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Lets discuss the Sad Storys

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Sad Story - Dreadful Day


During the turn this card is activated, no other Spell Cards can be activated. During both players' Draw Phase, if they draw a Trap Card, it is returned to the Deck. The Deck is then shuffled.

Sad Story - Sorrowful Memories


During the turn this card is activated, no other Spell Cards can be activated. During both players' Draw Phase, if they draw a Monster Card, it is returned to the Deck. The Deck is then shuffled.

Sad Story - Unshocking Truth


During the turn this card is activated, no other Spell Cards can be activated. During both players' Draw Phase, if they draw a Spell Card, it is returned to the Deck. The Deck is then shuffled.


well, ycm discuss

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During the turn this card is activated' date=' no other Spell Cards can be activated. During both players' Draw Phase, if they draw a [something'] Card, it is returned to the Deck. The Deck is then shuffled. Then, they draw a card from their Deck. The Card Drawn by this effect is unaffected by "Sad Story" Spell Cards.

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