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[Combat Arms - Online FPS Action]

Rusty Shovel

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The only kind of match I mainly almost always play on Combat Arms now is Fireteam because there's always bound to be at least a few hackers/glitchers that destroys the fun in playing the ones where you kill each other. I went from 1.26 K/D down to .91 K/D due to versing nothing but hackers/glitchers. To be honest, for a free FPS, it's alright, but it tends to be more of a FPS that people hack/glitch more than anything else nowadays. I'd recommend the Battlefield series and even the Call of Duty series over this game anytime.


I used to play this. I just hated how you automatically became good when you buy NX points.


That's extremely true due to that anyone who buys NX points overpowers everyone else without them seriously due to the stronger weapons and better items/mercenaries offered to the NX points buyers.

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Most of the time i just did throw ic grenades,grab my minigun and shoot what i could shoot.

No 1337 H4X0RZ.

Also,i did glitch at quarantine.

I did throw a grenade at the big group of people at the start of the rounds,so if i did become infected,they would all get killed by me :)

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