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Ezio - X

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Correct me if i'm wrong but this should be the colour. If not then i'm sorry cause i'm colour blind.

[spoiler=King of tha South Pack] OCG_Pack_5Ds_EHK.png




your color blind? lol thats intresting.. im not trying to be rude i just dont know really anyone whos color blind..


but yeahh it looks pretty good thanks ^_^

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A render- deidara from naruto (perferably the wallpaper from the website with no text)

What you want the Avi to look like- deidara render with a rocky (but not a mountain) background. the text should say "Art is a Bang." make the text red please


2 points right?

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I don't think these are renders since they have white backrounds instead of black on paint but if they are tell me. Render please :3

[spoiler=Chaos] 300px-Chaos.jpg


[spoiler=Famfrit] 300px-Ffxii_espers_famfrit.jpg


[spoiler=Squall] 175px-Dissidia_Squall.png






that good?


OK' date=' I've finished.

On GIMP 2.6, it comes up that the first one is allready a render, so I'll give you 7 points back if you want.

[spoiler=Famfrit'] render2-1.png


[spoiler=Squall] Render3-1.png



@ [Naruto], I'm doing yours now.

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