Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 3, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 3, 2011 Well the name box is kinda hard to do, but otherwise it looks better this time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kotaro Posted April 3, 2011 Report Share Posted April 3, 2011 I can see a brown line near the top. Looks good apart from that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 3, 2011 Report Share Posted April 3, 2011 I got it, I just went back did the whole process again, and it looks way better, like an actual card you would see in the Extra Deck. [spoiler=Card] You got any names for it? And I thank you sakura for helping me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted April 3, 2011 Report Share Posted April 3, 2011 Sorry about "ignoring" you - I didn't check here today.Anyways, the card itself looks quite nice. For names, perhaps something like Duality or Omega? Yeah....sorry, I'm not very creative :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 3, 2011 Report Share Posted April 3, 2011 @Zextra: I'm not sure if the ignoring part was for me or not, but its alright if it was and you were. Also, thank you, I have the name now, they are gonna be called Ulterior monsters. They are found in your Extra Deck and everything. @The rest: Of course its not real, so you can't post it in the RC, but somewhere similar I'm sure, but I don't know. But I have one made and if you all want to know what do with them, I have it set up to, its long though. About a page is all. Also, I like those two names two, wish you were here sooner, lol. Oh well, no harm done. ;) This is all for the story I'm going to be writing if I can. I might need help along the way, but yea, so on so on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 4, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 I'd like to know how you'd get one out (in terms of your new Ulterior cards)Come to think of it, I might want to make a new summon mechanic for my fanfic (although it's mostly based on 5Ds stuff) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted April 4, 2011 Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 Since the Exceed monsters had more texture in the borders of the cards, I thought I would tweak around with it a bit ever so slightly...I apologize to General White if it bothers you. Here is what I came up with using the template as a base. Feel free to use it if you like.[spoiler=...] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 4, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 I think it looks good, Zextra although we'll let White decide which one he/she wants to use.Hopefully Exceeds get added to cardmaker soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted April 4, 2011 Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 Definitely - Sakura, what program do you use for your Graphics and stuff? Also, I had a little too much fun with this one - personally, I think it's way too much...:[spoiler=...] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 4, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 I use both GIMP and PS. GIMP stuff would be my animated Pokemon sig or the club banner. PS stuff: [spoiler=Here...] (Yeah, it's Ruka/Rua...on a Naruto card. Template took about a couple weeks to make) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 4, 2011 Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 @Zextra: I didn't care if you played around with it, that's why its here. Also, how did you do this one? [spoiler=How?] I like it and everything, the thing I wanted to do but don't have the holo is to make it look tiger striped, but can't draw that well. But may I use that one up above. Can you leave the effect box and the name the way it was, if not, I'll edit it. I kinda like on the exceeds how its bright and shiny and so you can read it. Also, if you keep making different styles, I might could go the original way I intended, Have 3 different but similiar ones for there look. Just b/c I always like to have 3 versions, and I could only get 1, so if you don't mind, could I use them. Well, the one above and if you can, make a tiger striped one, lI think it would look godly on a green background. Of course I'd give credit to the other styles, and I am going to remake my Legendary Trap and Spells when I get the chance. @Sakura: Well, it's similiar to exceeds, but different. They have what is called energy, but are still affected by gravity bind and skill drain and the effects that pertain to levels and negation effects. I made the stars. I'll post the mechanics when I get back. I have to go do ranch/farm work stuff until noon. But it took me 2 days to complete my thoughts on it, it was reallly a lot harder then I thought. But ii worked out in the end. - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted April 4, 2011 Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 I'm glad you like it. I think I can manage the text box, but I wouldn't know how to do the name... However, I will have to come back from school first, in another 8 hours or so...Also, I can give the tiger stripes a shot tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 4, 2011 Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 Well, that would be ridicoulously Awesome, thanks. Aslo, have fun at school, its funny, I use to have school, now I'm at work, lol. Well, take your Time. I like to see it. Also, do you use PS or Gimp or both? I just have gimp, but I g2g. Before I do editing on a card, I use lasso and grab things I want and save them, so that way I can change them back. Giving you a tip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted April 4, 2011 Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 Thanks for the tip, and yes, I use GIMP.I usually just do a Save As if I still need to use the original :)Anyways, have fun at work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 4, 2011 Report Share Posted April 4, 2011 @Zextra:Well, during the winter, there is not much to do so you get done earlier on the ranch, and then end up being bored so much, you end up on here. lol. That's why i miss college, nut b/c the work, but the friends and things to do there. the town mostly. Also, may I call you Zex, it would so much better, but if not, I understand. But on the ranch in the summer, I hardly ever get on b/c I'm actually busy. If I do, its b/c I'm doing something or not at work. @Sakura or Zextra: If you are willing to read, its in the spoiler's below. Even a picture I made in a card. I hope you all like. [spoiler=Ulterior Monsters][spoiler=Transcendent Sparkman]I think its alright with its strict summoning conditions. They are meant exceed past synchro monsters. [spoiler=Game play Mechanics]Ulterior Monsters: Found in Extra Deck 1st: An Ulterior Summon uses energy. Its energy is found in the middle of the card. In order to summon an ulterior monster, you first have to Ulterior Summon it. An Ulterior Summon is where you use Spell or Trap cards you control and/or in your deck that is required for it. An Ulterior Summon cannot use anything but Spell and Traps to summon it. 2nd: Face-Down Spell and Trap Cards are equal to 3 energy. So, you have a level 5 Ulterior, you need 1 Face-Down Spell or Trap card and a Face-Up Spell/Trap is 2 Energy. A Field Spell is 1 energy. All Spells and Traps in your deck are worth no energy, but required for the Ulterior Summon. All required Ulterior cards have the same energy where they are at. All material cards used for a Ulterior Summon must be placed there for 2 turns. 3rd: When you successfully Ulterior Summon your Ulterior monster, the Ulterior Material monsters are placed beside your deck, but are still equipped as a material card. They need the material cards to stay alive, at least 1 material. This place is treated as a temporary Spell/Trap Card Zone. When your opponent activates a spell or trap card to destroy a card, they can destroy 1 Ulterior Material card instead b/c it is a Spell/Trap card and they can look and destroy any given one. All Ulterior Material cards are placed in that one Zone. Cards that utilize Spell and Traps do not apply for that zone. Meaning jester couldn’t gain ATK from there. 4th: These cards are still affected from cards pertaining to levels and also are affected by cards pertaining to summons. An Ulterior Summon is still a Special Summon. 5th.Except for the part that the energy 1 Ulterior’s requiring 1 Spell or Trap card from your deck. 6th: They also can use required cards, example is, 2 Ultimate Offerings + 1 or more cards in your Deck. If they are required, the must equal the required energy to Ulterior Summon. 7th: Most Ulterior Monster effects go beyond Synchro’s b/c of its strict summoning limits. Ranks Requirements1 Energy 1 Spell or Trap in your deck2 Energy 1 or more Spell/Traps on the field and 1 or more in deck equal to its energy.3 Energy 1 or more Spell/Traps on the field and 1 or more in deck equal to its energy.4 Energy And continues down the line.5 Energy 6 Energy 7 Energy 8 Energy 9 Energy 10 Energy 11 Energy 12 Energy Now, I need to go and work on my Legendary Spell and Trap Cards. These all tie into 1 25 card set I'm making. Also, the story might not come out if no one likes the card idea. The story is about parallel universe swap, meaning anime characters go into this world we live in and RL people go into the anime world and are stuck there on a quest to get everyone back to there universe. How is that for an story? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 5, 2011 The Ulterior method sounds kinda confusing at the moment, but I'm sure I'll understand it in time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted April 5, 2011 Report Share Posted April 5, 2011 Sure, you can call me Zex :)I'll see if I can get the Ulterior concept better. Anyways, I have couple variants of a "Tiger" version, but unfortunately, it wasn't the size that I thought it was, so I was unable to remove the marks from the text box/name box :( [spoiler=V1] [spoiler=V2] [spoiler=V3: V1 and V2 combined] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 5, 2011 Seeing you guys make new templates is getting me fired up to try to do one of my own. Although I have to figure out a concept for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 5, 2011 Report Share Posted April 5, 2011 @Sakura: Sorry for the confusion of it sakura. But ya, think of it as exceed monster that requires Spells or Traps that you control and 1 or more in your Deck. The ones in the deck aren't applied to the level-Aka-Energy and the ones on the field are applied. [spoiler=Ex] Ex: Level 6 would have these different combinations Face-down: 1 Energy-LevelFace-up: 2 Energy - LevelsField Spell: 3 Energy - Levels So, following that, it has to equal to the energy-level, like synchro's 3 Spell or Trap Cards + 1 or more from your Deck. The higher you go, the more you need. So I need to change Sparkman's Lore. Face-down: 1 Energy-LevelFace-up: 2 Energy - LevelsField Spell: 3 Energy - Levels So, in order to summon, you need one of each or 3 Face-up Spell Or Traps you control. Hence why they Have extremely powerful effects. but if you have the lore like this 3 or more Spell or Trap Cards + 1 or more from your Deck. then you could use 6 Face-down Spell/Trap cards. Field Spells can be placed face-down. or you could use 3 face-up Spell or Trap cards. But they always require at least 1 from your deck. 12 is the trickiest. 4 face-up=8 levels+ 1 face-down=1 levels + a Face-up Field Spell=3 levels + 1 or more cards in your deck. =12 levels/energy These all are to be that you control. I'll update it with better rules and etc. hope this helps. ------------- @Zex: @V3: Can you make it look brighter, like really gold, and less, cutty or choppy, instead of overlaying it, try other variants, like lighten only, screening, grain merge, or dodging. If you can't,its good. And, like I said, I can fix the text box and name box, its easy. @All: I got MSE to use my template and Zex, i updated you V3 Template, and I like it now. I hope you will. Also, should I make a tutorial how to get cards on MSE. My method is backwards and not meant to work, but it does. I got it all to work, even the stars. I'm excited, now I can make my cards without gimp, booyah. Ask me if you want help, i can get exceed cards to work for you without replacing anything but a yugioh template downloaded you don't like, from MSE that is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 6, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 6, 2011 I have some MSE templates (even though I can't run the program itself). Although you could ask -Dae- in Tutorials how to add Exceeds (since he has a template) If you guys want, I'll give you my V3 MSE template for GIMP (with Exceeds/everything else added) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 6, 2011 Report Share Posted April 6, 2011 I actually asked dae if he could make me an MSE with it in there, but thanks for the offer Sakura. You should look at my sig and tell me what you think. I updated it b/c it is a good reminder for me, thought I was about done, but now I need to follow my rules again. lol. How High Quality is your V3 Set? Can you make the chibi cards, that would be cool? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 6, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 6, 2011 If I could run MSE on my PC, then I wouldn't have to make a template for GIMP, but I can't. But anyway, the rules for cardmaking look good (the 10th one screws me a bit because I try to find pics that other users haven't touched yet.) Everything else, I got pretty much. Now as for tomorrow's topic, since 5Ds ended last week (and yeah, still no sub for final episode :angry:), we'll just discuss ZEXAL again or continue discussing last episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fusion X. Denver Posted April 6, 2011 Report Share Posted April 6, 2011 On 4/6/2011 at 5:52 AM, Sakura Haruno said: If I could run MSE on my PC, then I wouldn't have to make a template for GIMP, but I can't. But anyway, the rules for cardmaking look good (the 10th one screws me a bit because I try to find pics that other users haven't touched yet.) Everything else, I got pretty much. Now as for tomorrow's topic, since 5Ds ended last week (and yeah, still no sub for final episode :angry:), we'll just discuss ZEXAL again or continue discussing last episodes. www.anime44.comThe subs have been out for a few days now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted April 6, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 6, 2011 Thanks Fusion, I usually wait for it on Youtube, but I'll go watch it now.(Or as another topic idea for tomorrow, I guess we discuss Naruto chapter) EDIT: Never mind, I found them on Youtube. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master White Posted April 6, 2011 Report Share Posted April 6, 2011 Actually, it has been subbed, unless it has gotten removed, but I got to see it, and I can't believe it took me all those episodes to find out what I wanted to know. Yea, my 10th one gets me to, even if no one has touched them, you still have to give credit. I'm sure Dae could make an Gimp Version for ya, he apparently knows his way around things. All you gotta do is ask. I really don't understand those Gimp xcf files. How are they s'posed to work for people. Oh well. What is Zexal about anyhow, I know its a guy character. Also, make note of this. Yugioh! = Guy as Main CharacterYugioh Gx = Guy as a Main Character Yugioh 5d's= Guy as Main CharacterYugioh Zexal = Guy as a Main Character These are all referring to the first Main Character as they start out with the Show. Also, can I order something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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