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What if YCM became a country? It would be called YCMania, and he's what you have to do. This game will have a timeline of what happens to YCMania, listing DD/MM/YY in order.



  • You MUST list the DD/MM/YY in this order: DD/MM/YY, if not, it is treated as a fake day, will not be added to the timeline.
  • You must do real things. BAD Ex. 22/02/10 An army of trolls and unicorns attack YCMania and win. Good Ex. YCMania stucks oil in 15 places, thus ending the great YCM depression.
  • You can only do ONE date at a time.
  • All YCM rules apply.


I'll start off:


22/02/10 A large island is found 100 miles east of Canada. Officially named: YCMania.

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