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Moon Card Contest (Finished!)(LOCK)


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I will re-post my submitted card and include the Equip Spell card mentioned in its effect:



This card can only be Summoned or Set when there is a "Zanpakutoh - Kyouka Suigetsu" on your field. If there is a "Zanpakutoh - Kyouka Suigetsu" on your field' date=' you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. When this card is selected as an attack target by your opponent's monster, Special Summon 1 "Mirror Token" that has the same Level, Type, Attribute, ATK, and DEF as the attacking monster, and switch the attack target to that monster.




Send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to equip this card. Only once, if the equipped monster is selected as an attack target, conduct battle between the attacking monster and other monster your opponent controls. (other effects cannot be activated during this battle). If the equipped monster would be destroyed by a card effect, you can destroy another card you control instead.

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here is my card. i dont know if i understand the request, but if you see any prob PM me:


[spoiler=effect!!] Activate this card only when your opponent declares an attack and you control a face-up “Zanpakutoh-Kyouka Suigetsu” on the field. Roll a die and activate 1 of the following effect(s) depending of the result of the die:

●1-4: Decrease the ATK of all opponent monsters on the field by 500 until the End Phase.

●2-5: Increase the ATK of all monsters you control by 700 until the End Phase.

●3-6: Take 500 damage and end the Battle Phase.


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