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Ezio - X

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Renders =/


Picture you want rendered:












What you want rendered off it: Take out the Backgrounds =/ I just want the demons x3


Price you thinks is good (if still acceptable)= I don't know about 30 or 40 for each one? =/ if not just tell me how much would it be before make it ^^

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Renders =/


Picture you want rendered:












What you want rendered off it: Take out the Backgrounds =/ I just want the demons x3


Price you thinks is good (if still acceptable)= I don't know about 30 or 40 for each one? =/ if not just tell me how much would it be before make it ^^


I'm sorry' date=' but there are three of these that I cant do. I've done the other two but I'm luckey you havn't payed me yet.

[spoiler=Leviathan'] 011.png


[spoiler=Belphegor] 012-1.png


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