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Neo Battle City Tournament [Pg-16][Started, Always accepting]


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[spoiler=Plot:] It has been over 50 years since the Original Battle City Tournament. Much has changed in Domino City. It has become divided in to Satilite and New Domino City. It is a place of Discrimination. A place where you are required to be "Perfect."


You have lived in Domino for your whole life and have slowly built up a reputation as a Duelist. Every year 10 years, since the Orginal Battle City Tournament, Domino has thrown the Infamous Tournament. This is the year of the Tournament, and you would really like to Enter. One day, You recieve a Strange Letter, addressed from Kaiba Corp.


"To Whom it may concern,


You have been personally invited to participate in the Battle City Tournament. Please accept our Deepest Invintation to join, We have provided a Personal Invintation with held by this Letter. We hope you will accept the invintation.


Kaiba Corp."


Noticing the invintation posted to the Letter, you quickly take it to the Registeration Center to Enter. However, Something in the back of your mind thinks something fishy is going on. You should really listen to it.



[spoiler=Rules][spoiler=Usual Rules] -No Spamming


-No flaming

-No controlling other players characters without permission.

-Have Fun:D


[spoiler=My Rules] -Keep track of your cards. That means Deck, Hand, Graveyard, and Remove from Play. Also Keep track of your field. I want this to be Fair.


-Must PM me your deck, so i may post it. I don't Want people making things up on the spot.


-Keep it fair, Don't always get that perfect hand, or the Perfect card when you need it.


-Custom Kecks are allowed and Encouraged.


-Post all used Cards, with level, type, attribute, Ect. At the end of of each post, when your in a duel. Again this is to keep it as fair as possible.


-Don't win everything, Even pros fail some times.


-Break any of these rules 3 times and your banned from the thread.






Description: (you may give either pic or description)

Deck Name:

Trump Card: (Please post if you can)

Rarest card:

Duelist Rank: (I.e. Amature, Pro, ECT.)

Personality: (3-4 sentences)

Bio: (6-10 Sentences plz.)


[spoiler=My app]Name: Yoshi Morimoto


Description: Boy44.jpg

Deck Name: Toon Invasion

Trump Card: Toon Toon Belrohn

Rarest card:""

Duelist Rank: Amature

Personality: Yoshi is a calm and collective person. He enjoys a good day at the beach, but enjoys dueling even more. He is over protective of his friends.

Bio: Yoshi lived in City all his life and has come to enjoy it. Although he has lived in City his whole life, He has meny friends in the satillite. He originally started Yu-gi-oh with a bet against his friends when he was 5. Ever since, he has fallen in love with the game. He Has stared in over 100 tournament, but has yet to come in first. He pledges that this time, the results will be different.


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Name: Zack Yurachuk

Age: 15

Description: heres the link: http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs43/f/2009/131/3/0/Cute_anime_boy_X3_by_ICEYsnowWOLF.jpg

Deck Name: Deck of traps

[spoiler=Trump Card: ProtoTrap - Infinite]

4 Stars


ATK/1700 DEF/0


THis card cannot be Normal Summoned or Special Summoned. This card can only be Set if the Field Spell "ProtoTrap Heaven" is face-up on your side of the field. This card cannot be switched to Defence Position. Before you can Activate this cards efftct you must Set it Vertically. After you second Standby Phase you may activate this card like a trap card. When you activate the effect of this card, no Spells, Traps or monster Effect's can negate the effects. Negate the effect's of all cards that target a Trap Card.


Rarest card:same card as above

Duelist Rank: Pro

Personality: Zack is always in a positive mood. Enjoys going to the beach to swim. But he enjoys dueling more. Has a good time no mater the occasion.

Bio: Zack is a country boy. He grew up farming. When he was 10 they moved to the city. But ever since he moved to the city he has gotten a new mood on things. Before he come to the city he was always in a bad mood. Also when he came to the city he grew to love duel monsters. He became better and better and soon became a pro.

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Name: Neo

Age: 18

Description: later

Deck Name: Advance Elements

Trump Card: Advance Emperor Earth Dragon

Rarest card: Advance Element Dragon

Duelist Rank: Pro

Personality: Neo is a quiet person. He don't talk to no one. When he duel he barely shows any emotions.

Bio: Neo became a pro duelist at the age of 15. His deck is strong and powerful. Neo's Advance Emperor Earth Dragon is a big and powerful dragon. Neo past is unknown. No one knows his last name. People called him "Zero".

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OOC: Sounds good, I only have time for a few posts before bed. So lets start.


Chaper I: Preperation


IC: Yoshi Looked around City. There were banners, poster, fliers, you name it, all advertising The battle City Tounament in a week. He passed a guy handing out Fliers.

"ENTER THE BATTLE CITY TOURNAMENT. BIG PRIZES AWAIT THE WINNER" the man said handing him a flier. Yoshi looked down at the flier. The winner was going to recieve 10,000$ and a chance to battle the dueling legends, Yugi Moto and Seto Kaiba.


Yoshi Quickly headed over to the cardshop where he spent most of his time, hanging out with friends. Among them, he was the best; However, today nobody was there except the owner. That was just what he wanted. Yoshi began thinking to himself.Should i enter this tournament. It's probably going to end up just like the others. A loss. Then again. . . Yoshi looked down at the flier. $10,000 was a lot of money, and he had gotten a lot better since his last tournament. I don't know. Maybe i'll let it roll around for another week.. With that he got up and began to head home.

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((are you making this a book or something. You know since i saw Chapter 1))


IC:Zack walked around the city. The only part about being a pro that he hates is that alot of wannabe's come up to you and ask for you autograph. Zack glanced at 1 of the posters he saw hanging. He stopped to look at it. Neo Battle City Tourney get your tickets well they last it said. At first Zack thought he should just watch the tourney, but then he had a better idea. He cold enter that tourney and win it. I mean his Deck of Traps was 1 beating to his opponent. Zack toke a flier from a random kid handing it out. He took it to his apartment and thought of a cool strategy he could use.

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OOC: Nope no book, Just wanted to make it more Epic and So people who join late can know where we are without having to read everything before it. . . You get what i mean.


"Neo walking down the street. When he seen someone at the card shop. He walked over there and look at the poster." (Thinking)Ummm at tournament sounds fun. "Neo smile."

LOL. short' date=' sweet and to the point.


IC: Yoshi sat down at his desk, and analyzed his considerable amount of decks. Last time he counted, he had over 200 decks. [i'] If i do enter this tournament, What will i use. Freedom Fighters, No. Batterymen, No. Phoenixes, No. Maybe i could use that new one i built.[/i] Yoshi leaned over next to his computer, and picked up a small stack of cards, and began looking through them. Yah, this seems good. Maybe i should enter Battle City. I might have a shot at this. Even still, he bagan looking through his other decks, just to make sure that this is the one he wanted to use.

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Name: Saruto Gate

Age: 18

Description: http://api.ning.com/files/Wt1fFgEkATNhDVv6wefeN6TnamCo9uOF6y8VBHQCQ2sp3kJ00LaKcnVZ0jHC2fnWL59ETbmzJnVkz*q0LQR1kQ1GNCadWyW5/AnimeGuy16.jpg

Deck Name: Mythical Beasts and Gadgets

Trump Card: 172761q.jpg

Rarest card: 172761qp.jpg

Duelist Rank: Simi-Pro

Personality: stubborn, wise, short-tempered, determined, outspoken, strong-willed. he is also a friendly with some people but if a person make him mad than he can turn in to a someone who you don't want to be around with angery.

Bio: Saruto is a good duelist and he can beat most people. Saruto make his own deck that was put a yes on and Kaiba Corp. made his deck. He likes deck because he likes mythical beasts. And as he duel with them they speak to them. Also he been dueling for 7 years. Also he has a evil side that sometime takes control of him and make things real.

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Name:Saber Nomad


Description: profile pic

Deck Name:Plant Revelution

Trump Card: look up my deck on finished set

Rarest card:" "

Duelist Rank: pro

Personality: relaxed take on life except towords people who live in the city

Bio: Saber was born and raised in the salitle and that being so he hates city people. he was in an area that was over run by a forest and protected it for most of his life. he is able to see duel spirts and that being said their his only friends. where he got his cards is still a mystery to all who see him but they know better then to try and duel.

Saber saw the sign for the turniment he looked at in anger. "dang stuck up snobish city dellwers." thats ok he thought to himself when he thought about how he would get revenge on the head of kiba corp for what they did using this ternament. saber contunied down the street smiling to himself. this is gonna be fun.

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