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★ Club Espeon - We have mastery over Shooting Star Dragon★

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More surfing. Found few more with names. From serbi.net and something else. I don't keep track. I think the rock one is fake though. The only confirmed one is Spiriteon. I also think inviseon is fake, but it was too cool not to post :D












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Hey guys sorry for not posting in ages I've been busy with stuff >.<

Gay pr0nz?


I'm sure those eeveelutions are fake Brawleon looks like a hyena >.>

They look sprited. I'm no Poke-expert but I'm pretty sure the Pokemon keep the same eyes throughout their evolutions and well' date=' they all have different eyes.[/b']

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Agreed. You know what I want?


Imprints. Like, if you trade this with some pokemon that 'imprints' on the two pokemon.


A super Eevee with Arceus's effect gained by evolving Eevee after its got the imprints of all the other Eeveelutions and leveling it up would be awesome.


[On YN I just pulled an awesome combo. They had hid behind Dandylion. I had two Sirroco out. Synch'd for Armed Wing.... 14400 ATK + Damage ;3]

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That would be so awesome. I would catch it with my master ball. Well' date=' maybe not. Hahahaha.


Never thought of that: a Arceus Eevee.



Someday we'll get a Legendary Eeveelution


Wrong. Just doing a Jecht Here. *Cough Cough*


Lolwut!? >(


Oh and I just updated Firefox. NOT COOL.

The scroll sensitivity is .... unbearable.


I got used to it after a while, though it does annoy me at times with the scroll stuff.

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