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Faderon My Newest Pokemon Sprite Fusion


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making a fusion count as a fakemon is like taking someone else's work and saying it's your own IMO, but nobody here would know...


The claw is placed in an awkward spot, and the bulges are also awkward.

The neck where the head connects is mis-outlined too.


as a Fusion(NOT a fakemon) it's decent, as a Fakemon it's not.



don't worry if you're disdained by this post, there will be at least 3-4 'OMG THESE ARE THE BEST UR A SPRITING GHOD!' for every critique.

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i was trying for a fusion, im just used to calling it a sprite because i just do this stuff on youtube, mainly. thats what they call it there. i wasnt trying for fakemon. thx ill call them fusions on YCMaker from now on.


the claw's mainly there for a bit of comedy, but also for a kind of "duskinor's chest" feel

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