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★ Club Espeon - We have mastery over Shooting Star Dragon★

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Ah, Blackwings.


I remember my deck... <3

But my best decks are Lightsworn decks <3


I actually beat both Zeo and Oleon with them. And they're ultra pro card sleeves amazing deckbuilders.


Watching both 141-142 in 5D's today.


And to add to it all...




Lightsworn= GAG


also WTF

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Name: Fusion X. Denver

Nickname: Fusion

Favorite Generation: Tie between 1st and 3rd

Favorite Pokemon: ...Tie between Bulbasaur and Sceptile

Activity Level: High?


Can I join?

I heard about Leo being the new Signer and was like lolwut, but it seems legitimate >.>

Sounds like it's a good episode though.


While before it is dubbed.

Any way. Iam not sure if I can accept you, but I dont see no reason why you won't be accepted......

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@Zextra: Yeah I know. We were gonna see Life Stream Dragon next week for sure but didn't expect it today. And now my thoughts of Rua becoming a Signer came true


@Fusion: Accepted. (Reminds me to post in Akatsuki now)


And about the sticky, I'm proud of it so keep on being active for next 3 months.

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For me, junior year of high school is the toughest (get all the core subjects shoved at you at once + forced 2 year language + college/SAT apps). So far, it's not too bad (given that it's only day 2 back since a lot of kids are switching out of classes)


Anyway, for now we'll stick with 5Ds/ZEXAL discussion and have a "club sticky party" (off-topic)


BTW, can you vote for me in the YMB (it's in the Polls section)


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