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★ Club Espeon - We have mastery over Shooting Star Dragon★

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"Rimittaa Kaihou, Reberu Makkusu! Regureetaa Oopun, Ooru Kuriaa! Mugen No Chikara yo! Jikuu Wo Tsukiyaburi, Michinaru Sekai Wo Hirake! Goo! Deruta Akuseru! Kamon! Tekku Jiinasu Harubaado Canonn!"


"Limiter Removal, Level Max! Regulator Open, All Clear! Infinite Power, Break Time and Space to Open Unknown World! Go! Delta Accel! Come On Tech Genus Halberd Cannon!"


(Does this help?)

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What I meant was that to activate Clear Mind you had to focus on the battle and nothing else...


So, what if one of the characters couldn't Delta/Accel Synchro because they were too busy trying to remember their chants?


[On a side note, I'm so saving that for later.]

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  On 1/26/2011 at 8:14 AM, Bloodstained Ӄiva said:

It kinda sucks.


I had already made one for it.


"After playing for hours online and being glued to my XBox 360 I finally unlocked the Throwing Knife... To celebrate, I'm playing a children's card game!"


Most epic chant ever!

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Agreed, but the only reason SSD wasn't destroyed per HC's effect was b/c it got its removal effect negated and pretty much didn't leave the field + wasn't resummoned.


Although Vizor (Antimony) did say that Yusei can still gain his own Delta Accel, though he'll have to do it himself since Antimony is dead.

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But whatever happened to ZONE going 'yo d00d, i'm yoosai fud0'?


[Also... Sketch.


"17'5 N07 700 L473 70 F1ND UR 0WN D3174 4CC3L!!! (It's not too late to find your own Delta Accel!)"


"Alright... ZONE... It's time... LET'S GO!"


"Man, I'm getting pounded..."

"Time to call on my special powers!"

*Holds out hand dramatically while holding a blank Synchro card*


"Man, that worked last time when I needed Shooting Star Dragon..."

"d00d, i gave dat 2 u"

"Oh, yeah..."

(Dr. Fudo) "Yusei! It's not to late! Exceed yo-"



(Dr.) "Well, this is awkward... I thought only Yusei could hallucinate about me."

"i iz y00sai..."

(Dr.) "Who would've thought! You're such a n00b in the future, Yusei."

"Be quiet, Dad! I'm trying to call upon my main character powers!"

(Dr.) "Well... That's probably why you're such a n00b, Yusei. You spam them too much."

"But... My big plane goes shiny! ROBOT RAINBOW DRAGON ATTACK!!!! and all that!"

(Dr.) *facepalm* "Let me guess, you're going to get your jacket on fire, get heartburn and come crying to me because you didn't get Burning Soul."

"Naw. I already tried that."


"d00d! wut happnd 2 our crd gaem?"

"Oh! Right. Ummmm... Can I topdeck five cards?"

(Dr.) "You idiot! What did I say about you turning into a n00b?"

"But... My hair's all spiked and my jeans are really tight and I... I'm getting an odd sense of Deja Vu."

(Dr.)"Yeah... That happened in the first meeting of Yugioh."



"I never paid the fine for running over that Kuribroh!"

"i sweer sum1 did dis alrdy."

(Dr.)"Hurry up and play your card game. God, no wonder you don't have a girlfriend, you're too stupid to-"

*glowy arm powers*


"GAY PARA - Wait, it's only you guys."

(Jack)"So... You finished playing that card game?"

(Crow)"You're such a nub. Spam Blackwings, like me."

"I just might do that!"

(Dr.) "I think everyone's forgotten me... T.T"

"Oh, yeah! Dad, meet Aki."

(Dr.) "You nub. You fell for some classic anime female character with oversized cleavage?"

"Pretty much."

"bt in dah futah, i dunt got kidz."


*Yusei starts revving his D-Wheel*


*Jack runs over ZONE*


*starts stacking tuners*


(How did this sketch deteriorate so quickly?)]

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