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@Sakura: When does Yugioh Zexal air time in Japan?


I figured better explanation for my Ulterior Monsters, please tell me what you think.


[spoiler=Ulterior Stuff]

1st: Ulterior monsters go to the Extra Deck.

2nd: Ulterior Summon requires Spell and/or Traps. The materials are removed from play.

3rd: Ulterior Summon has Energy instead of levels. They are still treated like Levels for the effects of cards, or otherwise they would be just as powerful as exceeds

4th: In order to bring out, you must qualify for the right things…

A. Face-up Field Spell = 3 Energy / Face-down Field Spell = 1 energy

B. Face-up Spell cards except Field Spells = 2 Energy.

C. Face-down Spell cards = 1 Energy.

D. You must equal the amount of cards required on the monster unless otherwise stated and equal its Energy.

E. The cards required from your Deck listed on the Ulterior monster is required but does not pertain to the Energy. Cards in Deck = 0 Energy.

5th: Energy goes from the middle out in both directions

6th: You can only have 15 Ulterior Monsters in the Extra Deck. This pertains to the limit.

7th: Because they are hard to get out, they will have powerful effects. But it all depends on how many required cards there is to equal how powerful these cards are.




Sorry for double post...

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Yeah, I get that a lot because I have a female avi and right off the bat, people think I'm a girl. (So don't worry about it, although try not to forget again, ok?)


ZEXAL airs at 7:30 pm Japan time.

As for my timezone, it's GMT -10 last time I checked.

Ulterior, the explanation is a bit clearer for me.

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@Sakura: Well, so, it releases random numbers....and b/c we are talking bout it even though I should be asleep....lol...


Youma kept annoying me with his Pop Flying phrase....I still say he was dropped on his head, what do you think? Seriously, he thinks he can fly by saying that simple phrase.....

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Yeah, Yuma's kinda of a composite of those two, although not as good. (Out of those three, I think you all know who I think is the best [Rua].)


Although now that I think about it again, he's kinda similar to pre-Shippuden Naruto because he has a catchphrase like him. (Believe it/Dattebayo for Naruto, Kattebingu ore/I'm pop flying for Yuma)

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@Sakura: if you change it, how does that mess up the links? If so, copy the whole thing and then change the name and save it. Then edit it and put the stuff back....If not, open a #2 and claim npg thing.


Or go ahead and go full editor and then change the name, which is probably what you do....

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