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Why this guy isn't a B.E.S. I don't even. (Disc on Deltatri)

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In the Gradius games, he's a boss. So why ain't he a B.E.S?


Anyhow, discuss.


effect: If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, select and activate 1 of the following effects: ● Select 1 Union Monster in your Graveyard that can be equipped to a Machine-type monster and equip it to this card. ● Select 1 face-up LIGHT Machine-type monster you control, return it to the owner's Deck and draw 1 card.

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If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, select and activate 1 of the following effects: ● Select 1 Union Monster in your Graveyard that can be equipped to a Machine-type monster and equip it to this card. ● Select 1 face-up LIGHT Machine-type monster you control, return it to the owner's Deck and draw 1 card.


I misread the first effect. I though it said to have a Machine Union in the Grave to equip to this, not a monster of any type. So I love this and Trigon now. The 2nd effect should've said draw 2...

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I haven't been keeping up to date, but it seems like Machines are getting a bunch of new toys.


[spoiler=I honestly have no clue why this came into my head. PG13]

I speak japanese' date=' but I have trouble reading kanji... especially kanji that small...


I like penis' date=' but I have trouble playing with small stuffs... especially a penis that small...



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