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Memory Crush King

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Memory Crush King, only use I could see with this is that one dragunity, what's his name, that sends a number of monsters from the enemy extra deck to their graveyard at the cost of cards on your field...

oh yah, this: Dragunity Knight - Trident:


Once per turn, you can send up to 3 cards from your side of field to the Graveyard to look at your opponent's Extra Deck and send to the Graveyard cards equal to the number of cards that you sent to your Graveyard.

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If Trident wasn't the only way to hit Synchros in the Extra Deck and wasn't so specific in his requirements, I could think of an actually decent build with this but at the moment it's too difficult to really get much out of his effect. I'll keep an eye on this one in the future, it has potential to be a bit of fun.


The 2000 attack looks incredibly bad at first but on the plus side, at least this can be special summoned by Hellway Patrol and 5 star means it can be used to fuel Dark Grepher to put Hellway Patrol in the grave in the first place. 0 defense means it can be added back to the hand via Recurring Nightmare. The stats are indeed terrible but they're the kind of terrible that can be worked around if you're dedicated to using this card.

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