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First Attempt at a Tag Thingy

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[align=center]Lol so I just got GIMP I think yesterday, and today I thought I'd try makings siggys and tags. This is my very first attempt so I know it's complete and total crap so just throw your thoughts at me :3.


I'd like some help improving so if you have any tips just toss 'em here ^^ or if you want to tutor me PM me (Some tutorials are either to specific in tag making *meaning they tell you how to make 1 specific tag* or their just not specific enough *meaning they tell you to do something but they dont explain how to get there*)




Hope it's not to crappy ^^' It is my very first attempt and I was just getting to know GIMP and I don't know anything about coloring or text.[/align]

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As far as I know' date=' Lovely, this is a good tag. It's not the best, but for a first time, it seems nice...I don't know, I can't do any of that so...I'll just say 8/10



Dont rate in showcase...


Anyways, the tag is not good.

txt is bad.

Effect are just terrible.

No depth or flow

Dont use 2 focals

try again, but use a tutorial

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Thanks all :3 I'm glad to get some hard feed back because I wanna get better and the only way to do so is through hard comments >3


I tried using Tuts but they went over tags that were to specific or the steps werent specific enough.


I'd like some personal training if anyone's willing to offer :3?

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Thanks all :3 I'm glad to get some hard feed back because I wanna get better and the only way to do so is through hard comments >3


I tried using Tuts but they went over tags that were to specific or the steps werent specific enough.


I'd like some personal training if anyone's willing to offer :3?

I would try, but I'm not that experienced myself.


And besides naming the flaws guys, and mentioning stuff like flow, depth, try explaining more in depth what it is exactly, she may not know the terminology (no offense).


My advice, try not to use text too much if you're just beginning. It can distract from the other main parts of the tag.

Also remember to save as .png when you are uploading it. ^_^

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Guest JoshIcy

I'd like some personal training if anyone's willing to offer :3?


I know I don't post much stuff on here. But I do know my PS and GIMP very well (technicals). And I'm always on MSN for help when you need it.

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