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[Ω] Club Zelda [Ω] - The Fourth Generation Remake

Zelda Hero 1

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I've got something VERY important to say.


Due to the fact that I am going to have just about the busiest year of my life, I don't think that I can be the club leader anymore


I might come back to check in once in a while but I am just far too busy to be an active member on YCM




Lief will become leader


Deckcreater will become co-leader


and Articuno will become the Nayru clan head


I will remain the leader for about a day but then I will tell a mod to hand the club over to Lief


Goodbye everybody

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No don't go XD XD XD

Well I'm sorry to see that you are leaving looks like there is going to be a fifth generation remake.....

Well please dude contact me over email or something ok?


EDIT: If It is okay I will go ahead and make the new club, once again I'm sorry to see you go D:

And I'll post the new club's link in a bit.

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Yeah I'm sorry to be leaving but hey, this club has been by far the most successful Zelda club so far


but I also think that after over half a year of being the club leader, it is time somebody else had a chance to be leader


so Leif, do not fail me!


oh, and I'll probably come back around when Skyward Sword comes out

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I won't let you down :D and SS (Skyward Sword) is said to come out around spring 2011 but it is not confirmed,Also Zelda hero When you do come back I will happily give you back your position if you want.

And now to start making the new club :=D=: (Yes that is a sad and happy face)


The new club is up, everyone must re-join but you will be put in your former clan.


Here is the link.


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