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The People Who Aren't Mario[Sketch]


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I was listening to a song on the Youtube-I believe it's called Luigi's Ballad or something.

Anyway, it got me thinking. I draw Mario at least once everyday (unfortunately I'm not good at Mario at all), but I've never drawn anybody else from the series.





Please note the following

-This is Hand Drawn. Not drawn on the computer. Drawn in real life.

-I'm not sure exactly where his right ear went... Let's say he lost in in Nam.

-It's Hand Drawn on lined paper

-This is a sketch. Not professionalizedated

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Nice for a sketch


if it was rated: 9/10

Im just gunnah say it, even though I know at least 12 more peopel are goign to spam this thread, telling you "get lost noob!" and other annoying comments. So don't rate in showcase. Anyway, I couldn't resist not laughing at the title.but I'm starring at this picture and yes I noticed his ear but, then im like "oh yeah he lost it in nom, Duh -__-" and that tehres this beak thing growing out of his nose. "wtf?" anyway, other than that the only problem is the outline, because it blends with the hair. So I personally would get rid of that. I also want to ask, did you draw it out of your mind, or looking at the image?

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The l on waluigi hat is just backwards not upside down


No, not it's not.

Mr. L's L is backwards.


Since Wario (The Anti-Mario's) W is an upsidedown 'M', Waluigi (The Anti-Luigi)'s symbol is Luigi's upsidedown.




I know the Mustache blends in with the Border, but that's my scanner's fault really.

I did it by memory, during school.

I can't lose the border, all the eraser marks would make it look worse than it already is.

Also, I'm sorry you didn't find my title humurous :(

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ok, for the positive

the hat is draw nicley, and the circle were the l is is beautiful (i personaly an circle impaired) and the L itself is nicely done. the porportions are good, and the fact that you sketched him is great


and for the other stuff

his right eye looks off(kinda like he has a lazy eye, the pupil is too big) that and the eyes look uneven, as if the right eye is higher up. also, the ear looks a bit up, but the again, but the poze may be causing that


overall, nice work! I'd rater it be on blank paiper, but thats just me talkin. I definently would like to see more hand draws in showcase, especialy those that are scaned.


im likeing this, hope you draw bowser next! (my fav!)

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The l on waluigi hat is just backwards not upside down


No' date=' not it's not.

Mr. L's L is backwards.


Since Wario (The Anti-Mario's) W is an upsidedown 'M', Waluigi (The Anti-Luigi)'s symbol is Luigi's upsidedown.




I know the Mustache blends in with the Border, but that's my scanner's fault really.

I did it by memory, during school.

I can't lose the border, all the eraser marks would make it look worse than it already is.

[b']Also, I'm sorry you didn't find my title humurous :([/b]


In thepost i said "I couldnt resist not laughing at the title" Which means it was hilarious.

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