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Spade's Soulsilver Shop (New, Pokecoins!)


Should I Add More Items  

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  1. 1. Should I Add More Items

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This is my original PKMN HGSS Shop where I sell PKMN stuff like PokeWalkers and/or PokeGear. Although, Pokegear and Pokewalkers are the same in my shop.







[spoiler=Form for PokeGear]



Scratch Sprite |Optional| (If Scratch I need a picture.):






Pokemon (2 or More, 10 Maximum]:









Coin Color:





Pokegear: 5 Points, Free if First order.

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Improve it again, and i will order.. :]

that square need balanced on the right side, make it to the left bit more..

and this..

maybe if you want business try putting a splice example and make the "pokegear" higher quality...you can see horrible white lines...


you need to raise it to Medium Quality.. :]

and i will order if you fix the example with the better one.. :]

P.S. : my advice to give it trainer name' date=' pokemon name, and etc. be creative.. :']

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