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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Great Awakening [Pg-13] [Not Started-Accepting]


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In all the time i have been on this sight, I have yet to see a Mystery Dungeon RP. So here is my go at it.


[spoiler=Plot]- A great wind has begun to stir in the world of pokemon, The winds of destruction. Natural disasters ae rising up all over the World and pokemon are becoming more aggressive in an effort to protect their homes. To help out the homeless, injured, & the Needy, Pokemon have begun to form groups know as Rescue Teams. These Rescue teams are responsible for taking care of pokemon all over the world that are in danger of in just need of help.


- You are a pokemon, New to adventuring, You must form up with several others and form your own Rescue Team, Your goal, Help the world. But as a rescue team you will encounter great dangers and great challanges. To overcome these Challanges you will have to work together, and this is only half the funn. If you adventure hard enough you might find out something important, or even figure out what is going on.


- The rest I leave in your hands to find out, It could be just one thing or a bunch of things jumbles together. All you know it that time is short, so you better start looking.



[spoiler=Rules] -All Usuall YCM and RP rules. If you don't know them, don't join until you do.

-Feel Free to mess with the plot. I left it open on purpose.

-Feel Free to Add NPC's ONLY AS NEEDED.

-Keep it fair. Don't be this all powerful S.O.B. I will bann you if i find out.

-Have fun and keep your mind open. This is an RP that makes you use your head.

-3 Strikes and your out. To keep it simple, Don't break the rules.




-Pokemon: (No Legendaries)

-Teammates: (Maximum of 3)

-Squad Name and Rank: (Collaberate over PM, Edit when you find out)

-Your Attacks:








I will post my App at a later Date.


[spoiler=Locations]For both In and out of Town, I will add descriptions later.[spoiler=In Town] -Machamp's Dojo

-Meowth's Bank

-Spinda's Bar

-Kangaskan's Storage Shop

-Kecleon Brother's Store

-Alakazam's Memory Station

-Message Board


[spoiler=In Field]-Great Woods

-Mid Ridge Volcano

-Sunken Swamp

-Old Ruins

-Dragon's Cave

-Blue Cavern

-Power Plant

-Old Battle Grounds

-Infinity Tower

-More to Come :D



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-Pokemon: Ralts

-Teammates:squirtle and quillava

-Squad Name and Rank: team slam biggner rank

-Your Attacks:Confusion, Growl, telaport,shadow ball

Nickname: joey

Personality: Relaxed

Strengthes:phychic pokemons strenghts

Weaknesses:dark bug dont know what else

Bio joey wakes up on a beach with no memory excet his name and the fact he was once a human. joey joins with----------- and------------- to form a rescue team to help pokemon all over

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-Pokemon: Riolu

-Teammates: Ralts (If that's okay)

-Squad Name and Rank: Unknown at the moment

-Your Attacks: Quick Attack, Foresight, Force Palm

Nickname(Optional): Ri (Pronounced 'Ree')

Personality: Friendly, hyper, optimistic

Strengthes: Good at making friends, strong against normal, ice, rock, dark, and steel

Weaknesses: Afraid of the dark, weak against poison, flying, psychic, bug, and ghost

Bio: Ri used to live a happy family with his parents. But once the natural disasters started, his parents were killed in an earhquake. Ri spent almost a week mourning, and then decided that he would join a rescue team, and help other pokemon. He hopes that, by helping other pokemon, they will not have to go through what he had to suffer.

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  • 1 month later...

Its been 1 month, so I hope this is not necrobumping


-Pokemon: (No Legendaries) Chimchar

-Teammates: (Maximum of 3) Eevee, Riolu and Machop (or if its not to much to ask, Riolu and Ralts [spartan's and Ekim's])

-Squad Name and Rank: (Collaberate over PM, Edit when you find out)

-Your Attacks:

Nickname(Optional): Blaze

Personality: Calm and centered, he also has a fiery battle personality.

Strengthes: He doesn't want anyone to see what he saw.

Weaknesses: He is sometimes arrogant and self centered.

Bio: His family got dragged away and killed but their last words were for him to save himself. he decided to join a rescue team to live his life to the fullest and help Pokemon from danger along the way. He also saw a Bidoof getting bullied and he beat the hell out of those creeps.

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