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Percy Jackson and The Olympians:Half-Blood Struggle[PG-13] [Accepting via PM,Started]


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Xaiklez nodded silently, her bow drawn. Her magical quiver glowed weakly in the darkness. Then she froze, as the tunnel began to slope downwards. Xaiklez shook her head, and continued silently onwards.


Zephyr slumped down in his seat. Xaiklez would never do that. Would she? Finally, he decided to try and sleep, in the hopes that he would dream and see exactly what had happened to Xaiklez. But as soon as he closed his eyes, Zephyr drifted off into a deep sleep.


Six Alkahest Items are lying on the ground, in front of one shadowy figure. The figure says something, and the Items instantly fly towards him. The Crown appears on his head, the Scepter is now in one hand, the Lance in the other, the Sword and Axe are sheathed, and the Bow is slung over his shoulder. The figure laughs, then turns to look directly at Zephyr.

"You think you can spy on me?" He roars, as Zephyr's vision begins to cloud. "I wouldn't be too sure, human. I'm your worst nightmare!"


Zephyr's dream changed, and he saw a younger May Castellen sitting at the kitchen table, alone. Her eyes glazed over, and Zephyr heard her mutter 'The giant's unbeaten,-' before he woke up suddenly.

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"Wow, I never thought of it like that before," Nate said feeling a little scared. "I never thought she could be like that. That she had enough sadness to be angry like that." Nate sat down on his bunk. "Why haven't you told Jecht this yet? Shouldn't he know also? I mean, if what you said is true, he should know now so that he doesn't do something to set her off." Nate took out his blade and looked at his reflection, and sighed. "This is going to be an interesting winter."

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Desiree shook her head. 'It's not quite like that. Nikki's smart enough to know how to focus her emotions. Jacob, Nikki hated him to begin with. Jacob tried to kill her, Jecht, all of us. Jacob tried to abuse his powers, until he realized that Nikki's were stronger. And so Nikki... Nikki showed him the true definition of power. Nikki attacked him with three times more power than any normal demigod should be able to. I don't mean to say that it's easy to anger Nikki because of her sorrow, I'm saying that she's spent years bottling up her negative emotions, so that when she does get mad, it's deadly. That's what hate is. Not being easy to anger, using the anger to become more powerful than natural. To use hatred as a sort of adrenaline rush.'

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"But how could she have so much power? Emotions are mental, not physical. How is that possible without being a child of the Big Three?" Nate was lost. How is she so powerful? Nate pondered. What will happen next time she gets angry? "I...I need time to think. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to be alone." Desiree shrugged and left. Does Jecht know what he's walking into? And what were Nikki and Jecht talking about with Brian when we left? Nate took a big, deep breath and exhaled. It was light out, but he was tired, so he got inside his bunk and soon fell asleep.

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"I think I can hear something!" said Harry. It was a pounding noise, like paws on dirt. It slowly grew louder, before a massive Hell hound appeared. Harry immediately drew his sword and bounded forward. He hadn't wasted his time at camp; no, he had found Dionysus' sword. He could feel the power surge threw him. He slashed the sword. The beast's head slid off it's shoulders and hit the ground. It disappeared leaving only a fang. "The spoils of battle..." said harry, quietly. "Let's get moving guys. If that is awake, I don't want to meet it's boss."

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Xaiklez started when she felt the power of the blade Harry had drawn. She nodded and the group hurried forward, down the ever-steepening slope.


Desiree was thinking to herself about what Nate had said. A child of the Big Three? No. But Alkahest... the Scepter which enchants her was crafted by two very powerful gods, Athena and Hera. And she has under her control the combined powers of also me and Marissa. Though I doubt that those were the only things going on... Nikki really did hate Jacob. And... I think she was mad at herself as well, for... for considering his suggestion. Jumping into the Lethe... it must have seemed so simple, but she didn't. Nikki refused to take the easy way out. And she hated him for suggesting it, and herself for considering it, and in the end, she took her anger out on him. And now...


Nikki paused. 'But we have no clue where the Lance is...' Hidden secret... I'm going to hope that doesn't mean what I think it does...


Holly finally got Diana into the big house, and laid her down on a bed in one of the spare rooms, where Diana instantly fell asleep. Holly left the big house, and began trudging through the snow back towards her tree.


Damian finished instructing the others, and grinned, watching his plan unfold slowly. Titin began strapping on full battle armor, as Mace and Shade left the old abandoned shack Damian was using as a base. Damian sat back in an old armchair. The walls were covered with different weapons and equipment, and the floor was littered with armor.


'I've never tried doing that before.' Shade commented to Mace, as the two of them walked over to Camp Half-Blood 'Possesing... sounds pretty powerful. Wonder if I'll be able to?'

Mace shrugged, then froze, as he saw Zelkiax walking quickly away from Camp Half-Blood. Mace gestured to Shade, who turned transparent, then flew after Zelkiax, quickly overtaking him, and flying right into him. Zelkiax jerked, then turned around.

'Who's there?' He called out, not seeing Mace, who had ducked behind a building. Then Zelkiax grinned. 'I am.' He took an involuntary step forwards, as Shade asserted control of Zelkiax's body.

'Now this is awesome!' Shade forced Zelkiax to exclaim. 'But that's not important right now. Listen, Zelkiax, I'm not too pleased that you're trying to force little girls to kill me, and I'm pretty mad at you right now. The way I see it, you have a choice. Work for me, for good, or I will kill you.'

'D-damian?' Zelkiax breathed, using his last ounce of free will. Then he nodded. 'That's right. I've figured out mind control. See, I control you right now. I'd have no problem at all releasing you, but... you work for me now, got it?'

Zelkiax nodded weakly, then found himself replying, 'Good. Bring me the girl, Diana Kindred.'

Shade left Zelkiax's body, still invisible, and Zelkiax found that he had control of his body again. How could he be so powerful?

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OoC: Um Blueeyes22 you need to ask me if you want to start a quest. And I dont want people going to the oracle anytime they feel like it. In real camp you have to consult Chiron and everything. Please dont do that again you have been warned. also...the a;kaheist weapons are run by Strateigist so ask him first.


IC:Brian nodded. He wondred where they were even going. Usually you knew but all they know is "beneath the frost". Brian looked down at the icy ground. He snapped his fingers. "Frost, it's all around us. Look!" He said pointing around him. "But how do we get there. Are there any ways to get below this range. Or the camp for that matter."


Alice looked at the girl who asked her a question. The snow seemed to bend around alice so not a fleck hit her even though she was wearing no coat. "I'm Alice. Chiron sent for me." She said looking back at the big house she just passed and slapping her head.

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OoC: Xaiklez is busy.



As they hurried forward, the noises got louder, and Harry felt them approaching the power. Suddenly, a fork cam into view. "Now which way do we go?" he asked to no one in particular. He tried to think if the prophecy could help, but then he realized it didn't really help a lot. "Let's see... I know! I'll flip a coin. Head's we go left, tails we go right. Let's just hope the gods have blessed us so I flip right." He did. The coin seemed to take eternities to land, but it did. The result was heads. "Left it is." said Harry, before setting of in the stated direction.

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ooc: True, Xaiklez is busy. Though it seems that we're nearing the end of the quest. We've almost reached Nyx.


IC: Marissa nodded. 'What cabin?'


Zephyr's eyes widened, and he reached into the drawer, and pulled out an old golden drachma. Finally, I can check to see what's going on with Xaiklez myself. Then he realized that he didn't have any rainbows.

'Aurgh!' He groaned in frustration.


Nikki bit her lip. 'Only one.' Oh gods, please let me be wrong about this, please let me be wrong! Then am even worse thought struck her. 'Brian, how can you leave the Sword behind without leaving your phone?'


Xaiklez hurried along behind them, in awe of the huge monsters around her. 'They're incredible...'

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OoC: True.. But I have an idea....



They ran for a while, trying to leave behind the monsters, but they couldn't. Eventually, they came to another choice. A mysterious man stepped out of the shadows. "I am Janus." he said. "God of choices."


"Leave now!" boomed a voice. Janus departed. "Hello, foolish humans. Why do you risk my fury by entering my domain? Who are you, and what is your quest?"


"I am Harry. Son of Dionysus. These are my friends. Tiaden and Xaiklez. We were given a prophecy and have followed it here. We must save Camp Half Blood."


"You are Harry? I imagined you... Well, never mind. Come, we have much to talk about." One of the caves disappeared, and Harry and the others walked down the other path.

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Alice bit her lip nervously. She hadn't planned for that. "I'm Not a camper. I'm just here to 'help'. There may be a problem at camp." Alice said. Exhaling and turning on her heel. "The quest kids would have to wait. Right now she'd have to drop in on Chiron for a suprise visit.


Brian looked up at the sky as the snowfall began to slow down. "I can't. The sword isn't TECHNICALLY in my phone. It's somewhere on the internet, some godly internet of course." He said. I can't leave it behind but I can just NOT access it. And my phone is like Percy's riptide it'll find me." He said. "But in order to get under camp we'd have to find a hole or something..."

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Nyx? Xaiklez thought, But why does it seem like she knows Harry? She shook off the forboding feeling she had, and hurried onwards, Tiaden following.


Marissa grinned, nodding. 'Unhappy with your parent? Or undetermined?' She's definitely a half-blood... But is she upset because she's undetermined, or because she's unhappy with her parent? Unhappy that they've left her alone? Hard to tell... Sometimes it's the same thing. Feeling abandoned. Betrayed. Unimportant.


Nikki suddenly became very interested in the ground. 'There is one. In the forest.' Please, gods, let somebody find another way, any other way, please.

Dante glanced at her. 'And what do you know about that whole hidden secret?'

Nikki continued staring at the ground. 'I don't think I want to know.'

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Jecht was just listening to Brain and Nikki talk, seeming not to have any input. The Labyrinth! The idea popped into his head like he was struck by lightning. It streches all across the world. Maybe under Camp-Half Blood. It there was a very slim chance, even though there were entraces almost everywhere but it was unlikely. By the way Nikki said 'In the forest' he knew she was probably thinking the same thing as he but she probably knew where the entrance was. "Well," Jecht piped up. "I can see only two way to get underground, from here." HE glanced over at Nikki. "We could dig miles and miles with some shovles or . . ." He paused for a moment then continued, " . . . we can enter the labyrinth."

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ooc: I did not know that and in future i will ask, also i had permission from strategist to do that


IC: Nate was dreaming. He was dreaming that he was with Nikki, Jecht and Brian, but they could not hear him. All he heard was bow and then they fadded out. Then he was transported to a room with a woman. The woman said, "Go with Two to find out what interests you." Soon he woke up with a start from the wind howling. What did that mean? Was that the Oracle? What was she trying to tell me? Nate got dressed, grabbed a jacket and went outside into the cold. Nate ran outside till he got to the Big House. There he saw Chiron in a jacket, looking at the snow. "Chiron?" he asked. "I had a dream that was about a bow, and I saw a woman that said 'Go with Two to find out what interests you.' I think it means I need to go on a quest. Can I go see the Oracle?"

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OoC: Okay Blue eyes now ur starting to annoy me. Why do people think they can just control Chiron and the other gods without permission. I never said you can keep going with your quest did I? Strateigist I need to talk to you. And Blueeyes PM me the full plan and ill aprove or disaprove...


IC: Brian shook his head. "I heard about that Labyrinth and I don't trust it. There has to be an easy way." Of course nothing is easy here at camp... "Well we should get started as soon as we figure out what's going on.


Alice nodded. "Yea something like that." She said waving a dissmisive hand. She seemed to speed up and when she was far enough that the snow swirled around her to much to see a column of water rose up around her and covered her entire body. It shimmered and was transparent. Invisible she turned and wlaked back to the shooting range. Someone had a date with destiny.

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He never really did say what Chiron answered. He left that for you. He isn't controlling Chiron, he's walking up to him. Don't be mean to the new guy. He's still giving you the choice of whether or not to have the quest.

IC: Nikki sighed. 'That is the easy way. But I have a bad feeling about the Labyrinth. We don't even know if there's an entrance in Camp. No, we've got something much worse than that on our hands.' She trailed off. Oh gods, I wish he was right. But I have a feeling we're going somewhere much, much worse.


She grinned. So she's not happy with her parent. Definitely not undetermined. I'll have to figure out who this girl really is. Marissa vanished, quietly slipping on her ring of invisibility.


Zelkiax sat down in Damian's shed.

'So glad you could finally join us.' Damian grinned. 'We do have quite a bit to talk about.'

Zelkiax nodded stiffly, eying Titin and Mace. Shade was invisible. 'You sound as if I have a choice.'

Damian shrugged. 'Well, there's that. Now then, on to business.'

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Alice walked up behind the shooting range as the water fell from around her and she walked up to the trio. "Hey guys?" She said walking up behind them. She stuck out her hand to the closest, Jetch. "I'm Here to help with Brian's quest." She said. "Chiron sent me." She smiled slightly as her red hair fell around her eyes. She laughed and pushed her hair out of her eyes. Brian swalowed. She placed her other hand in the curve of her hips and greeted them each. "I'm Alice. By the way." She said looking at Brian. Then at Nikki. "I'm assuming your Brian." She said looking at Brian. "Your calf muscles are pretty cut out which means you must've been running or flying alot. Son of hermes." She deduced. Brian's heart skipped a beat. He looked away from her eyes because he felt like he was lost in them. "Wha?" he said. Then realized and said something that sounded a little bit smarter. "Um, YEa I am." Before blushing and shuffling his feet.

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Nikki raised an eyebrow. 'And I'll assume you're Alice.' She went through everything Marissa had figured out. Unknown parent, defensive, unhappy. This confused Nikki, as it didn't seem to Nikki like Alice was any of these things. 'So who's your parent?' Not too subtle... But it's hard to get out of a straight question. She glanced at Brian's reaction to Alice. Possibly Aphrodite demigod. Or like that Crystal girl. What was she, Eros? Desiree confirmed this. But why be ashamed of that? Well, she definitely knows who we are, and about Alkahest. That's disturbing in itself. Desiree, Marissa, come here.


Desiree nodded, seemingly to herself, then slipped on her ring, and began sprinting towards the archery range.

Marissa was already there, also invisible, her kinfedrawn. Just in case. Nikki frowned slightly to herself, thinking about how difficult it would be to get any real work done with yet another camper.

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Alice sensed the bends in the snow. H20 had a way with her and she felt a presence. She kept her guard up. Even though it was funny the reaction Brian got. You'd think Aphrodite was here. Alice gave a quick look around. Maybe Cupid was playing a prank on her again. She thought. She looked at the girl who seemed to be in her own world and had just asked her a question."Aphrodite." She blurted and then corrected herself. "I mean my mother is...a sea goddess." She said looking away as she was distracted by something scuttling in the forest. Brian took the excuse to look at her for a second and then he followed her gaze. It was just a deer. Alice looked at Nikki. "So what's the prophecy?" She asked. Brian opened his mouth but when nothing came out he gave up and handed her his phone which had it written on the screen.


It read:

Somewhere deep beneath the frost

A forbidden box, with hope, was lost

Humble yourself so you can see

what is there for you, and three

though evil is a tad too large

with courage you shall take charge

A hidden secret soon begot

a hope of love will be forgot

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'Right.' Nikki nodded. Definitely hiding something. Not Aphrodite. But sea? Maybe. She definitely knows Marissa and Desiree are here. So that's either snow or water. Or she's a hunter, but I doubt that. Otherwise, she'd be a lot more upset with Brian. I suppose she could be Amphitrite. Though I still don't think she's telling the truth. 'Alice, did you know that it's impossible to keep secrets from a daughter of Apate?' Nikki asked the question innocently, so that neither Brian, Dante nor Jecht knew what she was implying. This took a fair bit of her illusionary skills, making it seem to them like she was just chatting with the new arrival. Desiree and Marissa appeared, Marissa holding two knives, Desiree using her illusion powers to keep them both hidden from the three boys. Only Alice and Nikki could see either of them.

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Very soon, they reached a vast cavern. Harry could hardly illuminate any of it. Out of the shows, a girl stepped. She was about 5"6' and thin. He hair was black and she was robed in a dark robe. "You have awaken me, Harry son of Dionysus, Xaiklez, Daughter of Hebe and Tiaden, son of Iris. I know why you are here, but do not worry. Your precious cabin will be safe. There are more pressing maters. Someone is coming. A god. He will arrive very soon." A flash of light and Dionysus was there. "Right on time." said Nyx. "It is time." she said. Nyx closed her eyes, and the room went completely dark. It then burst into light and Nyx was revealed. He hair was blowing everywhere. But she was not the most strange thing in the room. The strangest thing was right above Harry's head. It was a crescent moon.

"I claim you, Harry, as my son!" said Nyx.


OoC: Lotta talk for that little scene ;)

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Alice swallowed hard but scrunched up her nose in disgust. There was enough water around to end these three quickly, or at least slow them down enough for her to get away. She smiled smugly. "Yea I know." She said before turning back to Brian. "So I don't think I'll go on the quest because you seem to have enough questers." Brian looked around at the three surrounding him not seeing the two twins. "No we only have three, the quest calls for four." Brian said with an uncertain smile. Alice opened her mouth to say something... Apate...Deception. "Fine I'll come if it's okay with the rest of you. I'd hate to think I was unwanted." She said with a smile at Brian. HE put on a cheesy smile and shook his head quickly. "No it's fine."

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Nyx's hair fell down, covering her face. Harry was too overwhelmed to move, but Dionysus wasn't. "I am so sorry for trying to hide it, but I don't think the gods can handle this," he gestured to Harry.


"Harry, you are a true God. You have power enough to wield the Sword of Dionysus. Anybody with mortal blood would have died, had they tried that. You must go to Mount Olympus! Camp is not safe for you. Kronos will try to recruit you. I can shield you. I have shielded many hero's throughout history. I have a gift for you, before you leave." said Nyx.


Nyx reached into her robe, and withdrew another robe. "Take this, it will shield you from evil. Dionysus will let you keep the sword! You are powerful now, Harry. You are no longer a Pawn in this war, but a guiding Knight. You can fight, you have proven it on this quest. I do not know the reason, but we must keep you safe!"

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Tiaden stepped back, shaking his head. 'No way. No way that's possible. There is no way Harry, a guy who beat me in a game of Guitar Hero, is a god. It doesn't fit at all.'

Xaiklez turned to look at Tiaden. 'Don't you get it? Everything makes sense now. Harry is-'

An Iris message suddenly interrupted Xaiklez. Zephyr appeared, panting for air.

'It's Harry! He's-'

'A god. I know.' Xaiklez replied. 'A god discovered, a new set of fears. An act not heard of in years. The birth of a new god.' Xaiklez turned back to Harry, her eyes gleaming. 'Harry, I-'

'Look, Nyx, if Harry's staying on Olympus, what happens to us, huh? What happens to the two powerless mortals that accompanied the god?' Tiaden asked, still doubtful of the fact that Harry was a god. 'How do we fit into all of this? Harry could have gone on just fine without us.'


Nikki saw the contempt in Alice's face, and Marissa and Desiree circled around her, using their illusionary powers to make it seem that they hadn't moved.

'So,' Nikki said, screening her voice from the three boys. 'You're thinking about killing us, are you? Well, bring it on.' Nikki drew her knife, still hiding any movement from the others.


Dante glanced dubiously at Brian. 'So what, am I invisible or something?' Then he paused. As a son of Aphrodite, Dante could feel the love magic being used. And for once, it's not me! He though with a grin. 'Technically, we do have enough people. Unless, you know, someone volunteers to stay behind so Alice can come. Though the Labyrinth doesn't seem like the kind of place a water demigod would stay.' What is there for you and three. Brian, me, Jecht, and Nikki, that'd work. But Brian's too lovestruck to pay any attention to the rest of us. Hmm... I wonder if that'd work...

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"No, he couldn't. He needed help on the journey. You are not powerless. Everybody has a role. Now, it is time for us to leave! I will bring you to Mount Olympus. I must have a quick word with my great grands- actually, I don't really know how he is related to me." Every thing was happening so fast. Nyx was emerging from an ancient slumber, Harry was a god; it was enough to confuse Harry. But, without hesitation, Nyx closed her eyes, and they appeared in Olympus. "I have never been here." she said. She led the party through the streets. As she passed, people looked at her, confused. She was older then all of the residents of Olympus. Only a few could possibly know her. It was night. They arrived at a square. Nyx found a rock and stood on it. "Chaos had 5 children! Tartarus, Gaia, Eros, Erebus and Nyx! My siblings have faded, but I have not! I am here, I call upon you, Zeus!" And with that, Zeus appeared.


"Who dares call upon me, mighty King of the Gods!" He looked, and saw Nyx.


"Tis I! Nyx, Goddess of Night and Mother of Death! I bring you Harry, my youngest offspring!" Her voice resonated across the entire mountain. The words boomed through the streets.


OoC Don't worry, Nyx will disappear very soon....

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