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Yugioh 5Ds: Underworld Manifest [Started] Acepting via PM{check out companion novel}

Recteik Shade

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Oh, sorry, I forgot that Condor was leader. My bad, I'll edit.

And Recitik, I didn't know you were using a Blackwing deck, sorry. I can change if you want.

And do I have to put the Earthbound Immortal in my deck? I will edit.

And I edited the Blackwing Synchro I created to make it less powerful.


EDIT: Actually, I'll make a new deck, not Blackwing, more focused around the Earthbound Immortals.

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You know what, I agree with that. We've got nearly everyone we need, and the rest will join/be made by me. So, without further ado...





"And don't worry, sir. Yliaster is in good hands with me. The plan will be off without a hitch. Yes. All right. Goodbye, sir."

Regilus hung up the phone and sighed a deep sigh. They promised that he'd have full creative control when he stepped up to take the job. And now, here he is, being yelled at by a trembling old fool in an oxygen mask. Still feeling slightly annoyed, he pressed his intercom.

"Bring in Kai and Thomas, if you please."

He received a generic Yes sir from his secretary. He leaned back in his chair and waited.

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Tommy's big boss's secretary walked into the Tommy's room. "Your presence is needed Thomas." She stated. Tommy hated when people called him Thomas, it sounded so...boring, and Tommy was not a character who appreciated the things in life that contained no flavor.


"Watch yourself. For the umpteenth time, its Tommy. Not Thomas, or Tom, just Tommy." Tommy walked out of his room and rode the elevator up to the big boss's room. The elevator opened and Tommy walked out. His boss sitting in his chair.


"So, boss man, what's up?" Tommy said with a cruel smile on his face. He hoped that whatever it was ,it involved making prey out of an unsuspecting resident of New Domino City.

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Kai was making herself a cup of tea in what passed as an employee's lounge, although it was rare if she ever saw anyone lounging in here. She giggled to herself, adding a packet of sugar to her drink and stirring with a plastic spoon. Either everyone had a terrific work ethic or no one dared be caught in the lounge using it for anything other than making coffee or tea.


She flicked her raven hair from her face and sipped the hot beverage, smacking her lips critically before taking a seat. She had tried coffee once, only to be informed that caffeine and her temperament really didn't go well together. That and it had tasted like sludge until she had added no less than seven packets of sugar. She giggled again mid-sip, spilling a little of the tea down her chin. Maybe it had been the sugar that had disagreed with her.


A light knock sounded from the lounge doorway and Kai lifted her head to study the one drawing attention to herself. "Excuse me, Miss Kai? I was told by Mr. Regilus' secretary that you're needed."


Kai giggled, waving her hand in acknowledgment until the other woman left, then proceeded to calmly finish her drink, at last standing up and stretching, placing her empty mug in the sink by the door and walking down the hallway of the building, smiling playfully at any colleagues she passed. She boarded an elevator and pressed the button indicating the floor she knew the higher-up's office was. As the elevator rose, she bounced on the heels of her feet, earning puzzled looks from the two other occupants of the elevator, both of which knew, judging from their expressions, that she was going to see a higher-up.


Truthfully, Kai didn't mind the attention one bit, and she made a point to cheerfully skip out of the elevator when the doors dinged open on the correct floor. The looks on their faces were priceless. Most people seemed to think the Yliaster higher ups were terrifying people who would slash you with a sword if you messed up or something. Kai giggled at the image and navigated to her destination.


She exchanged a quick greeting with the secretary and knocked on the office door before walking into Regilus' office. The first thing she noticed was the presence of another member, but not one she recognized off the top of her head. "Ooh, am I interrupting?" she asked with a nonchalant smile.

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Tommy noticed an excruciatingly vibrant women enter the room. She seemed to be a few years older than him. She held a smile on her face that seemed to be more of a friendly smile than that of a cruel, sadistic character. She seemed to be... almost a polar opposite to Tommy's cruel behavior. But then again, Tommy might have been reading to much into the way she entered the room. Tommy did not know how to answer her question, as he didn't know if she was needed here or not, so he remained silent, waiting for his boss to reply.

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OOC:They work for yliaster because Yliaster controls the underworld king


IC: There was a strong wind at the harbor that day. The kind that seems to cut right through you. Recteik was standing there on this bleak and wet March afternoon waiting for a contact he was afraid might not come. His freind Brandon had vulinteered to inflitrate Yliaster HQ everyone knew were it was three blocks south of the Kiaba Dome but Yliaster had political amnsty thanks to a corupt Director General. Not everyone knew Yliaster was behind the Dark Signer attacks but he and about a dozen or so other people did. But what worried Recteik was that Brandon was late. And he's never been late before. . .

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"Actually...er...Kai, was it? You weren't interrupting at all. In fact, we were waiting for you." Regilus gave a grin. Slight, but definitely noticeable. "I've called you two here for a simple reason. You two are going to be the liasons for UWDS-97. That is, you are to be Yliaster's hand in the control of the Dark Signers. You've heard of them, haven't you?" His smile grew bigger. It was exceedingly easy to tell that he was proud of this plan.


Dark Signer App:


Name: Gaichus Zars

Age: ??? (looks to be mid-forites)

Gender: Male

Appearance: He likes his Dark Signer cape, so he keeps it cowled at all times. The menace behind it helps engorge his own.

Deck: Parasites (link in a bit)

Bio: He was given up for adoption almost immediately after birth. It is said that one of his biological parents is a Signer, and he grew up questioning why a Signer (who were the stuff of legend by that time) would forsake their own child. This caused two things:

1) His attitude, one that while keeping its own set of morals which didn't deviate too much from the usual stuff.

2) A hatred of all things Signer. He could keep it concealed in most forms of communication, but it was always there, even in death...

Mark: Spider

Earthbound Immortal: Uru

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Brandon was almost two hours late now. Recteik couldn't wait anymore someone was bound to notice him if he just keep wandering around the docks he would have to go and hope Brandon was still alive.

He made his wat to his Runner Parked on the street and with a hopeful glace toward the meeting place he sped away. (This it Bad) he thought to himself. (If Brandon got caught, they'd kill him or torture him for intelligance) Recteik shuddered at the thought of it. He had indured his own kind of personal torture. He had spent a year and a half trying to discover who he really was, He would have been happy just knowing his Real Name. But Brandon's Torment would be physical pain not emotional termoil.

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The room was large and rather well furnished, but the girl sat on one of the settees lining the walls didn't seem to notice. She also didn't notice the drink that was left for her, and simply stared down at her feet. She held a duel disk to her chest, with her arms folded around it, and she simply sat there, unmoving.


They had told her to wait for someone else to come to tell her what to do next, so wait she did. There had been a young woman, an intern, who was supposed to look after her, but she had run off some time ago, having been creeped out by the girl's appearance and personality. So the girl sat there, waiting for these people to arrive.

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Tommy's grin grew wider after hearing that he and the lady who just walked in were going to be in control of all things Dark Signer. He imagined the power that they held. They could sacrifice people's souls just to summon a monster. They could inflict real damage to their opponent and their surroundings. With each thought of destruction Tommy's grin grew wider and wider.


"Okay Mr. Boss. But, uh, how are we supposed to control said Dark Signers? I mean its not like we can smack them on the nose for misbehaving..."

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Kai blinked at the announcement. She had heard a few things about the Dark Signers, most stories had stretched back many years ago. To be in control of the current ones...that sounded like fun. Certainly a challenge, but fun nevertheless. She looked over at the younger man, silently taking note of his wide grin. She could scarcely imagine what was on his mind to create such a gleeful expression. Since not much information had been given, to her knowledge, aside from being told they'd be in control of Dark Signers, she was left to deduce he really liked the idea of being in charge of something.


"Well..." Kai giggled. "We COULD smack them on the nose." She mimed slapping someone on the nose with an invisible rolled-up newspaper. "Bad Dark Signer!"

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There will be no need for any of that," he chuckled. He gave Kai some coordinates. "Get a car and go to these coordinates. You'll figure out how the Dark Signers are being controlled then." He chuckled again. With Plan UWDS-97, Yliaster would finally shatter its empty shell and control the world.


OOC: Even though I gave the directions to Kai, both of you will go there.

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"Sounds like a blast," Kai said cheerfully, taking a pocket-sized global positioning system and hastily entering the given coordinates. She had taken to carrying it specifically for times when she'd be told to go somewhere in a vague fashion. Assuming she was permitted to leave due to the instructions to go somewhere else, she turned to go, clicking on her GPS system as she left the office.


"Turn Left and go straight 30 meters." The dully optimistic device informed her. Kai giggled to herself and obeyed the instructions, finding herself at the doors of the elevator. "Wait for associate before proceeding."


Kai stifled a laugh. She loved this thing.

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Sazuka paced, she stood in a well furnished room with the way to quiet girl Mitsuko. She had arrived not more than ten minutes after her but the two newbies from Yliaster were late. She read the letter given gto her by an atendant, rereading the same sentence over and over again,"Your new handlers will be named Kia and Tommy, treat them with respect." HANDLERS!!?? Was that what the the Dark Singers had become nothing but animals to be trained!? And what was worse they were late, Sazuka was a woman of action, if something needed doing she would get it done. She hated just waiting for something.


Mitsuko coffed lightly, Sazuka glanced at her. (I wonder why she's here. She barely talks let alone duels.) Sazuka pondered this for a while as she heard a car pull up outside. . .

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Something seemed to stick in Mitsuko's throat. Reflexes long dormant whirred into life, and her body responded with a gentle cough, which was enough to jolt her thin frame. Other than that she didn't move, as if she hadn't noticed her own cough. Blank eyes stared, seeming as though they saw nothing, but having detected what was happening. The other woman was pacing up and down the room, as though unable to cope with her emotions, almost the opposite of Mitsuko, who may not even have any emotions.


The sound of a car outside floated to the girl's ears. Still no response, but her brain registered that someone had arrived. Since it didn't know who, it decided there was no need to act, and the girl continued to stare at the floor just ahead of her feet.

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Tommy noticed the dismissal of the his cheerful coworker. He then redirected his attention to his boss, since he had not received orders as of yet. 'Maybe he'll send me on some covert mission' he thought to himself, although it was HIGHLY unlikely.


"So...do you have anything for me to do? Maybe go bust some tail, or some undercover cop kind of thing. Anythings is really fine with me." Tommy said 'except garbage duty' he thought to himself

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"You, my dear boy, are to go with Kai. Did you think that I would send you alone? Now go, with your partner."

As the boy left, he twisted a ring around his finger.

"Yes, milahd?

"Oh, stop that. Now, you know what you're going to do, right?"

"Of course, sir. I'm going to enslave every last person I see..."


"Oh, very well. Except Yliaster members. Then, I wipe all the Signers out! FOREVER!"

"Well, I'm glad you see it my way then. I'm sending a couple of agents to meet you."

"Oh, I'll take good care of them, boss."

The line disconnected. That man was a wild card, for sure, but he's fairly consistent. And if he isn't, Regilus still had one trump card up his sleeve...


OOC: Also, I've started a fanfic on the RP, take a look:


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Tommy was a few strides away from his partner who was still giggling to herself. 'Ugh...is she okay' Tommy thought to himself, 'hmm, no matter. All I really care about is meeting this Dark Signers, the things that legends are built off. Calm down Tommy, lets not get to carried away' He continued to think to himself.


Tommy finally arrived beside the woman, who he still hadn't received her name. He was sure the Boss said it, but he couldn't remember what it was, and if he was going to be working with her, he might as well get to know her.


"Uhm...so I didn't catch your name back there, and, well, since we are partners I guess knowing names wouldn't be such a bad thing." Tyce said somewhat nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

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