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Neo Battle City Tournament [Pg-16][Started, Always accepting]


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((Eklm, SphinxPharoah didn't accept you yet. Or did he))


Zack had thought of the perfect strategy. He quickly wrote it down so he wouldn't forget it. After he wrote it down Zack went out to sign up for the Tourney. When he got to the sign up location there was a huge line. He then saw their was a Pro sign up line. So he went there and it took like 3 minutes. After that he seemed hungry for some reason. Well that made him go home and cook himself a meal. Once that was done he took a nap for a few hours.

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Name: Watcher of Time (that isn't actually his/her real name)

Age: ????

Description: Wears a black cloak at all times, is medium sized. You can catch glimpses of piece blue eyes that appear to look deep into your soul during duels. Most of the time you can't even see his duel disk during a duel. If you do, it is just his arm you see.

Deck Name: Revenge of Time

Trump Card: Mystery says you can't see this

Rarest card: Above

Duelist Rank: Retired Pro

Personality: (3-4 sentences)

Bio: He/She became a pro and no one knew who this was. He/She was always cloaked, even during duels. His/Her mysteriousness was part of what led him/her to get sponsors. He/She retired a few years ago, at the top of his game. No one knew why, but it was this act (plus the mysteriousness) that gave him/her the title of legend.


OoC (if accepted): A very strange character application, if I do say so myself.

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Zack woke up from his nap. He went out to a duel center to find a duel so he could test his strategy. When he got a opponent they boarded a circle. The circle flew up with both them on it. They shoke hands and said "Good luck". The circle split in half. Zack put his deck in the duel disk. A screen showed that if the coin showed Tails he would go first. The coin fliped and it showed tails.


"Alright then I guess I'm first" Zack said.

"I draw!!"

Zack looked at his hand and saw a pretty good start.

"Alright play the Spell card ProtoTrap Heaven! This card allows me to set monster card vertically. Alright now I set 1 monster in face-down Attack position. Now I Set 2 cards face-down in my Spell, Trap zone. I end my turn."

Zack just hoped he wouldn't destroy his field spell. He still needed Field Lock. That card allowed him to seal the field spell as a permanent field spell.

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Deck Name:Fortune Lady Deck

Trump Card:Fortune Lady Earth

Rarest card:Fortune Lady Deck


Personality:Sweet.Nice.Smart.A Good Girl

Bio:Born in California.Abonoed by her parents.Raised in Florida.Became a prett good duelist.Is now going to make her way to the top

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"Alright nice move Zack my turn!

Alright I Summon Warrior Lady of the Wastleland(1100/1200) ! Now I set 2 cards face-down."


The screen signaled that he could start his turn. Zack drew a card from the top of his deck. Yes! I drew Field Lock!" he thought. "Alright I play the spell card Field Lock! now my field spell is here permanently. "


Zack thought he had this in the bag.


"Now I play the spell card ProtoTrap - Flip! This card allows me to flip a face-down ProtoTrap face-up after 1 turn this ProtoTrap has been face-down. Alright I flip up my ProtoTrap - Negater (2500/0)! Now my Spell and Trap cards can't be negated. Now Negater attack his Warrior Lady!"


The card was removed from the field and Zack's opponent lost 1400 Life Points.


"I End my turn"


Zack LP: 4000 / Opponent LP: 2600

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"Nice move again Zack. I can see why your a pro." His opponent said as he Zack Smirked.

" Now I summon Destiny Hero - Doom Lord (600/800)!! Now i use his Effect and remove Negater from play for 2 Turns. Now I Set 2 cards face-down and end!"


Zack started his turn as he drew a card. "Alright I play Ultra Proto! this card allows me to Set 2 LEvel 2 or lower ProtoTrap monsters from my deck to the field in face-down Attack Position. And all I need to do is pay 1000 Life Points."




"Now I end my turn by putting 2 cards face-down."

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Watcher of Time kept to the background. He/She still knew what quiteing had done to his career. It had turned him/her into a legend. During the occasional duel that he/she had participated after he quit was huge. Before the tournament Watcher wanted to part in one more duel. He/She would challenge the winner.

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Name:Kaizen Shinotsuku

Age: 16

Description: animeguyn.jpg

Deck Name: heal burn stall

Trump Card: Blast sphere

Rarest card: Marshmallon

Duelist Rank: pro

Personality: Kaizen is a happy go lucky person. He is carefree and laidback, and will only duel when he needs to. Although lazy, he is kind and will help his friends when in need.

Bio: Kaizen was born in China. He moved to Japan and grew up there. He started dueling since very young, and he was taught by his dad, a retired pro. He now travels countries with the excuse that he's "improving his dueling skills against others" while he just wants freedom.

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"Alright Zack this move will be an big 1." his opponent said has she drew a card from the top of her deck.


"Now I Summon Destiny Hero - Dasher by tributing Destiny Hero - DoomLord."


A purple card fliped up.

"I play my trap card Bottomless Trap Hole!" Zack said as he saw His opponent in a state of shock.


"I set 1 card face-down and end my turn." She said.


Zack's Turn the screen showed.


"Alright my turn. I flip up my ProtoTrap - Limit! Now you can't attack with any monster thats Level 3 or higher. I flip another monster. I flip Negater! Now I tribute my Limit and set 1 monster face-sown in Attack Position. Now I set 2 cards face-down and end my turn."


Zack was smiling he knew she had no chance of winning after he got his Increaser and Life Point gain = BOOM on the field.

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