◇ Void ◇ Posted February 17, 2010 Report Share Posted February 17, 2010 Nakatos, 2382. Anubis, The 15th emperor of the Reydi Dynisty has Died of Old age. This has lead to the Next Assention Rites for the Throne, But Anubis deception from the last Rites has led to trouble. The Liandri Mining Corperation made a deal with him to bring back his Distant Cousin back as a Necris after he slautered her, They have Now control over most Politics and are sending there new Champions to retain there control of Nakatos. Also, there Sponsering the event; The entire structure of the rites is under there control. Deception is most likey to happen, The Linadri are Destroying whats left of the Culture in the entire tournament. This Includes the Competiors, Anubis "Decreded" that now anyone can attempt the Assention rites. From Humans from Earth, The undead Necris, The Savage Skaarg, The Giant Juggernauts, The Eletronic Liandri Drones or the true Nakhti people may go for the Title of The winner of the 524rd Assention rites and the emperor or Empress of Nakatos! Let the Bloodshead begin! Weapons: Link to weapons List: http://www.unrealchampionship2.com/main.php then select weapons. Races: Nakhti: The Nakhti are and are Eygpt cultured and the Usual competiors for the title; And are humans who have evolved diffrently, Having Enchanced Agility but at the Cost of armory and firepower. Humans: Humans are the Original cousions for the Nakhti. Being from earth gravity is stronger and so there Agility is Not great but still are inpressive. They make up for this lack of Agility with Strong Exo-Armor and Firepower. Juggernauts: Juggernauts are Infamious for being Killers, Crimimals or just Plain violent that Have been Geneticy Moderfied to be Increadly stong and reistant. But this has lead to little to no Agility, making jumps not even able to go above 5 ft and there speed is Slow. Necris: The Necris are scarce due to there Only being "Born" via the Necris proesess, Costing More then most goverments can have in there Funds. But, this meens they are brought up from the dead and so are Very robust; There Agility matching no others but Lack Power in firearms. Skaarg: The skarrge are Large, bulky and Savage greenish humanoids which are True Warriors. There avrage Size compared to humans are nealy a quarter higher and there strength to Juggernauts are praticly matching; So do they suffer with movement and Agility like Juggernauts. Liandri Drones: Linadri drones are Androids original to be used as workers or miners but Liandri have made then now A Deverstating forse, Given there Strong exo-Armor and Powerful A.I allow them to kill with grace, But to make them cheap to repair the hydrolics are poor and so are slow and unable to jump hight without assistance. Appication Sheet: (Delete anything in brackets and what does not apply) Name: (Make it realistic to your Character: Ex: A Nakati called RA)Age: (18-30 Only)Birthplace: (Ex: Earth)Deathplace: (Necris Only)Construction Site: (Liandri drones only)Race: (Nakhti, Humans, Juggernauts, Necris, Skarrg or Liandri Drone; Some Hybrids May be aloud)Melee Weapon: (Melee section on Weapons)Race Weapon: (Race Section on Weapons, Must be applyable to your Race(s))Engery Weapon: (Engery section on weapons)Explosive Weapon: (Explosive section on weapons)Apperence: (Pictures in spoiler please, otherwise a Detailed description)Bio: (6+ Lines only) My App Name: ChathsAge: 20Birthplace: Nakati Imperial City, Nakatos.Deathplace: Whisper Ruins, Nakatos.Race: Necris, Formaly Nakhti.Melee Weapon: Dark StaffRace Weapon: Nakati ScorpiansEngery Weapon: Shock RifleExplosive Weapon: Ripjack[spoiler=Apperence:] Bio: Chaths is a Legend in the eyes of many people, entering the Liandri Grand championship while a Pure Nakhti. He soon beame from a Rookie to a worthy champion, killing many juggernauts, Skaarg, Humans and even Destroying some of the most powerful Liandri drones in the running for champion. But, During the Semi-Finals his Back was broken, A Juggernaut stamping on his back was the cause of it but still he made it to the finals. Yet then he was severly Disavantged due the was not able to dodge most of his hits and so, When the respawner was turned off he was slain by his Opponent. But his Sponser; The Istarus Coroperation cannot afford to lose there Popular competior and so Used the Necris Prosess on him, Becoming a Necris. But, This also had a side effect. He was now Part insane, The reactivation of his mind was interfeared with. But, hes Sane enouth to join the Assention Rites and wanting to overthrow his Corpations Rivals; The Liandri Mining Corperation and take the throne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skarlet Posted February 17, 2010 Report Share Posted February 17, 2010 Name: SkarahAge: 19Birthplace: A Skaarg Ship, similar to the double domination map in Unreal Tournament 2004Deathplace: N/AConstruction Site: Liandri Home Services FacilityRace: Skarrg-Liandri DroneMelee Weapon: Liandri HammersRace Weapon: Skaarg RazikEngery Weapon: Sniper RifleExplosive Weapon: Rocket LauncherApperence: Skarah stands 8 feet tall, he is muscularly built, even for a Skaarg. His face consists of a miss-matched pair of eyes, one green, glowing mechanical one, and one typical red Skaarg eye that don't line up too well with the natural eye being considerably larger the the mechanical one. His mouth is seemingly normal, asside from a set of jagged metal teeth. Further down his body, his light green skin has been replaced by a similarly painted metal, which only seems to have any distinct difference from the rest of his body when in bright light, in which case it shines, as metal does.Bio: The ship in which Skarah was born was being destroyed by fuel explosions, due to an error by an unknown Skaarg, Skarah, at the last minute attempted to escape, the pod did manage to free it's self from the ship, however, it was still caught in the explosive blast, utterly frying all of it's circutry and whatnot, and sevearly burning and damaging Skarah. The wounded Skarg drifted through space for over a week, nearly long enough to die of starvation, when the destroyed pod was picked up by a Liandri ship, and the unconcious Skaarg was sent to the Home Services Facility. The next thing the Skaarg knew he was waking up on a metal operating table, human scientists all arouind him, he sat up, but what was this? His 'joints' sounded like a quiet mechanical murmur, He stretched his arms, and heard the sound of hydrolics. The lead scientist explained to him, that he was now a Liandri Drone, the first such drone to be created by operating on a Skaarg. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted February 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 17, 2010 Accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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