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It's such a simple form though =/ I wanna join because it's a friggin' kingdom without a king =P And I wanna be in da Matrix empire


~King Matrix~ Is the king. o_O


But you have to do the form.


No' date=' he's the emperor in a kingdom of three empires =P


And YCM and her forms... =/ [b']All the proper information is above.[/b] Why do I have to put it in form structure?


It's because that's how Matrix wants it. Probably to be sure you'll be active and are willing to actively participate in this thread instead of joining for no reason.



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It's such a simple form though =/ I wanna join because it's a friggin' kingdom without a king =P And I wanna be in da Matrix empire


I am the king' date=' duh. Accepted.



xD I shoulda seen that coming!


Anyways, I don't own a DS =/ So I wouldn't really have a fav... But I want one =P And, on a related note, if I end up getting one, what game should I get?

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