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LOL Card (Charge of the Light Brigade)

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That was on purpose.


Anyways' date=' It's a good card, and its limiting may just be the finishing blow to LS as a decktype.



lolno. Why do people continue to believe that Lightsworns are going to die?


Lightsworns in and of their own deck type are getting close to being dead in the meta though I've always found it funny that people defend JD by saying "LS would DIE without JD" even though LS are still very useful outside of their on archetype deck, and are even decent in that deck without JD.

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That was on purpose.


Anyways' date=' It's a good card, and its limiting may just be the finishing blow to LS as a decktype.



lolno. Why do people continue to believe that Lightsworns are going to die?




Herr [burnpsy] has just presented a possibility. The only thing that can overturn that... is evidence.


To be quite honest, there are more people saying LS will die than those who aren't. I was just presenting a possibility, but the fact that few are going to even give them a try now is proof enough.


As for you, you haven't done anything to prove your side of an argument.

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That was on purpose.


Anyways' date=' It's a good card, and its limiting may just be the finishing blow to LS as a decktype.



lolno. Why do people continue to believe that Lightsworns are going to die?



p><p>To be quite honest


As for you, you haven't done anything to prove your side of an argument.








These 3 cards still remain at least at 2, and this doesn't include Honest, Beckoning Light, or Recharge. The definately took a hit, but they're not quite dead yet.

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With Charge and Lumina, their consistency and swarming power is lower than before.


While the 3 LS bosses still remain, it's not mush use if they have to rely more on Beckoning because Lumina at 1 will get milled far too often. Also, Wulf's helpfulness has dropped slightly, as it was only consistent since most good LS players would have Lumina out.


Still, while their bosses and a good amount of support remain, whether their hit is too much to compete with other decks or not can only truly be proven by major tournament victories.

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Lightsworn is one of those decks that will never really die. Sort of like what will happen to Blackwings when they limit some of the monsters for that deck. People will still play the decks, they just won't be as fast. Tons of Dark, Zombie and other decks use Ryko. Some dark decks use Gale. Good decks don't die. They might get slower, or faster, or completely messed up from a certain banlist, and then next year, a new banlist comes out and the decks a contender again.

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Lightsworn is one of those decks that will never really die. Sort of like what will happen to Blackwings when they limit some of the monsters for that deck. People will still play the decks' date=' they just won't be as fast. Tons of Dark, Zombie and other decks use Ryko. Some dark decks use Gale. Good decks don't die. They might get slower, or faster, or completely messed up from a certain banlist, and then next year, a new banlist comes out and the decks a contender again.



As of now I would consider LS to be dead in the meta, aside from MAYBE some sort of hybrid. With lumina AND charge at 1, they lose a massive amount of speed AND consistency. And the loss of triple honest didn't help either.

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