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The all or nothing!


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This is the contest, the all or nothing. It will be 3 rounds. feel free to join; and have fun!


[spoiler=entry fee]

1 - 3 stars: 35 points.

4 - 6 stars: all points. (Must be at least 150)




1st: 3 reps and 98% of pot.

2nd: 2 reps.

3rd: 1 rep.





Crisis King

Aqua Master











1930 points




[spoiler=round 1]

Make a Gladiator Beast / Gladiator Beast support card.



[spoiler=Round 2]

Make an anti-lightsworn monster. Something CREATIVE.





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Thats way to much.

You dont know how hard it takes to get all those points.

You should just change the entry fee for level 5 and 6 members to 200.

It's called the all or nothing for a reason.

If you enter, the prize is good, but comes at a risk.


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