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Tag [Gaara]


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Cool. I would remove scanlines and add lighting at the right.



I agree. I noticed in almost every one of your tags, you use scan lines. Though at least you know how to put scanlines Dx. Lol. I still haven't learned the secret =O. Anyway, i dont liek the random red sploch/thing in between his hands. A better lighting would also work. But, I like it ;D

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Thanks :D


It's like 2:45 am here :D I don't like sleep so I just decide to follow a 3 part tutorial and waste an hour of my life making a new tag.


Lol. I kow how you feel' date=' except my leate night tries usually end up failures. But thats cause I CAN'T USE SCANLINES! >=O







Note to self: Learn how to use ScanLines. IMEDIATLY!

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Thanks :D Always like a good comeback :D


AS for Scanlines:


MAke a new canvas on GIMP, 3x3, transparent BG. Use the pencil tool at 1.00 at draw a diagonal line across the canvas. Save as something like 'scanline pattern'.pat. Save as .pat!!


Drag it the file into D:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\patterns or if not, D:\Documents and Settings\[username]\.gimp-2.6\patterns. Or If photoshop, the acquired Photoshop patterns folder.


And yay 2000 posts :D

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I could teach you if you want................


Really? I hate to "impose" (yeah idk what that means. Tv) Anyway. That would be great thnx :D

How do you use scanlines?

The tag is very good :D Keep it up.


Back off sista, i got here first >;O.

Fo Shizzle :3

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Make a new canvas on GIMP [OR Photoshop of course :P]' date=' 3x3, transparent BG. Use the pencil tool at 1.00 at draw a diagonal line across the canvas. Save as something like 'scanline pattern'.pat. Save as .pat!!


Drag it the file into D:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\patterns or if not, D:\Documents and Settings\[username']\.gimp-2.6\patterns. Or If photoshop, the acquired Photoshop patterns folder.


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