to get you really good with a hammer. And why DO we have to always fight each other? We're always wasting each other's time duking it out, as the Americans say it."

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"well its not like i have anything better to do with my time. besides these bio bastereds are the ones who did this to me and senice i have no memory behond 5 years ago im gonna mak them pay for that lost time. you guys are just a bonus." joey laughed then reached out into the air making a sword appare the sword had electricty surging around it."now if you dont mind ive got some iweopens to take out. funny thing is i can take them on alone while you guys are so weak you have to team up. petheic." joey ran off leaving the cloneblade girls in his dust."oh duchess if you'd like we can meet up sometime privitly. you still remeber the spot i hope." joey called over his sholders.

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"Joey! I know you can hear us over our radios, so listen closely! I am NOT, have NOT, nor ever WILL have any sort of romantic involvement with you! You are a minor, and you already know that I am old enough to be your mother! Just go home and jump-start daddy's car batteries like a good boy!"


((This sounds funnier in your head if you remember that Duchess has a British accent.))

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Suddenly Justice was disappeared from behind Kitten. She appeared in a blur in front of Joey. In her hands was a large slab of concrete.

"Take this you jabroni!!" Justice brought it down on Joey's head with incredible force.

"That's what you get for bashing me in the head with a lorry you bastard!!" Justice yelled while stomping her feet while Joey was down.

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"bull crap duchess you know that i could very well be older then you besides you know you like me other wise you would have tryed to kill me by now." joey laughed "besides you know i dont have any family so i dont think i'll be doing that. also you realise that everyone just heard you over you nice little head set."

(btw joey has an austrilian accent)

"i'll see you if ya wanna show up...Ouch that hurt!" joey looked at justic. he suddly disipared out of her sight.

"hey justice if your gonna knock someone out do it right.!" joey appared above justice hitting her on the head with the broadside of his sword. as she sank to the ground joey leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

"thats twice ive knocked you out and left you alive next time i wont be nice." he wispered into her ear.

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Duchess's eyes seemed to burn like the fiery pits of Hell.

"That does it! You're finished, Joey!"

She charged towards the knocked-down mutant and placed her blade on the back of his neck.

"You try to get up, you die. Now the reason we work together is so we can eliminate the iWeapon's advantage of numerical superiority by destroying them one small group at a time."

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"ya well i find that ineffecent." joey grabed the blade."positve!" electricty charged up in duchess and she suddly flew back away from joey."you know i can charge things with a postive or negative right so that tactice wont work." joey charged at duchess with his own sword and the two began a dance of sorts with their blades.

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((Stop controlling my character!!!))


Duchess grunted as this punk fought with her. She grounded herself with several hair-tentacles to make sure she couldn't get hurt.

"I've-" CLANG! "-had-" CLONG! "-enough!!!"

She started to glow white as her entire Cloneblade form shifted. She now had a huge blade attached to her left arm that could also function as a shield, while her armor became more knight-like.

She easily bested him, and knocked him to the ground.


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"damn forgot you gals fight close range." joey jumped away breathing heavely."fine you win this round. i dont believe i could take another round with you right now. WINGS!" joeys wings suddly unfolded from behind him lifting him into the air. "good luck ladies cuase theres a big wave of iweopens comming this way and their all after me but im pretty sure the'll settle for you sence i wont be here." joey took off flying at high speeds into the atomsphere. then headed back to his hideout in france.

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Meanwhile, several miles behind enemy lines, a column of iWeapons sensed the energy surge, and changed direction to go for the new source of energy.

Several other iWeapon squads broke off their attack to head towards Duchess' almost-literal outburst.

Now, instead of the battlefield proportion of iWeapons relatively even, Team Duchess was about to receive three times as many iWeapons as they were expected to fight.

As well as something hidden in the wrappings of the arm of a young girl running towards the fight scene...

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Duchess settled down and reverted to her normal Cloneblade form as she saw him fly away.


She sunk down to her knees, relieved that she hadn't-

A sudden cracking sound caused Duchess to stop thinking for a moment.

She turned to her shoulder plate, which now had a large fissure in it.

Duchess just stared at the crack as the truth sunk in.

After 8 years of service, she was finally breaking down.

The fissure eventually faded, and no one spotted it, but the message it left the leftenant was clear.

Her days were numbered.

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"Duchess, this is Captain Flowers, over."

The radio link seemed to have shorted out a moment ago.

"Duchess, this is Captain Flowers. Something happened to those iWeapons, and Colonel Sanders is gone. I'm currently the highest-ranking surviving officer of the command platoon, and I would like an immediate extraction, over."



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