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Machine Assembly Line

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All face-up Machine-Type monsters on the field gain 200 ATK. Each time a Machine-Type monster(s) on the field is destroyed, place 2 Junk Counters on this card. You can send this card to the Graveyard to select and Special Summon 1 Machine-Type monster in from your Graveyard, whose Level is less than or equal to the number of Junk Counters on this card.


This + Machina Armored Unit + ??? = Profit?!?!


Machines have been getting plenty support lately...

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-Lowers the gun-

This is slow and not worth it. If it send "when they are sent to the Graveyard" instead of Destroyed' date=' I could have used it to collect counters when I synchro or something. As it is, just slow and bad.


But Machines DID get Machina's Fortress, which is epin'


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I don't get why people are thinking that Machines are going to be good next format. They'll still be meh, as always.


CyDra's Semi didn't make them decent enough to compete with the likes a Blackwings, Zombies (which aren't going to be bad next format btw), Lightsworn (even after being hit, these aren't dead either) and even Gadgets to a certain extent, while you guys are now going to flame me or troll and go "LOLGADGETSRMACHINESNEWB" they aren't.

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I don't get why people are thinking that Machines are going to be good next format. They'll still be meh' date=' as always.


CyDra's Semi didn't make them decent enough to compete with the likes a Blackwings, Zombies (which aren't going to be bad next format btw), Lightsworn (even after being hit, these aren't dead either) and even Gadgets to a certain extent, while you guys are now going to flame me or troll and go "LOLGADGETSRMACHINESNEWB" they aren't.



Even if something is not top tier, it can still be good, just look at gladiator beasts and such that were previous top tier, but fell down a slot due to restrictions and anti-meta.

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I don't get why people are thinking that Machines are going to be good next format. They'll still be meh' date=' as always.


CyDra's Semi didn't make them decent enough to compete with the likes a Blackwings, Zombies (which aren't going to be bad next format btw), Lightsworn (even after being hit, these aren't dead either) and even Gadgets to a certain extent, while you guys are now going to flame me or troll and go "LOLGADGETSRMACHINESNEWB" they aren't.



Even if something is not top tier, it can still be good, just look at gladiator beasts and such that were previous top tier, but fell down a slot due to restrictions and anti-meta.


Heh, they won't be good though.

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CyDra hasn't been Semi'd YET. It will on March 1st, so it isn't a didn't, it's your guess they won't be top. Zombies got hit hard from what I can recall, LS is alive, but not number one. BW are slower, but not by much.


And your biggest mistake was that you forgot about me!(Machina Fortress *everybody begins applauding*)


Machines will be good. Not tier 1 probably, but we never know.

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CyDra hasn't been Semi'd YET. It will on March 1st' date=' so it isn't a didn't, it's your guess they won't be top. Zombies got hit hard from what I can recall, LS is alive, but not number one. BW are slower, but not by much.


And your biggest mistake was that you forgot about me!(Machina Fortress *everybody begins applauding*)


Machines will be good. Not tier 1 probably, but we never know.



They most likely will not reach tier 1, but might end up as tier 2. Honestly, I see them being a more fun deck to play now with all the upcoming support, and the next list in March weakening current meta while strengthening non-meta.

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I found this funny:

Peacekeeper can be a Union' date=' die, you search with it -> This gets 2 counters -> This card then revive Peacekeeper, again -> profit


I <3 Machinas



... Hurray for new combos! Machinas might make machines more playable, not meta, but still more fun in casual.


What do you think I want to run Machinas? They are epic because they have alot of deck-thinning cards, in combination with awesome Union-based support.

They are fun <3

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I found this funny:

Peacekeeper can be a Union' date=' die, you search with it -> This gets 2 counters -> This card then revive Peacekeeper, again -> profit


I <3 Machinas



... Hurray for new combos! Machinas might make machines more playable, not meta, but still more fun in casual.


What do you think I want to run Machinas? They are epic because they have alot of deck-thinning cards, in combination with awesome Union-based support.

They are fun <3


One question, do you think Machine Assembly Line might get support, like cards which add junk counters, or will it be stuck the way it is?

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I found this funny:

Peacekeeper can be a Union' date=' die, you search with it -> This gets 2 counters -> This card then revive Peacekeeper, again -> profit


I <3 Machinas



... Hurray for new combos! Machinas might make machines more playable, not meta, but still more fun in casual.


What do you think I want to run Machinas? They are epic because they have alot of deck-thinning cards, in combination with awesome Union-based support.

They are fun <3


One question, do you think Machine Assembly Line might get support, like cards which add junk counters, or will it be stuck the way it is?


Even if they did, I wouldnt really run them in 3s.

I would only run like 1 at most, since it would be really situational to pull off.

But would still be pretty lulzy ;)

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