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Moon Card Contest (Finished!)(LOCK)


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Nope no Bleach:)

[spoiler=Rules]1. All YCM Members can join!

2. No Spamming

3. Stealing will result in ban! (so you won't get ya points back!)



[spoiler= 1st Round Card Rules] 1. Must be Level 10 or lower

2. Divine Types are allowed

3. It must have something to do with the Moon!



[spoiler= Second round Card Rules]1. Make a card that has something to do with "Kyouka Suigetsu"

2. NO Pop Culture!


[spoiler=Contestants]1. →мαthєus.

2. Frex (Got Second Round card)

3. Versatility (Got Second Round card)

4. Boo Clan

5. gustavosuarez (Got Second Round card)





I will be the only judge

Entry Fee = 5 Points

I will put 50 points from myself to the pot


1st Place = 3 reps + 60 Points

2st Place = 2 reps + 30 Points

3st Place = 1 rep + 10 Points


1st Round Cards must be sent before the 7th of March 2010

5 contestants will fall out

Second round cards before 16th of March

Then, I will decide who are the winners




So everyone... Good Luck!

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I'm in:


When this card is Summoned, change all other face-up monsters to face-down Defense Position. Their Battle Positions cannot be changed. The effects of Flip Effect Monsters are negated.


-It is intended to be part of the Planet Series.

-It mimics the concealing effect of the official card "Book of Moon".

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so here are my cards! ^^'




[spoiler=Lore:]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card only can be Special Summoned by discarding 1 LIGHT monster from your hand. During your End Phase if there's no Field Spell face-up on the field you can Add 1 "Moonlight Zone" from or Deck to your hand. As long as this card remains face-up on the field "Moonlight Zone" cannot be destroyed.




[spoiler=Lore:]Once per turn, during your Battle Phase, you can release 1 LIGHT monster you control to increase the ATK of a "Moonlight" monster you control by 500. During either player's End Phase, If you control a DARK monster, remove all LIGHT monsters you control from play and destroy this card.



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[align=center]I would like to join.

I have nothing to lose so here's my card.

[spoiler=[size=large]Sorceress of the Black Moon[/size]]


This card is also treated as a Fiend-type monster. Once per turn, you can select and look at 1 card in your opponent's hand. If the selected card was a monster, decrease its ATK by its level x 100.



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I would like to join.Sending the points now and here's my card:






This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.This card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 3 Light-Attribute monsters.When this card is Special Summoned this way,select one Light-Attribute monster and equip it to this card.this card gains ATK equal to half the equiped monster's ATK.When this card destroyes a monster,draw one card.Every time this card attacks,decrease this card's ATK by 200 after the Damage Step.If this card would be destroyed,destroy the equiped monster instead.Once per turn,you can equip one Light-Attribute monster from your graveyard to this card.Only one card can be equiped to this card.Depending on the equiped monster,this card gains the following effect:

1000 or less ATK:This card gains 500 ATK

2000 or less ATK:This card cannot be destroyed in battle with Dark-Attribute monsters

3000 or more ATK:This card cannot be destroyed by card effects.

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