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A noob question

Neko Girl


8 answers to this question

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As long as the obvious parts of the male and/or female anatomy are not explicitly visible, it's passable.


But sexual references are a different case, and are grounds for lock.


Oh, and don't make an ENTIRE thread all of those pictures, or it will be considered (as Josh calls it) "ecchi paradise", and will also be locked.


You can have the odd one contain a slightly explicit picture, and it's fine.

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I suggest, in order to stay from trouble, not posting that sort of type of image.

If you really want to (since you're 19) I suggest to stop from posting anything that "Your mom wouldn't want to see you watching". Get it? Okay.


According to a poll I made a long time ago, the avarage Card Maker is 12 to 14 years old, with the peaks 6 years old and 25 years old. At the world avarage people reach puberty and become perverts at around 14 to 15, making approximately half of the population of this gigantic site used to erotic stuff. But on the other hand, the other half, which includes me and many other friends I know would, if you post something like a girl wearing bikinis, treat you as an unlawful pervert. Become your 8-year-old self. If you saw a bikini poster, what would you say? "EROTIC!!" You don't want that...


As I said before, the treatment is something your mother wouldn't want you to look at.


P.S. If you're talking about sexual inappropriate material, that's what I think. On the other hand, I watch Higurashi a lot. Blood and gore are things all men and boys love. So it's okay to post links to those things as long as you say "warning-gore included". But sexuality is a no. We don't want this site to become a place where people change into puberty.

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