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Escape! (started/ still accepting)

Esplin 9466 Primary

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[spoiler=plot in just a few words] your about 18 years old. you've been training in combat sense you could walk. you have to survive with a group of others in a country with some of the most dangerous animals known to man, and then some.



One year thousands of children were kidnapped (4-6), sent to a base in a small country surrounded by some of the deadliest animals known to man, and some that are not known, and were forced to learn how to fight and survive. Many of the children tried to escape, but were ether killed by the animals or by the guards. After well over 10 years the number has dropped below 500, many of them were even capable of defeating a grizzly in one on one combat. The children were all trained in unarmed combat, however when they reached the age of 10, they were taught how to master weapons.

One day, for an unknown reason, the organization left the base. Still in the base was a small group of people who, for whatever reason, lack of fighting skills or lack or brutality, were deemed unworthy and were abandoned at the base with barely enough food and water to last a week.

Out of the small group some lost hope and simply waited for death to take them. Some of the people wanted to prove that they were worth and make it through the country or wild beasts, a feat very few were able to do, some of the remaining wanted to protect there friends who were left behind with them, and some just wanted to escape and go back to there home.



~4 lines.

~No GMing, spamming, flaming

~Don't post until you are accepted

~AT LEAST 1 post per 3 days. (Or sooner if i think you are not posting enough)

~Any ideas for animals unknown to humans, PM me.

~No OOC only posting. No warnings. If you have to say something then do it PM.




Precious items: (Any items that your character values with great Importance, and why.) ~optional~

Weapon: (Nothing that requires gun powder.) ~optional~







[spoiler=[b](Visser)[/b] Name: Zak]

[spoiler=Appearance: ]anime2520boy5B15D.jpg


Precious items: A Christian cross that is tied to his arm W/ a shoe string. His second sword. Both belonged to his brother who was killed 3 years ago in a fight against another one of the children.

[spoiler=Weapon: ]









[spoiler=[b](double_c4)[/b] Name: Sean Kozac]




Precious items: A medallion and a special longsword(Look at weapons) from his father, and a pendant from his mother. Both were given to him as a baby so that when he trains, he feels like he is brave and will never give up.

[spoiler=Weapon: Longsword]


It's actually is wider than the pic shows.




[spoiler=[b](XandiRae)[/b] Name: Xandi Uchiha ]

[spoiler=Appearance: ]girlwithswordjn8.jpg


Precious items: A necklace that was give to her by her mother that is a key with a hidden blade and 2 steel fans, twin swords her brother had given her on her before he died

[spoiler=Weapon: ]7977b9e0.jpgDMswordsnormal-1.jpg




[spoiler=[b](Bakura Kakashi)[/b] Name: Tomas]

Appearance: Bakura's hair and face. Everything else of kakashi, including scar.

Precious items: The Sword given to by his father.





[spoiler=[b](jcbballer )[/b] Name:Zero (Shadow) Senoe]

[spoiler=Appearance: ]Shadow.jpg


Precious items: His shoes, which were given to him by his idol, and his necklace that his father gave to him

Weapon: Twin Hook swords he keeps across his back, and his legs.



[spoiler=[b](Ekim1793) Name:Joey Miles[/b]]

Appearance: my pic next to my name

Precious items: (Any items that your character values with great Importance, and why.) an ocarina( given to him by a good friend)

Weapon: a staff that has a sharp lightning bolt on each end and has electricity looking marking all over it.



[spoiler=[b](Magion) Name:Fernando Medina[/b]]

Appearance: tall, skinny, spiked black hair with blonde highlights

Precious items: a swiss army knife gven to him by his uncle

Weapon: A katana he had stolen from the base's armory before they abaondoned the base and the swiss army knife



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Hey, Visser old buddy! Let's hope you stay on longer this time!


Name: Sean Kozac




Precious items: A medallion and a special longsword(Look at weapons) from his father, and a pendant from his mother. Both were given to him as a baby so that when he trains, he feels like he is brave and will never give up.


1. The sword from the pic.




It's actually is wider than the pic shows.


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We wont be getting any more people, so let's just start.


Zak was walking through the forest, he was being careful not to make any noise. "Come out wherever you are." He said as he placed his hand on one of the swords on his back. "Were are you, you little...." He thought to himself, when he suddenly heard something behind him. He quickly turned around, his sword in front of him, ready to fight. What he saw was not something he would like to fight on a daily basis. It was a giant snake that could probably swallow him whole. "Damn." He jumped to the side as the snake snapped at him. He quickly got on his feet & got ready for another attack. The snake attacked again, but this time Zak slashed his sword and, in one swing, cut off the top of the snaked mouth.

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Xandi was sitting on a branch in a tree relaxing and thinking about things that has been bothering her for a while. Suddenly she heard a sound in the tree next to her and she stood up slowly and looked around. "Who's there?" Xandi said as she put her hand on one of the twin blades she carried around her waist. Xandi heard something below her but when she looked she didn't see anything there so she decited to walk away. But as she was leaving the beast followed her. Xandi knew not to let down her guard so she kept her hand on her weapon.

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Zak put his sword back in its sheath & examined the snake. "This should last for a day or two." He said to himself as he picked up the snake & started dragging it back to were the others were at. As he was carrying the snake he noticed xAndi. "I have lunch.... And maybe dinner." He lifted his arms to show the dead snake, probably 5 times bigger than his body. He then heard something from behind them, he looked to see the animal that had been following Xandi. "Cool. I think i found Desert."

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Xandi looks at Zak. "Thats good to know." Xandi said looking at the dead snake in Zak's arm. Xandi turned around to see what head been following her and saw a White Tiger looking right at her. The white Tiger jumped at Xandi but she Dogged it by a inch and cut it in half before it could attack again and she put her sword away. Xandi picked up the dead tiger and started walking back to camp where everyone was waiting.

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Name: Tomas

Appearance: Bakura's hair and face. Everything else of kakashi, including scar. (Except personality)

Precious items: (Any items that your character values with great Importance, and why.) ~optional~ The Sword given to by his father.

Weapon: (Nothing that requires gun powder.) ~optional~: Hands, Feet, Thin Sword like:335047-soul_calibur_super.jpg

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Sean was sleeping when he heard a White Tiger growl wake him up. "What happened?" Then he looked at the dead snake and tiger. "Good job guys!" he said to the two. "I could do better, though, no offense!" He wasn't trying to be rude, but he wasn't sure if they could do any better than they did already. He then looked at the sword his father gave him. I'm pretty sure that there's something special about this sword! he thought.

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Xandi put down the Tiger's body and walked away from the boy's to the lake and sat down on a rock and looked at the sky just thinking about everything that has happened in the past and wondering what would happen in the future. After a while Xandi got up and went deep into the forest to train and to be alone for a while. Xandi got to her favorite place to train and took out her twin swords and started practicing.

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Zak grabbed his sword, and with a series of slashes the snake had been cut up in to dozens of smaller pieces of meat. "Throw these things on the fire and call me when they're finished cooking." He said as he put his sword back in its sheath. "And stay on your guard. We don't know how many animals are out there." He Climbed up the nearest tree & went to the top to look out & see what he could find. "I'm coming back home mom." He thought as he looked in every direction, seeing nothing but tree's. "But first i have to get everybody ells out of this jungle."

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As Xandi finshed pratcing she saw something running through the trees she looked behind her at the guys they were all doing things. "I guess i'll just go find out whats going on they don't need to know." Xandi thought as she followed the beast quitely so it wouldn't notice her. After a while the beast came to a cave Xandi hid behind a tree as it stopped and looked around then it when in the cave. Xandi moved to the cave entrance and listened for a while then she heard the whining of people and she slowly started to go into the cave. All of a sudden she heard a blood curdling scream and she ran into the cave and killed the beast. All around the floor of the cave were bones of its victims and in the corner she saw a boy that looked to be around 17 and he was holding a child that look to be 5 or 6 years old. And then there was the lady dead next to the beast both boys looked at her. "what should i do?" Xandi thought

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Sean heard the blood-curdling scream and ran to the cave with his katana. Since he can hear very well, he made sure that he helped in any way he can. As he came to the entrance of the cave, he saw a bit of a blur, but he can see Xandi. He walked in slowly. As he walked up to Xandi, he asked, "What happened? Who screamed?" Then he looked at the others and the dead woman. Oh, my God! he thought.

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Xandi turns to Sean and whispered "What should We do? we can't just leave them here." Xandi looked back at the kids and start to walk over to them to make sure they were ok and not hurt. "What are your names?" Xandi asked. Both of them looked at her and the old kid pulled the smaller one closer to him. Xandi sighed and stood back up and looked at sean.

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"Okay," Zero asked, rubbing his sore head as he walked lazily to the cave. He had been taking a nice nap on a tree branch until someone had screamed and woke him up, startling him enough to fall out and hit his head. "Who screamed?" He looked around the dark cave and saw a boy about his age, more or less, a younger one, a woman lying on the ground, a large dead animal, and two of his peers. since he had just woken up, he couldn't see that the woman was dead, so all he saw was a woman lying down. "Hey," he muttered, walking over to the corpse and poking it. "Wake up. C'mon, wake up," he told the woman, prodding her head with his finger, then he checked her pulse. "She's dead," he said tactlessly.

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Xandi looks at Zero and shakes her head. "Good job Zero. Now tell us something we don't know." Xandi said slightly annoyed. Just then they all heard growl's from outside the cave. "Looks like another one is comming, and it brought friends with it." Xandi said pulling out her swords while moving to stand infront of the kids.

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[spoiler=OOC: ]

Sean heard the blood-curdling scream and ran to the cave with his katana. Since he can hear very well' date=' he made sure that he helped in any way he can. As he came to the entrance of the cave, he saw a bit of a blur, but he can see Xandi. He walked in slowly. As he walked up to Xandi, he asked, "What happened? Who screamed?" Then he looked at the others and the dead woman. [i']Oh, my God![/i] he thought.

Were not super hero's dude. We're normal people.



IC: Large numbers of wolves started to enter the cave, too many to fight off while protecting children. Zak, who had noticed everybody entering the cave while he was in his tree, was now at the back of the cave with about 8 other children from the 'Escape' group. "I never should have let you out of my sight." He said to Xandi. "You're Always getting in to trouble." He grabbed the handle of his sword. "Dont kill unless you have to." He said to the group behind him. "I don't like meaningless slaughter."

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