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Percy Jackson and The Olympians:Half-Blood Struggle[PG-13] [Accepting via PM,Started]


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Xaiklez asked, 'So where exactly are we going?' Then she grinned to herself. You know, the other Hunters probably hate my guts. I'm questing with two boys and a male god, and being helped by an old man. Zoe will kill me when she finds out.


Back at the house, Zephyr found out an important secret of life. Never give all of your money to a person when they're going to the Realm of Night. A god discovered... not heard of for years...a new set of fears... Oh Gods!! He gasped as he realized what the prophecy actually meant. 'I've got to tell them! Where's a drachma when you need one?' Zephyr desperately looked around his room for even a single golden drachma, realizing too late that Tiaden had brought all of them with him, leaving Zephyr unable to tell anyone about the prophecy.

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"Guys, would you mind slowing down?!?" shouted Harry after the others. meanwhile, Zephyrus had heard Xaiklez's question.


"We are going to my private airport. Do not fear, it is close. Actually, it is not so private anymore. You see, mortals have begun using it regularly. I believe they refer to it as JFK commonly, which is short for John F. Kennedy International Airport. I do not know why it attracts them, but do not worry. I have a personal landing strip that only I can use."

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Xaiklez nodded, and slowed down for Harry. 'I see. So, since you're a god, do you know how fast we'd need to travel East to stay at midnight? You wind gods' control also includes stuff like travel, right? Or is that Hermes? Or both? Technically, two gods could control the same thing, like Aphrodite and Eros, but is it the same with Hermes and the wind gods?'

Tiaden cut in. 'We'd actually have to go pretty slowly for a plane to keep up with midnight, if Zephyr's right and it'll only work if we follow the time, to the minute.'

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"Each time zone is 1/24 of the earth's circumference, right? so their for we must move at the speed of 1 circumference of the earth per day. It is actually a relatively fast speed for mortals, but easy for me." Zephyrus explained. He too had slowed his pace for Harry. Their was a strong wind helping them along. Harry was thankful for it, It allowed him to run faster ten he could have ever run in normal conditions.


"Ok. So how long do we have until we get to the airport?" asked Harry.


"Hmm, my guess would about 5 minutes." Zephyrus replied.


"Wh-what?!? How could we be going that fast???" asked Harry.


"Magic." said Zephyrus, without faltering

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Jecht turned around to see the Iris Message. He knealt down beside Nikki. "Wow, this is just great. We're running out of time to find the weapons, Luke decides to try fix his mess up and ends up screwing everything up along te way, there's some creepy shadow dude following us but I can't deal with him right now because Nikki is being merge together with two other girls which is extremely messed up, that I can't even explain it." He muttered to himself as the situation just got worse and worse. Jecht looked at Nikki worringly but didn't know what to do at this point. Luke was probably long away and he couldn't do anything to stop him from doing this. Jecht grabbed his head in distress. "Oh gods. What else could go wrong?!?!?!?!?!"

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'I'm not being merged.' Nikki corrected. 'I'm being...reformed. Luke messed up in his original attempt, now he's trying to fix it. He'll fail, however. I know that. Long distance is even harder than close-range. It drains your energy. Like Marissa.' She groaned in pain. 'Here's hoping Desiree and Marissa find another antidote soon.'


Desiree was using a computer she had found in the Lotus. Alkahest, google search. Wikipedia. Alkahest is a fabled universal solvent, blah blah blah, healing properties, blah blah, dissolves any container... solution... Composed materials! 'Marissa, it only affects composed material. Alkahest is useless to pure substances...' Like water, but pure water... too hard to find. How about... No... Iron? No... Should have paid attention in science class... Gold or silver... Actually, if the Lotus has this much things, it probably at least has a good water filter. Pure water'd work. But it'd work for me and Marissa, but Nikki... If Luke can't affect us, he'll have nobody to fuse Nikki with.

'Come on!' She instructed Marissa, and then she dragged her into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and shoved Marissa, flailing wildly, in.


Far away, Nikki started, and began to look a bit more normal. 'What's going on?' She asked, almost to herself.


'Epic!' Tiaden shouted, when Zephyrus told him they would be in a magical airport in five minutes, sped up by magic. 'Being a god must be so awesome.'

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"You're gonna correct me no matter what aren't you?" Jecht looked at Nikki as she started to look her normal self again. "It looks like they did find some sort of solution to it." He said to her constantly glancing back at the very mysterious child that had somehow followed them. Feeling a bit parinoid that he would stab him in the back with a dagger and murder him, just because he was demigod he had learned its good to be a bit parinoid sometimes.

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Nikki grinned weakly. 'Mmm... yes.' She got up unsteadily. 'Looks like they did. It's far from perfect, and I can barely hear them, but it'll work for now.' She glared at the boy who had followed them. 'And I say again, who are you?'


Damian was headed to a nearby airport. He positioned himself so that he could jump out easily, directing Titin to do the same. When the car was headed straight towards the airport, already inside the parking lot, they both jumped out, leaving the car to drive straight forward, into the building. The two ran inside, moments before the car hit the wall and broke through. Damian and Titin ran through, ignoring the carnage around them. People were running and screaming, their beat-up car was still driving aimlessly, and a fire alarm that Titin had activated moments ago blared out. Water rained down on everyone, only adding to the confusion. Titin shoved his way through a line of people going through the metal detectors, Damian following discretely, quiet and unnoticed. Then they ran through a doorway off to the side, and Damian gave Titin some parting words. 'Get Mace. Bring him to Camp. Kill Zephyr. Kill Chiron. Kill everyone in your way. Go!' Titin ran outside again, attracting plenty of attention. Damian slipped quietly out of the doorway they were in, and ran past some people, pickpocketing somebody's ticket in the process. Now all he had to do was get on the plane.

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Jecht stood close to Nikki to make sure she wouldn't fall considering all she had been through today and was surprised she could even stand after Luke's poor attempt of, as Nikki corrected him "reforming" the three of them. He now had his bow strung again pointing at the ground near the boy ready to move it less a couple of inches and release his grip of the arrow. His eyes were searching for any sign of momenvent from the boy, such as a draw of the weapon or him running away. "So much as a step from you and you'll be dead before you can even scream." He warned him but was a hollow threat. He didn't think he could kill a mortal or so much as a demigod. Mosters weren't a problem but he didn't think it was right to take the life of someone else.

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"It has it's perks." laughed Zephyrus, smiling for the first time. "Two minutes to arrival. The time is..." he checked his watch, "10:47 PM. So we'll board the plane and circle New York for a while until exactly midnight, then we will begin our trans-america journey!"


"I'm so excited." said Harry sarcastically. "Will food be provided?"


"Of course it will. I am a god after all." replied Zephyrus in contempt.

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Chris looked around at lightning and decidedit was time to get away from it so he started thrashing around in Brian's grip. "LEMME GO!" He yelled out and ripped himself from Brian's grip. Normally he would have made a good 'splat' on the ground but his eyes were clenched shut and he landed softly because he was unknowingly bending the time around himself.


Once on the ground he looked around confused. Chris' hair was now long and shaggy for years of neglect. He was taller and more mature, he was thirteen and understood all about his situation, with a small amount of control over his powers. Then he yelled out in frustration and any lightning that even came close to him slowed and almost stopped. He was filled with fear and ran from the camp in a desperate attempt to escape the gods wrath. Chris was using his powers to keep himself safe from harm's way by slowing time down extremely just wanting to get away from all the chaos.

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OoC: you shortposted awhile back can you fix that artemis, and why would chris squirm is he stupid. thats the last time I help anyone....


Brian landed near Chris and Dante confused. "Whats with all this?" He asked looking at the frozen Lightning bolts all around and Chris looking a bit older and understanding.


The boy walked over to the pair not believing their hollow threats. "I'm just hungry." He said trying to convince them of this. He sat cross legged and looked at the two half-bloods. To the two kids his cheeks looked flat and you could make out the bones in his face and side.

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Jecht felt a bit sorry for the kid seeing how thin he was but remembered that he somehow shadow traveled to them. "Well, considering we don't know you, you stalked us here, we don't know how you did that. Ummm what else? Well, I can't think of anything else but that's three against ya kid. Start talking." He said his bow still aimed at him. Jecht really wasn't in the mood for this. With everything wrong right now he did not need to be bothered at all. Right now he just wanted a nice hotel room and a soft bed for a good night's sleep.

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"But I do know you." He said. He realized what he said and opened is mouth to say something. "I mean I know your like me. Half HUman, Half." He pointed up. "I just don't know which," He lied. "Im scared, and lost." He looked at Nikki evenly but said nothing to her and kept his eyes on Jetch his abilities kicking in. "I just want friends. Sorry If i seem like a stalker." He said fidling with a pendant that he pulled from around his neck and reflected light in Jetch's eyes.

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'I don't trust him.' Nikki drew her knife, swaying slightly. 'Who are you? And don't even think about trying to run; I won't hesitate to kill you. Even if you are a half-blood.' She paused. 'And you are a stalker. Now tell me, no tricks, how did you get here? How did you follow us?'


Damian grinned as he boarded his flight. So now, in summary, Titin's gone, Mace has failed, Tiaden's dead, and I'm on my way back to camp. All in all, not a bad day's work.


Marissa suddenly realized that her dagger was gone. She felt in her other pocket and saw that her ring was gone, too, along with her plastic green LotusCash card. Marissa swore, looking around for her stolen things. Desiree glanced wuestioningly at her, and then she realized that her things were gone too.

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Jecht was feeling unsure now. He knew exactly how hard it can be finding out your a demigod when your young. He felt pity and wanted to help him but he didn't like the 'But I know you.' comment. It was highly possible he did mean he knew that Jecht was a demigod but his gut and this voice in his head said Just shoot him. He's lying to you. Loose that arrow right throw his heart and be done with it. Jecht kept his bow strung and looked at the kid to find out his response to Nikki's question. He used one hand to grab the jade pendant the hung around his neck. Then shot a cold stare at the kid. "He's lying. There's no use trying to get answers out of him."

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Nikki nodded, and steadily replied, 'Shoot him. Shoot him through the head and be done with him.' Then she grimaced, and held her head in her hands. My gods, I hate this weakness. Desiree and Marissa probably aren't having these troubles. I can barely stand. What's wrong with me? Even shadow travelling shouldn't have drained me this much. Desiree and Marissa should have sped up my healing. So why am I so weak?... She groaned slightly.


Desiree closed her eyes, sensing Nikki's emotions. "The Alkahest" She tried to tell her. "Me and Marissa were cleansed of the Alkahest, when Luke tried to change us, but you... you're still at his mercy. And it's killing you."

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OOC!!!!! You guys really! Strateigist i didnt want you to do that I just wanted you to know in ur subconcious. *Angervein*


IC: The boy raised his hands in defence as a hell hound lept at the two demigods out of the ground in front of the boy teeth bared and claws extended. He steped back into the darkness not yet ready to shadow travel but he couldn't leave just yet and he controlled the hound.


Brian looked at chris who suddenly stopped doing anything ((JK its just you guys like stopped))

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"Nikki?!" Jecht knew he should have killed the boy but just couldn't bring himself to do it. He loosed an arrow that just narrowly missed his head. "Leave now and don't come back. I don't have any time for you. This is your chance so take it." He put his arm around Nikki's shoulders. "Nikki. Just tell me what to do. What can I do to help? Anything. Really." Jecht said just wanting to help Nikki at this point. He knew something was seriously wrong and that Nikki was in a lot of pain.


Jecht stepped infront of Nikki to defend her. He twirled his double bladed sword at the hellhound. "Okay then. Take care of inmitate danger. That's the monster." He charged forward and swung viciously at the hound.


OoC: Chris is running away right now.

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ooc: Technically, you never told me to not kill him. And I gave him a chance to escape.

IC: 'Water.' Nikki breathed. She fell to the ground. 'Water.'


An Iris Message appeared from Desiree, using her powers, and talking hurriedly. 'Jecht, Alkahest is useless to pure substances. Pure water might work, but that's so hard to find, and she'd have to be completely submerged, and you guys can't possibly have brought enough water to do that, and even if you did-' She froze. She turned to Marissa. 'What did you say?'

Marissa repeated herself, and Desiree turned back to the Iris Message, getting excited. 'If Dante Brimston left his magical canteen of water, there's hope. It refills itself, so it won't run out. Get it, then try and get Nikki covered with water completely. Water is the opposite of Alkaehst anyway, so it's even better than anything else that you could use. Just make sure that nothing else is-' The Iris Message cut off suddenly. '-contaminating the water. It needs to be pure.' Desiree finished, not realizing that she had stopped projecting.

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The hound dissipated around the blade not really there and it dissolved as if it was a hologram. The boy exhaled in suprise and ran up to the two.

"Please don't hurt me. First the hell hound now you?!?!?!"

He asked falling to his knees. He knew his efforts were wearing thin but maybe he could decieve the boy a little longer before the weak girl caught on.


OoC: then what about Brian and Dante???

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Harry suddenly realized something. "Zephyrus, isn't JFK no where near a forest?"


Zephyrus smiled. "Do you remember what I said earlier about gods having a few perks?" He didn't wait for a reply before continuing, "One of those perks is that for me, the forest is as close to anywhere I want it to be." Suddenly light flooded towards them. Sunlight. In the distance, JFK was apparent. "We are arriving at our destination." said Zephyrus, smiling. Only then did Harry understand the full extent of how fast they were traveling. Much faster then even the fastest human could travel.

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OoC:I dunno aren't you controlling him. lol. Chasing after him? Pulled into a meeting with the gods? I dunno, they're yours and strategist14's characters.


IC: Jecht began rummanging through Nikki's bag after the Iris Maessage disappeared. "Pure substances, water, water, water. Pure water?" He muttered to himself. He was now completely ignoring the boy. His main object now was finding Dante's canteen. Jecht found a canteen and poured some of the water it contained into his hand. "How do you find out if something's pure? It looks okay I guess." Then before Nikki could do anything Jecht began to pour the the neverending-canteen of water all over her body, trying to cover her in it.

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"Here Let me." The boy said walking up to the two. He grabbed he canteen and pulled out an elemental stone from his shirt. The water flowed over it and it sparked with electricity. THe water molecules sepeated into oxygen and Hydrogen and all impurities faded away. HE then used the charm to rejoin, and evaporate the water. He placed the charm at the mouth of the bottle to make this process more automatic and he then poured the pure water over Nikki.

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Harry wondered if the god would just stroll in through the front door. His question was answered soon though. The West Wind led the three of them to a door into a small building that led directly onto the landing strips. "Right through here." Zephyrus said. Zephyrus placed his hand on the door, and it swung inwards to reveal a luscious lounge. Their we spacious leather couches, a bar, a giant flat-screen TV. There was even a pool table. "I like to have a few comforts when I travel." said Zephyrus.


If the plane is anything like this... Thought Harry. It was overwhelming to think that they would be meeting one of the most powerful Gods in just a few hours. One of them would die though. That might be a problem. He thought.

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