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★ Club Espeon - We have mastery over Shooting Star Dragon★

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Its to do with Iron. You either have too much or too little. Think of it as Diabetes, but it cycle's around Iron instead of Blood Sugar.


I had an 'Iron Overload' the other morning, thats what caused the severe Blood that was giving me Nose Bleeds. I basically had too much Iron, my body had to release it all as a precaution. Since I released nearly all my Iron, I passed out.

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No pain, I occasionally get Back Aches, this is the first time I have passed out since I was diagnosed with it. It doesn't affect me in the slightest, the only problem is that I can't eat much Red Meat.


So the Topic is about Sleeping Giant eh. I have no idea what that is.


Of Topic: Sorry to kill the Topic, but have you seen the Malefic version of Stardust Dragon and Blue Eyes that Paradox used in the new YGO Movie? It's where Judai, Yugi and Yusei have to fight Paradox in a 3on1 Battle, against his Malefic monsters, after killing Maximilien Pegasus?

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@Kotaro: Yeah, that could be it, but I never thought I made over 1000 posts in games.

And yeah, Bloodrun's banned along with Larxene and other members, but I forget who already

Just a guess. I knew Bloodrun was banned, just not perma banned. What was Larxene banned for? If you know the reason that is.

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