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♠Đüeł Väłłeÿ♠ Yush we is a Hawt Mess ;3

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This club reminds my of the Dynamic Duelists. OWAI-


I am back so yeah look at this hawt deck.


Moon and Sun.


3|Fire Ant Ascator


2|Oracle of the Sun


2|Cyber Dragon



2|Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

2|Giant Rat

2|Battle Fader

1|Summoner Monk


3|Temple of the Sun

3|Book of Moon

2|Gold Sarcophagus

1|Brain Control

1|Mind Control

1|Heavy Storm


1|Foolish Burial

1|Lightning Vortex


2|Bottomless Trap Hole

1|Mirror Force

1|Trap Dustshoot


3|Sun Dragon Inti

3|Moon Dragon Quilla

3|Stardust Dragon

2|Ally of Justice Catastor

1|Goyo Guardian

1|Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

2|Red Dragon Archfiend

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Fusions are just downright terrible.


And there aren't enough Rituals, either.


Konami is really emphasizing the Synchros, and for us oldgens who don't have any cards from the newer packs (I consider a newer pack anything after the Synchros), we can't really keep up, since the Synchros are heavily OP'd against them.


Sure, I could buy some new cards and update my deck, but I don't see the point anymore.

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Lol thanks. Im getting a new one in like 3 weeks


I wish they'd make more Rituals @.@ I like rituals


And :3 my

Clear DAD:



1| Armageddon Knight

1| Battle Fader

2| Broww, Huntsman of Dark World

1| Brron, Mad King of Dark World

3| Clear Cube

1| Clear Phantom

1| Clear Rage Golem

2| Clear Vice Dragon

1| Clear Vicious Knight

1| Damage Eater

1| Dark Armed Dragon

2| Dark Crusader

1| Dark General Freed

1| Dark Horus

1| Dark Nephthys

1| Gren, Tactician of Dark World

1| Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World

1| The Dark Creator



1| Allure of Darkness

1| Burial from a Different Dimension

1| Cold Wave

2| Dark Eruption

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Soul Absorption

1| The Cheerful Coffin



1| Bomb Guard

2| Dark Bribe

1| Dimensional Return

1| Divine Wrath

1| Draining Shield

1| Dust Tornado

1| Escape from the Dark Dimension

1| Ordeal of the Traveler

1| Return from the Different Dimension

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I might sound like a newb' date=' but what are the "Clear" monsters?





The cards used by Yusuke of Season 4 in GX. They mainly focus on trolling with Clear World.


Didn't watch much of GX really.


But Clear World seems like such a fun card. <3

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