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Battle Fader - wow...like the world needs a new Kuriboh

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I still don't get why it worth $40


it's negate attack honest style for when your life points get attacked.


Still not worth $40 imo


I don't think so ether' date=' but I don't care about care prices, I normally buy packs.


Buying packs is good when your trying for common and rares but if you want supers and higher you really are better off just buying the single card. 40 is 8-10 pack and are you'll just pull crap in them any ways so you really are better off.


Still I do agree that this isn't worth $40.

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I still don't get why it worth $40


It's new.


You get to end the battle phase by sp. summoning this card thus losing no card and it let's you perform a tribute summon during your turn if it survives the MP2.


Sure if you use this card like a kuriboh, when you lose your field presence, to block an attack, it's clearly not that great.


And being a new cards means there's not a lot of these in circulation right now.

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Much better than Kuriboh. Too bad it gets removed from play when its effect goes off' date=' though if you return it to the Graveyard or use the one trap card where "Cards cannot be removed from play" (cannot think of the name off hand) [b']that would be Imperial Iron Wall[/b], its a perfect target for Recurring Nightmare. I love that tons of fiend monsters can easily be retrieved via Recurring Nightmare. I have made a fiend deck used 0 DEF monsters which worked fairly well.

Basically, as has been said, this is an awesome card.


imperial fading countdown?




It's popular because Jack used it?



Most people who play don't watch the anime. They like it because it stops OTKs cold. Suck it, Gyzarus!

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Whenever new cards come out, they are expensive. Simply put, cards should not be too expensive unless they are tier 1, and I do not know where Final Countdown builds fit into the tier list right now. However, if a card is new, refer to the laws of supply and demand, limited supply, unlimited demand, price goes up/starts high.

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