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++YCM#2's sprites and fakemon++=11 sprites+1 Map=


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Hey all you peoples! I felt like creating a showcase where I post all of my sprites. I am creating a region, and will be posting many fakemon here. Anyway, enjoy!



This is Ampisphere, an evolve form of Electrode.


I got bored, and started making a Prevo for Grimer. This is Dunglop.


Every game has a failure pokemon. It's usualy a fish, so here is Flafis.


Here is Phantini! He can manipulate shadows!


This one is called Nuthorn. Every game must have a normal type at the beginning.


Here is his evolve form, Penoose, the peanut shaped moose! This is my worst, I sort of rushed, so it sucks.


Yet another evo of Evee. I can't think of a name for a normal type version, so it's Eveeon.



Look! It's a Plusle Xatu hybrid! It even has it's own xatu poncho!


I call this one Swalts! The Ralts helmet makes it look like half of a watermelon.


Onion Surfing!!!


I made these for WSC 69 on Serebii. It's the Zombie Cactuses!


[spoiler=The Shikkou Region]1zqrjic.png

This is the first pic of my new region. I noticed that part of this map coincides with Cianwood and Whirl Islands, and will edit it acordingly


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Blue are towns with no gyms. Red are cities with gyms. I am making an MMO out of this, so I'm making the green areas for building your own house :). Purple is the beginning of victory road and the Elite four. I also noticed that my map coincides with Cianwood and Whirl islands. Look closely at the far right of the map and you'll see it. I will fix this and make a new map later.

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