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High School and Super Powers? Original RP [PG-16] (Closed)


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[align=center]You are, or at least were, an ordinary high school student, until she came. She came out of nowhere and distrupted your school life and a bunch of other people's lives. Then whole bunch of things happened and now you find yourself hunting down Russian crime syndicates in Osaka and beating back the Yeti in Hokkaido. What else does the world hold for you. God only knows...


[spoiler=What you need to know (Application at very end. Read Everything)]

This takes place in Japan, Saitama Prefecture to be exact at Ryoo Public High School. You are a second year student who has been pulled to a new homeroom two weeks into the school year. The new homeroom teacher is pretty crazy and unhinged. The starting point is the morning you recieve the fateful note.



- Advanced Clause applies, the five line limit and all that jazz.

- God modding strictly 'verboten'.

- I have final say on anything.

- No asking 'wHeN aRe We GoNnA Startez?' or 'can we plz startez?' or you will be automatically kicked from the RP and/or reported and/or negged.


[spoiler=Quality of Apps and Posts]

I don't mind short posts that much, but please have good grammar and capitalization, which I care much more about. If your apps or posts lack proper sentence structure and/or capitalization, you run a 99% chance of getting kicked. Even more, do not script speak, use very undescriptive sentences or skip lines to make your post look larger.



John walked to his new homeroom.

He wondered why he was transferred.

He entered the classroom and sat down.

He looked out the window and sighed.


One last thing: I don't want generic bad a$$es and/or anti social and/or generic cool guys. I want original and fresh characters that I can't truely classify into a character class. Now you may post an app



[b]Name:[/b] {Self-explanatory}
[b]Gender:[/b] {Self-explanatory}
[b]Age:[/b] {It should be 14-16 unless you are a prodigy}
[b]Appearance:[/b] {Picture with 4+ lines caption or 6+ lines description. This is where I begin to assess your ability}
[b]Personality:[/b] {6+ lines, I assess here, no generic bada$$es etc.}
[b]Affinity towards:[/b] {Your power pretty much. You don't get it initially. No generic offensive powers like pyrotechnics etc. Wow me with creativity. Explain if not self-explanatory}
[b]Strongest Subject:[/b] {Self-explanatory}

Copypasta the app, remove everything in the squiggly brackets ({}).











[spoiler=Blazinghydra - Yorushira Narame]

Name: Yorushira Narame

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: Yorushira is an interesting kid. Somewhat short at 4'11, her body is mostly frail and stringy, with very little muscle on it. She seems a little sickly, as if permanently under the weather, causing her skin to be an unhealthy pallid color while reddening slightly around the face, especially the cheek and bridge of the nose, almost making it seem like she's constantly blushing. She has short, but shaggy black hair that often gets in her eyes and obscures her vision, often requiring to brush it back. Combing it into place works for a couple seconds before it seemingly pops back into place.

Yorushira wears plenty of red, explained as it being her lucky color. Generally, she wears a plain white dresshirt that has a slight rose glow, a deep crimson vest she wears over it, (Adorned with the fresh bloom of a rose, for extra luck), a dark red cloth scarf tied around her neck at all times, and a bright red bandanna tied around her right wrist. She wears a red wristband on her right wrist, with a tiny red metal silhouette of a bird dangling from it.

Around her neck and below the scarf she carries three necklaces, one containing a red-dyed fang or claw-like object, another carrying a rosebud, and the final attached to an old 1-Yen coin, all resting against his chest due to being given extra slack.

She wears a long red skirt as her leggings, combined with white stockings and bright red (or in some cases, black) shoes that do not look particularly fashionable. She wears a black belt around her waist, with red velvet pockets sewed on the inside.

Personality: Quirky but generally happy, Yoshira can be described as "cheerfully sociopathic". She is nigh-incapable of empathizing with others, causing her to seem a little jerkish to other people at times. After a while, she does begin to gain a concept of what would make a particular person happy or sad, and does manage to interact normally, however she is still morbidly slow to pick up hints and subtext, taking everything at face value rather than searching for any hidden meaning. Since she is unable to pick up small details and social clues, she sometimes comes off as naive and unable to understand sarcasm, though she is really quite intelligent and fully aware of how people generally act, making internal connections very rapidly and logically deducing things far beyond what people would expect of her. Despite being a horrible judge of first character, it is almost impossible to trick her in ways aside from lying directly to her face. She trusts people quickly, and while she does get emotional fairly easily, she always tries to be loyal and make her friends happy. She is very superstitious, and adheres to a lot of weird practices and traditions that other people often don't see the point in, and gets somewhat annoyed if people don't show respect for her practices.

Affinity towards: The End, and the Beginning, or as otherwise known, Alchemy. Yorushira can reduce unliving objects that she physically handles to their raw elemental forces, in the shape of 'Sand'- Basic Elementals, supercondensed and shaped into tiny grains of various colors. Even elements such as Helium and Hydrogen show up as colored grains, as they are compressed to a point beyond even usual solidity. While this sand is completely useless in this form, it can be recombined for a variety of uses; For example, sands can be mixed to shape newly formed objects, generally primitive and uncomplicated, but made to the creator's specifications. In addition, in more complex cases, the Sand can be fused with organic creatures in order to either subtly change their metabolism to reduce their feelings of hunger, provide some nutrients, heal afflictions, or even poison in some cases. The ability can also be used offensively, for example in extreme cases, changing the veins of one in whom Sand is applied into iron.

Strongest Subject: Science, especially Chemistry and Biology.


[spoiler=Andx - Kenji Yamauchi]

Name: Kenji Yamauchi

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: Kenji stands at roughly 5 feet 10 inches, a bit taller than most Japanese people, and weighs roughly 170 lbs. He's a bit on the scrawny side but it's not noticeable. He's never been one for much athletic activity so his muscles aren't really defined. An overall average appearance. He's a bit fairer than most Japanese, probably because he's not full Japanese. His father married an american woman who had decided to just try living in Japan for awhile. His hair takes after his mother, it's a light brown and grows thick. He has a single part down the middle so the hair is off of his forehead and off to either side. His facial features are obviously influenced by his American mother. Most noticeably his nose looks like the average American nose and his eyes are a bit more rounded. His eye color is strangely green like his mother's, his parents still aren't sure how that happened considering brown eyes is a dominant trait. So he definitely doesn't have the average young Japanese look.

Personality: Kenji is an interesting mix of traits. For one he's generally introverted yet doesn't mind speaking with others and has quite a few friends. However he doesn't really feel like any of his friends are true or best friends. And while he has friends people generally annoy him. His intelligence doesn't help this. He looks around at the average high schoolers and can't help but get exasperated with the stupid actions of some them. So it goes without saying that he tends to associate with the smarter group at school as they don't ever really annoy him.


One contradiction in his personality is that he dislikes being told what to do with a passion yet can't stand being given complete freedom on anything. He needs direction but on his own terms. He'll catch himself often angry at teachers for seemingly stupid assignments or other such things he dislikes. An odd trait for an honor's student, well maybe not that odd, is that he consistently procrastinates on things. Projects that are given a week to do often only receive a day or two of work from Kenji. His intelligence sometimes works against him as he hardly ever applies himself and can find himself bored in class at times. As he's also into gaming he often fantasizes about various things, superpowers and the like, to entertain himself at times.


One other aspect about Kenji is that he hardly cares what people think of him. Of course everyone is sort of concerned with it, but it's not the end-all catastrophe for Kenji is someone dislikes something he did. He's often judgmental. Often he's taken one look at something annoying or in his eyes stupid about someone and thought about what a waste of a person they are for it. And yet he's also quite religious so he holds high standards and morals. In fact, when he examines his personality he often is perplexed by all of the contradictions he can see in it. Despite all the negative things he's often content.

Affinity towards: Judgement. This plays off of Kenji's personality and how he often judges people with very little information available to him and also how he fantasizes about things. It's quite magical and has no real physical means to describe it, odd considering how Kenji likes physics. The power doesn't activate unless he says "Begin Evaluation". With this power he says something about a person based off what he knows of him or her. Essentially a judgement of what kind of person that person is. If the statement is correct the person he made the statement about experiences a headache on migraine level or higher and it often debilitated. However if what Kenji says about the person is incorrect then the ability rebounds on himself just not as severe. He gets a bad headache and can't use the power for an hour or so. Kenji can use the technique from any distance so long as he can see the person's face; seeing them on a screen counts as well. The technique only takes effect after he says "Judgement" upon which whoever is to be hurt will receive their headache. As such he can revise his initial statement if he feels he should before "passing judgements". Regardless once he finishes the judgement he has no way to stop the ability from taking effect. One can tell when Kenji is using the technique as his eyes have a strange glow while he's "evaluating". Obviously this power isn't really meant for combat so it would be foolish to have Kenji try to fight someone.

Strongest Subject: Math/Science, particularly physics.



[spoiler=KWLegend - Keichi Katuro]

Name: Keichi Katuro

Gender: Male

Age: 14


Physical Appearance

Keichi is an average sized kid at 5"1. He weighs in at about 103 pounds. Though not over wait his cheeks are slightly pudgy and are usualy a shade of light red due too the fact that he blushes and gets embaresed very easily due too his timid persinality. He has a four pack since he has a brown belt in judo. He's hair is a light brown color and is parted too the left and ends as it reaches his forhead. His eyes are a shade of light green and many people comment that they are the color of a lime.



Keichi wears his favorite belt which buckle is made out of silver. He wears a white T-shirt that has a desighn of a red fire holding a pistal, an M9 Keichi observed, with the words "Play with fire, and your going to get shot!" in yellow. Over that he wears a black hoody with the the image of three snow flakes falling. He wears dark blue jeans that are ripped were his left knee is. He also usualy wears black sneakers with wight soles. Sometimes the sneakers are untide when Keichi doesnt notice it or pay attenchin.

Personality: Keichi is generaly timid in nature, even more so since his father died and he lives with his 36 year old mom and 11 year old sister. He tries to make friends but he can barely manage out a word and just runs off. Keichi has little friends and the friends he does have are because of his mother and Keichi doent like them. Keichi is usualy up what his mother thinks is "studying" but really he is playing online games. Online he is a completely diferent person. He has a total of 146 buddies online. Online he is skillfull and popular as oposed too offline were he is picked on. Even though he lnows judo he doesnt fight back because he knows he could really hurt them.

Affinity towards: Keichi calls it temperature metamorphasis. Generaly it is altering an objects, or a living organism, temperature. The minimum temperature he can alter it to is -76 degrees F, instantly freezing it. During the winter it is -89 degrees F. The maximum temperature he can get it up to is 157 degrees F, instantly combusting it. In summer he can get it up to is 185 degrees F. For some reason the only thing his power doesnt work on is plastic and he cannot change the temperature of something enclosed by plastic. After changing the temperature of something, his temperature decreases or increases depending on which power he uses. He often heat up or freezes the shurikans he hides in his belt just in case. He can only use his power on things he touches and he gets a cold or fever depending on how much power is exerted.

Strongest Subject: Mainly sience, his strongest sub topic in sience is chemistry but he is also good at astronomy.



[spoiler=Zaneko - Taiga Kyoshi]

Name: Taiga Kiyoshi (his nickname is Cub or Kit)

Gender: Male

Age: 15



Taiga has somewhat wild, long red-brown hair that he braids into a ponytail about a foot and a half long. Two or three locks of hair that hangs down to the bridge of his nose and slightly covers his left eye. He has green eyes, and narrow eyebrows. When he smiles, he has dimples and his mouth is often set in a slight grin. His left cheek has a thin scar on it, about a centimetre below his eye and he has another scar cutting diagonally across his left eyebrow. The one above his eye is from a sparring match and the other was from when he interrupted his father’s practice and was injured.


Taiga stands at 5’9 and has a slim, toned and wiry build and weights 143 lbs. His body build is the result of living with his father, the head of a dojo in town. He has a birthmark on the lower left of his abdomen that resembles three slash marks. His fingers and toes are longer than that of normal Japanese and his joints are very flexible, a result of years of acrobatic gymnastic training. The training his master (father) and acrobatic instructor (mother) have given him over the years has resulted in his body being covered in the faint marks left by healed scratches and cuts. His feet are size 12 and his hands are a bit large. He is ambidextrous but favours the left hand.


When out of school uniform, he wears green or blue cargo pants and jeans and a dress shirt open over a normal plain green T-shirt with the kanji for Tora across the back (some have the kanji on the left breast too.) The dress shirt is normally grey, white or blue and has the kanji for Noble on the sleeves.

When in school uniform, he wears his shirt out of his pants and has a badge with the kanji for noble pinned to his left sleeve. No matter what, he always wears a small charm shaped like a super-deformed tiger that his grandmother made for him. The bottom of all his pants (both school and casual) have tattered and torn edges.



Taiga is a mischievous and troublemaking character. A slacker by nature, Tiaga maintains a carefree, laid-back attitude about everything. He has even gotten a signature phrase: "everything will work out" as a way of seeing things. He is rarely on bad terms with anyone and always decides to make friends with the people he meets.


He can be sarcastic at times or annoyingly naive at others. He is also very impulsive, curious, a daredevil and quick to make friends. He loves to take risks and try new things. He can be quite determined when something interests him. Despite his outward attitude, He is deeply caring for his friends and is even ready to die for them or give up his dreams, and can be noble when the situation calls for it. He takes pride in being considered eccentric. He is either late for things of very early and he fills his bag with things others would consider junk.


He had the life philosophy that the weak will be food for the strong beaten (literally) into him by his father. But he mother also taught him that it does mean that the weak should give up, friends are there to provide the strength the weak needs. After all, doesn’t a colony of ants make mountains?


He likes to take things as they come, reacting to them then accepting them as they are. His greatest flaw might be the strange mix his curiosity, laziness and determination make. He would give some things (like school work) only fleeting interest, but if something interests him, he would spend days on it. His hobbies are martial arts, reading, making models from pen covers and skating (specifically street, free, aggressive and speed skating.)


Affinity towards: Particle Trace. He can manipulate the arrangement, bonding and structure of the atoms within close proximity of his body through control of his body bio-electromagnetic fields. The control of this arrangement is best if the target is within close range of the field, so he can manipulate the arrangement of his own atoms the best. With it, he can alter the bonding and structure enough to phase through matter, make his body denser and stronger (not physical strength, but stronger like how a piece of metal is stronger than stone) and, with some effort, temporarily invisible (through manipulation of the reactions with photons), but it makes tired because of the level of manipulation it requires.


The ability also allows him to disintegrate non-living matter or increase the structural strength. The bio-electric fields produced by living cells prevent the complete disintegration (the field interrupts with his own) so he can only causes a lot of pain and bruising that escalates into bleeding with prolonged contact. With control, he can just weaken matter. By altering the arrangement of the atoms, he can temporarily alter the properties of an item by rearranging the structure of the atoms, causing then to exhibit characteristics resembling that of another element. This change last for two minutes if he is in contact with the material and thirty seconds if he isn't. Because he is still mastering his affinity, he cannot complete full elemental change yet.


Because chemistry his not his strongest subject, he cannot make complex compounds. He is capable changing the state of materials, but it takes a lot of energy and focus to get the arrangement of the atoms right.


Strongest Subject: Gym, Kendo and Karate



[spoiler=Rinne - Maria Sengoku]

Name: Maria Sengoku (千石鞠愛, Sengoku Maria)


Gender: Female


Age: 15


Appearance: The first thing one would notice about Maria is her hair. She’s one-third Irish, so the mixture of the English blonde and the Japanese black left her with a light-brown hair color, that of coffee with extra milk. Far from hating this twist of genetics that would cast her out as a gaijin, the second-year has come to embrace this part of her, wearing it long and loose. The only thing that accents it is a pair of elastics on the right part, one white and one pink. Her eyes are a soft hazel color, which belies the intense roil of emotions behind them. Maria has a rather slim figure with only a slight hint of feminine maturity on it (aka, no boobs) and slightly pale skin. This gives the overall impression of someone who can’t hurt a fly, but don’t let that deceive you.


In order to enhance her “nice-girl” image (which is a complete lie), Maria prefers to go for lighter colors and a girlier dress style when out of uniform. She has a fondness for dresses, but not the over-the-top Gothic Lolita style. It’s usually just a simple knee-length job, usually with a pair of tights under it. For some reason, many of her clothes have a wave motif on them, which is probably due to the brand she buys from, Tidal Wave. This is usually topped off with a pair of checkered shoes and a large beaded necklace made of kona wood, which she got on vacation in Hawaii.


Personality: She doesn’t have a big bark, but Maria has one hell of a bite. The girl carries herself throughout the day with the sort of understated confidence that can make weak-minded people shake in fear. However, that doesn’t mean that she’s necessarily a good person. No, not really. She might be somewhat cold and callous, but Maria has an almost sadistic love of breaking the haughty and the pompous with words and bitter memories. This in itself is ironic, because one could consider her to be quite a manipulator. She controls every aspect of her image, from her dress to her mannerisms, in order to climb higher up the social ladder. There’s only one direction for her, and it’s up. She doesn’t care how many people she has to trample to get there.


Even though she might seem like a rock, Maria does have a rather emotional side, the “dere” to her “tsun.” She doesn’t like to acknowledge this part of her, though, because she perceives it as just another weakness. In the end, her personality is something like a distorted caped crusader; instead of bringing evil to justice, she’ll just crush them under her heel.


Affinity towards: Auramancy - Maria's ability isn't easy to explain, but it derives from her ability to see "auras," or different aspects of something's being and personality. These auras take the form of flickering geometrical shapes that project off of a person's body, almost like the shadow of a candle flame. Each one has a different color, shape and intensity, and all of these traits derive from what aspect the aura is. (For example, hatred is usually a violent red, and moves rapidly.)


Now, this ability is useless on its own, but it does have a second, more offensive corollary. By taking any metal object and focusing on it, Maria can basically "charge" it with her spirit. Once an object is "charged," it can be used to interact with the auras around her. This ranges from tying back a piece of aura to reduce its effect on the bearer to using scissors to completely cut it off, effectively removing that person’s ability to experience that emotion. Basically, she’s playing surgeon with your psyche. “Charged” objects keep their charge for exactly 2 hours; after that period has elapsed, they return to their normal state, and they cannot interact with auras until recharged. At the moment, it is undetermined whether or not special abilities also have auras. Also, humans aren’t the only ones to have auras, but Maria hasn’t been able to get into another type of being’s state of mind enough to perceive them.


Strongest Subject: History.




[spoiler=Dark Lightning - Hirosuke Rai Kanju]

Name: Hirosuke Rai Kanju (Friends call him Rai)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: http://iriaayukawa.deviantart.com/art/Anime-guy-24451633

Hirosuke wears a casual T-Shirt, which is usually hidden under his jacket. His jacket is midnight blue with a purple-ish tint and a design that consists of dark stars. Hirosuke's hair is jet black, with a bit of a blue tint. His hair matches well with his personality. Hirosuke's eyes are a deep amber; which shine brightly when exposed to bright light. His face is usually a kind and gentle one.

Personality: Hirosuke is usually a kind person. His face would make him look like he's always depressed, but this is not usually the case. Hirosuke is a quite person who usually likes to keep to himself. Because of people always seeing him alone, they often prefer to stay away from him; This doesn't hurt or anger Hirosuke though. Hirosuke is the type that knows when something isn't right, and isn't afraid to say anything about it. He is independent and doesn't usually enjoy working in teams. He doesn't speak much, but what he doesn't say in words, he makes up with his kind and passionate actions. When Hirosuke smiles, it's usually a kind, gentle, and soft smile. His words are reassuring words of hope. Hirosuke seems like the type to be a good speaker, but in truth, when he tries to present any kind of speech, he usually shudders and mutters alot. The strange part about this, is when he says something that comes purely from his heart, Hirosuke says it perfectly, without ever messing it up.

Affinity towards: To Protect; And Lightning Bolts. Hirosuke has always hated seeing people/animals in pain, and not being able to do anything. He had always wished to be able to protect those dear to him. Hirosuke, even as a child, has always despised pain. When he was smaller, he found Thunderstorms to be quite interesting. Hirosuke found deep value in his will to protect. Although, the fact that he cannot do anything to protect anyone, often upsets him. Hirosuke had always wished to be able to combine his will to protect, and his love for lightning bolts. But deep inside, he knew it was impossible. He never stopped dreaming, though. Hirosuke knows that everything has a purpose, and a value, which is why he wishes to protect.

Strongest Subject: Science.



[spoiler=Saiba Aisu - Adrienne Guadiacco]

Name: Adrienne Guadiacco

Gender: Female

Age: 17 (Even though the year has just started, she has a very early birthday, two days into the school year, that prevents her from being an upperclassman.)


Appearance: From her appearance, it's clear that Adrienne isn't of Japanese origin, although having lived in Saitama for a significant amount of time, she's quite familiar with the language and local terminology—in fact, while she doesn't consider herself a native of Japan, she's quite fond of its culture and people. The only child of a successful and hard-working paralegal couple who extended their firm from Greece, she's fairly—but not excessively—tall for her ancestry, standing at around 5"8 or so; however, as can be expected, this makes her much taller than most of the other female students at Ryoo High. Her features are those of the perfect Grecian type, with inky dark-blue hair, high cheekbones, large and liquid dark eyes, coral lips, a finely formed nose, and a softly tanned complexion. Her body is slender, elegant, and well-built, being more along the lines of a runner or dancer than anything else. She's not the bustiest of girls, but her body is proportioned so well that it's not noticeable.


Although Ryoo High is a public school, Adrienne tends to dress fairly well in comparison to her classmates, many of who appear to favor rather bizarre clothing. Adrienne's clothes are based on only the most popular and fashionable styles, hinting subtly at the quiet but considerable wealth of her family. While she does wear a standard Japanese schoolgirl blazer, Adrienne tends to personalize her outfits, adding black fingerless gloves, a black miniskirt, and black boots. One of her trademark accessories is a belt in the style of a serpent. While she's very attentive to fashion, Adrienne doesn't flaunt herself in any manner, be it monetarily or sexually—she dresses as she pleases, and certainly not for the approval of others.


Personality: Although she's considered quite attractive and even exotic among her female and largely Japanese peers, Adrienne doesn't let her appearance dominate every aspect of her personality. She's quite popular among the more elite circles at the school and has several friends, but she's reserved at all times, preferring to keep her distance from others, especially those that she doesn't know very well. Although it's common knowledge that she's from a wealthy and successful family, she never seems to talk much about her parents or the lifestyle she leads at home. It's known that she has an older brother that departed to study abroad after graduating four years ago, but she hardly ever mentions him, either. Despite the fact that she's had a lot of practice in deflecting curious inquiries into her private life, she often gets quite annoyed whenever her brother is mentioned.


Adrienne is very fond of dark humor, contrary to her appearance. She enjoys to spend time alone unless someone approaches her or she feels in need of human company—in that case, she can usually socialize very well. Well-educated, poised, and clever, Adrienne is one of the most prestigious students at Ryoo High. While she's normally ill-tempered and pessimistic, she has a heart of gold for those she's fond of. She's also very temperamental, leading some to initially classify her as "full of herself".


Affinity towards: Telekinesis. Adrienne possesses a unique and well-developed psychic ability that allows her to lift and direct objects of varying size for a limited amount of time, provided that her attention is sufficiently focused. Any more than three items, and her telekinetic control of all three begins to worsen noticeably. While she has yet to successfully lift a grown human being or anything weighing more than one hundred pounds or so, she has managed a sort of feeble self-levitation on several occasions which lasts for a few seconds. While this ability has considerable combat applications, she's limited by the items that are around her at the time—in essence, she cannot "create" weapons by carving them out of existing substances unless they are broken into pieces. Although she's very reserved and private about her own manners, preferring to handle most situations on her own, this ability often comes in handy when dealing with many menial tasks—in the privacy of her own home, she often uses it to fetch stray pencils and clothing.


Strongest Subject: English, of course. Having traveled around so much with her paralegal parents, she has a rare gift for expression and language.



[spoiler=Borealis111 - Katsura Tsunesane]

Name: Katsura Tsunesane


Gender: Male


Age: 16


Appearance: His hair is very, very fine, and a bit long. His clean, black hair is fine and a tiny bit ruffled up all around. His hair reaches around the center of his forehead, with a bit if a bang in the right that reaches a bit lower, at about the eyebrow. The backside of his hair goes close to his shoulders, but gets messy around the limits of his hair. Lastly, he is 5'7 and weighs about 150 lbs.


His eyes are a mix of a metallic blue and silver, which give quite an odd color, overall. His eyes are basically a bluish, lustrious, reflective silver. On his face is always a look of boredom. Straight mouth, quarter closed eyes and light breathing. His skin is a pale beige, with almost no birthmarks visible on him.


The first layer if his clothes is obviously his boxers and a black T-Shirt with bars if white and blue in many areas. On the T-Shirt is also a transparent gray "flower" shaped picture, covering around his heart. Over his T-Shirt is a long sleeved shirt that is a pure white, and random shapes and such of black spread around the shirt. There is, however, one special trait to this shirt. In the shape of a rib cage is a reflective, grey pattern.


He wears black sweatpants. The kind of sports sweatpants that have stripes going down them. These sweatpants, however, have zippers that go from his knees to the bottom of the pants. He keeps them zipped up until his ankles. On the right "sleeve" of his pants, the first half of the zipper is torn off in a way that looked like they were manually torn off. He wears the normal, white socks under black and white running shoes he tends to keep untied. Over his shirt, he wears a thick, cotton (Possibly polyester) hoodie with an unzipped zipper. The hoodie is black with white "tear" (Tear as in "torn off") shapes all around. On the center of yhe backside of his hoodie is, in large, fancy letters "Reflect...". The word itself is in a very, very light grey. The word was made to be reflective to light.



Personality: He can tolerate just about anything. It's mainly due to his brother being ever so annoying, which forced him to become tolerable and accepting to many things. He keeps himself in a bit of a shell, though, which he himself dislikes. He can laugh at himself with complete ease, and fake a smile to get on with his life. Due to his extreme tolerance, he's also very forgiving, which is a reason people tend to take advantage of him. His true personality goes against how he was raised. He was raised to be tough, and to not take garbage from anybody, which is his opposite. Because he was supposed to become like this, he sometimes feels ashamed of himself, for letting his family down, which explains part of his "Shelled" attitude. His self-esteem is not too high, either, which also makes him mildly pessimistic. A lot of people may think he's weird, because he has different hobbies and interests compared to a normal person of his age. To add to aaall that, he has a small masochism issue, which he does his best to hide, also partially explaining why he doesn't care about being hit or pushed. It is a bit difficult to completely earn his trust, actually. Also, one who earns his trust keeps it, almost no matter what. What he would take action for, though, are his collectibles that are related to his hobbies;


~You wanna steal his sharpener? Ok! Wanna steal his action figures? No way!~


Haha...Also, by today's standards, you could call him a bit of a Nerd. He enjoys playing trading card games, JRPGs, anime and the like. For him, mathematics are fun; especially functions and their rules.


He's always told to, by his own family, that he should look at himself in the mirror and ask himself if he is what his family wanted him to be. What they wanted their legacy to be like. Actually, this has been going on since he was quite young, and also gave him a habit of constantly reflecting himself, as a person.


He gets quite shy around girls and tends to mumble or stutter around them. If he is spoken to by a girl, they normally can't hear or understand him, due to his mumbling. Socially, he's alone. The only person who accepts him is his brother, and maybe the few people like him. He has virtually no friends. Not even an acquaintance...


Affinity towards: Imperfection and Reflection. His power has much to do with his past and how his family is dissapointed in him. The word reflect is made to represent his constant self-reflecting as a person. The power itself...Well, he can create reflections in virtually anything. Let's say you're driving and Katsura is right besides you, he could make the window you're seeing through become a mirror. Actually, that's only physically. The most he can do with this power (Physically) is make multiple reflections surrounding said target to confuse them. Lastly, he can show people their flaws, and why they are wring in any significant way. Most of the time, using his powers too much will make him quite dizzy, and, at times, he may even faint from overuse. The worst scenarios he can be forced into are multiple week comas and, if he reeeaaaalllyyy overexerts himself; death.



Strongest Subject: Mathematics (In general) and, if it counts, Psychology.



[spoiler=Yae - Bonni Drew]

Name: Bonni Drew

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Bonni is a relatively short girl, standing at only 4'1, her body is thin and curvacious by the standards of her native Scotland, however by the Japanese standards, she is slightly above average weight. Her skin is very pale. Bonni's hair is very long, flowing easily down to her thighs, it is dyed dark black, however it is usually red, her eyes are large and colored a deep brown. Her nose is very small and set well on her face. Her mouth is also small, correctly proportioned with her nose. Bonni's typical clothing is a short-sleeved white shirt with a purposely loose black tie, a short black skirt, and knee high boots. She usually also wears a black dog's collar with silver studs featuring her name on a tag, along with silver studs in her ears, set with black stones.

Personality: Bonni is very complex in personality, at first she seems to be a very shy, girl, who would struggle to make friends, however Bonni is by no means shy, she is a quiet, confident. polite girl who occasionally comes out of her shell, usually completely changing people's opinions with her outgoing-ness and charm. When Bonni is around her friends, on stage, or simply in a very social setting, such as a party, she becomes very vibrant and emotional, acting expressively in everything she does. Although Bonni is usually a 'closed book' when she is with her friends, or other people she cares deeply about, she has no problems talking about her emotional state, something that most people can only guess at, and almost all people guess wrong. If you have achieved the feat of becoming close enough to Bonni for her to reveal this information to you, you'll be a friend for life, she'll be fiercely loyal to you and deeply caring, putting you before herself, no matter what, because in her own words. “Good, caring friends are few and far between, you can't afford to loose the ones you have.”

Affinity towards: The power to change shape into other humanoid forms, most often, these will be people, and she'll use this ability to get into places, and do things that she would normally not be capable of doing. This power can also be used to alter Bonni's body in such a way that she might have weapon-like body parts such as claws or a poisonous bite. or perhaps even wings.

Strongest Subject: Drama


Note: Bonni is orginally Scottish, but has moved to Japan, she isn't fluent in Japanese, but knows enough to get by.



[spoiler=MKJ - BANNED - Shortposting, OoC posts]



[spoiler=jcbballer - Jun Senoue]

Name: Jun Senoue

Gender: Male

Age: 15


The similarities between the two end at the body structure and facial features. Jun stands at 5'7, weighs roughly 145 pounds and has slightly wider eyes as a result of being bi-racial (Italian father, Japanese mother). Due to his fondness-borderline-obsession with the color blue (Which explains why he dyed a good portion of his hair the color), he wears a cobalt blue t-shirt over a black long-sleeved shirt and a black headband with snowflake designs on it. For his lower body, he wears dark blue jeans with a silver chain(souvenir from a trip to America) and black sneakers. He also wears a red fingerless glove on his right hand, a ring with a skull on it on his left middle finger, and blue DJ headphones around his neck.


Personality: Jun can be considered one odd guy. He is usually good-natured, cheerful, and laid-back, but he can also be fairly dark-minded and sceptic at seemingly random times. Despite this, he tries to stay optimistic and tries to find the comedy in things, as his favorite quote goes, "Life is not so bad if you have plenty of luck, a good physique and not too much imagination." He has a strong distaste for sugar-coating things and can be considered tactless, telling people what they need to hear instead of what they want. He also has a bad temper, and tends to get angered easily if someone insults him or his friends; He's also fairly violent, but only beats on people he deems bad, like bullies, and hates it when people pick on people weaker than themselves. He can be snarky and sarcastic at times, but that's only towards people who rub him the wrong way.


Similar to Taiga(props to Zaneko-sempai) he is first and foremost a fighter, but his fighting style is focused on his lower body, and protects his hands and arms. He chose this style because of two things that he knows, 1) The legs are stronger than the arms and hands 2) His hands wouldn't get hurt, he needed those to play the drums, which he loved to do. During a fight, his personality takes a complete turn, he becomes bloodthirsty, competitive and sadistic to a lesser extent. He is a rapid learner, and rarely needs anything explained to him three times.

His hobbies are snowboarding, parkour, playing the drums reading manga and watching anime, which he secretly worships. Fun fact: He can sleep with his eyes open.

Affinity towards: Sonokinesis. Like Adrienne, Jun boasts a psychic ability as well, though it is not telekinesis. His power manifests itself through the ability to control soundwaves, though it requires his nearly undivided attention, albeit his proficiency will increase with experience. At the most, he can create small sonic blasts of energy; the more sonic vibrations in the air, the more powerful the blast, but the more powerful the blast, the more fatigued it makes him. (If you need more explanation, tell me.)

Strongest Subject: Math (mathematical logic) and Gym






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Name: Yorushira Narame

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: Yorushira is an interesting kid. Somewhat short at 4'11, her body is mostly frail and stringy, with very little muscle on it. She seems a little sickly, as if permanently under the weather, causing her skin to be an unhealthy pallid color while reddening slightly around the face, especially the cheek and bridge of the nose, almost making it seem like she's constantly blushing. She has short, but shaggy black hair that often gets in her eyes and obscures her vision, often requiring to brush it back. Combing it into place works for a couple seconds before it seemingly pops back into place.

Yorushira wears plenty of red, explained as it being her lucky color. Generally, she wears a plain white dresshirt that has a slight rose glow, a deep crimson vest she wears over it, (Adorned with the fresh bloom of a rose, for extra luck), a dark red cloth scarf tied around her neck at all times, and a bright red bandanna tied around her right wrist. She wears a red wristband on her right wrist, with a tiny red metal silhouette of a bird dangling from it.

Around her neck and below the scarf she carries three necklaces, one containing a red-dyed fang or claw-like object, another carrying a rosebud, and the final attached to an old 1-Yen coin, all resting against his chest due to being given extra slack.

She wears a long red skirt as her leggings, combined with white stockings and bright red (or in some cases, black) shoes that do not look particularly fashionable. She wears a black belt around her waist, with red velvet pockets sewed on the inside.

Personality: Quirky but generally happy, Yoshira can be described as "cheerfully sociopathic". She is nigh-incapable of empathizing with others, causing her to seem a little jerkish to other people at times. After a while, she does begin to gain a concept of what would make a particular person happy or sad, and does manage to interact normally, however she is still morbidly slow to pick up hints and subtext, taking everything at face value rather than searching for any hidden meaning. Since she is unable to pick up small details and social clues, she sometimes comes off as naive and unable to understand sarcasm, though she is really quite intelligent and fully aware of how people generally act, making internal connections very rapidly and logically deducing things far beyond what people would expect of her. Despite being a horrible judge of first character, it is almost impossible to trick her in ways aside from lying directly to her face. She trusts people quickly, and while she does get emotional fairly easily, she always tries to be loyal and make her friends happy. She is very superstitious, and adheres to a lot of weird practices and traditions that other people often don't see the point in, and gets somewhat annoyed if people don't show respect for her practices.

Affinity towards: The End, and the Beginning, or as otherwise known, Alchemy. Yorushira can reduce unliving objects that she physically handles to their raw elemental forces, in the shape of 'Sand'- Basic Elementals, supercondensed and shaped into tiny grains of various colors. Even elements such as Helium and Hydrogen show up as colored grains, as they are compressed to a point beyond even usual solidity. While this sand is completely useless in this form, it can be recombined for a variety of uses; For example, sands can be mixed to shape newly formed objects, generally primitive and uncomplicated, but made to the creator's specifications. In addition, in more complex cases, the Sand can be fused with organic creatures in order to either subtly change their metabolism to reduce their feelings of hunger, provide some nutrients, heal afflictions, or even poison in some cases. The ability can also be used offensively, for example in extreme cases, changing the veins of one in whom Sand is applied into iron.

Strongest Subject: Science, especially Chemistry and Biology.

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A top notch app! To be expected by the amazing Blazinghydra! I don't really understand the physics of your power though. He can make base elements into grains of solid correct? Wouldn't the solid oxygen and hydrogen then be incredibly cold and freeze his hand off? Explain it through a post an you are accepted.

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The elements are compressed to the point where they become disinvolved with surrounding electrons, thereby making them essentially nonexistent to any particle of matter that isn't Sand. In layman's terms, they're so cold that they cross back into 'room-temperature' (actually hand-temperature; they wouldn't feel like anything, because they no longer trade electrons with other atoms).


Technically impossible in today's science in the same way we can't move faster than light, but theoretically possible.

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I have to say when I saw this I suddenly got really interested. And I also have to say it's been awhile since I've had to put this much into making an app. I have high hopes for this RP. So tell me if anything needs changing and I'll do it gladly.


Name: Kenji Yamauchi

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: Kenji stands at roughly 5 feet 10 inches, a bit taller than most Japanese people, and weighs roughly 170 lbs. He's a bit on the scrawny side but it's not noticeable. He's never been one for much athletic activity so his muscles aren't really defined. An overall average appearance. He's a bit fairer than most Japanese, probably because he's not full Japanese. His father married an american woman who had decided to just try living in Japan for awhile. His hair takes after his mother, it's a light brown and grows thick. He has a single part down the middle so the hair is off of his forehead and off to either side. His facial features are obviously influenced by his American mother. Most noticeably his nose looks like the average American nose and his eyes are a bit more rounded. His eye color is strangely green like his mother's, his parents still aren't sure how that happened considering brown eyes is a dominant trait. So he definitely doesn't have the average young Japanese look.

Personality: Kenji is an interesting mix of traits. For one he's generally introverted yet doesn't mind speaking with others and has quite a few friends. However he doesn't really feel like any of his friends are true or best friends. And while he has friends people generally annoy him. His intelligence doesn't help this. He looks around at the average high schoolers and can't help but get exasperated with the stupid actions of some them. So it goes without saying that he tends to associate with the smarter group at school as they don't ever really annoy him.


One contradiction in his personality is that he dislikes being told what to do with a passion yet can't stand being given complete freedom on anything. He needs direction but on his own terms. He'll catch himself often angry at teachers for seemingly stupid assignments or other such things he dislikes. An odd trait for an honor's student, well maybe not that odd, is that he consistently procrastinates on things. Projects that are given a week to do often only receive a day or two of work from Kenji. His intelligence sometimes works against him as he hardly ever applies himself and can find himself bored in class at times. As he's also into gaming he often fantasizes about various things, superpowers and the like, to entertain himself at times.


One other aspect about Kenji is that he hardly cares what people think of him. Of course everyone is sort of concerned with it, but it's not the end-all catastrophe for Kenji is someone dislikes something he did. He's often judgmental. Often he's taken one look at something annoying or in his eyes stupid about someone and thought about what a waste of a person they are for it. And yet he's also quite religious so he holds high standards and morals. In fact, when he examines his personality he often is perplexed by all of the contradictions he can see in it. Despite all the negative things he's often content.

Affinity towards: Judgement. This plays off of Kenji's personality and how he often judges people with very little information available to him and also how he fantasizes about things. It's quite magical and has no real physical means to describe it, odd considering how Kenji likes physics. The power doesn't activate unless he says "Begin Evaluation". With this power he says something about a person based off what he knows of him or her. Essentially a judgement of what kind of person that person is. If the statement is correct the person he made the statement about experiences a headache on migraine level or higher and it often debilitated. However if what Kenji says about the person is incorrect then the ability rebounds on himself just not as severe. He gets a bad headache and can't use the power for an hour or so. Kenji can use the technique from any distance so long as he can see the person's face; seeing them on a screen counts as well. The technique only takes effect after he says "Judgement" upon which whoever is to be hurt will receive their headache. As such he can revise his initial statement if he feels he should before "passing judgements". Regardless once he finishes the judgement he has no way to stop the ability from taking effect. One can tell when Kenji is using the technique as his eyes have a strange glow while he's "evaluating". Obviously this power isn't really meant for combat so it would be foolish to have Kenji try to fight someone.

Strongest Subject: Math/Science, particularly physics.

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Name: Keichi Katuro

Gender: Male

Age: 14


Physical Appearance

Keichi is an average sized kid at 5"1. He weighs in at about 103 pounds. Though not over wait his cheeks are slightly pudgy and are usualy a shade of light red due too the fact that he blushes and gets embaresed very easily due too his timid persinality. He has a four pack since he has a brown belt in judo. He's hair is a light brown color and is parted too the left and ends as it reaches his forhead. His eyes are a shade of light green and many people comment that they are the color of a lime.



Keichi wears his favorite belt which buckle is made out of silver. He wears a white T-shirt that has a desighn of a red fire holding a pistal, an M9 Keichi observed, with the words "Play with fire, and your going to get shot!" in yellow. Over that he wears a black hoody with the words "Objection!" in red ink. He wears dark blue jeans that are ripped were his left knee is. He also usualy wears black sneakers with wight soles. Sometimes the sneakers are untide when Keichi doesnt notice it or pay attenchin.

Personality: Keichi is generaly timid in nature, even more so since his father died and he lives with his 36 year old mom and 11 year old sister. He tries to make friends but he can barely manage out a word and just runs off. Keichi has little friends and the friends he does have are because of his mother and Keichi doent like them. Keichi is usualy up what his mother thinks is "studying" but really he is playing online games. Online he is a completely diferent person. He has a total of 146 buddies online. Online he is skillfull and popular as oposed too offline were he is picked on. Even though he lnows judo he doesnt fight back because he knows he could really hurt them.

Affinity towards: Basicly, its sending electro - mangetic waves too the person or object he's touching. Its like Pikachus "Thunder Wave" move but Keichi must touch the object/organism he touches. He can turn down or up the frequancy depending on the situation. A high frequancy can boil water but it doesnt do much too humans as much as make a little electick buzzer shock. A lower frequancy sends out a more shocking blast towards the person Keichi touxches. This power doesnt do as much as shock the enamy or electify some object. This power does not effect rubber due too obvios reasons (It doesnt conduct electricity). Keichi doesnt do this usualy, unless someone gets him really frustrated. Even do it doesnt do much it makes Zeke a human joy buzzer.

Strongest Subject: Mainly sience, his strongest sub topic in sience is chemistry but he is also good at astronomy.

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[spoiler= Done]

Name: Hirosuke Rai Kanju (Friends call him Rai)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: http://iriaayukawa.deviantart.com/art/Anime-guy-24451633

Hirosuke wears a casual T-Shirt, which is usually hidden under his jacket. His jacket is midnight blue with a purple-ish tint and a design that consists of dark stars. Hirosuke's hair is jet black, with a bit of a blue tint. His hair matches well with his personality. Hirosuke's eyes are a deep amber; which shine brightly when exposed to bright light. His face is usually a kind and gentle one. Hirosuke is somewhat taller than most people his age.

Personality: Hirosuke is usually a kind person. His face would make him look like he's always depressed, but this is not usually the case. Hirosuke is a quite person who usually likes to keep to himself. Because of people always seeing him alone, they often prefer to stay away from him; This doesn't hurt or anger Hirosuke though. Hirosuke is the type that knows when something isn't right, and isn't afraid to say anything about it. He is independent and doesn't usually enjoy working in teams. He doesn't speak much, but what he doesn't say in words, he makes up with his kind and passionate actions. When Hirosuke smiles, it's usually a kind, gentle, and soft smile. His words are reassuring words of hope. Hirosuke seems like the type to be a good speaker, but in truth, when he tries to present any kind of speech, he usually shudders and mutters alot. The strange part about this, is when he says something that comes purely from his heart, Hirosuke says it perfectly, without ever messing it up.

Affinity towards: To Protect; And Lightning Bolts. Hirosuke has always hated seeing people/animals in pain, and not being able to do anything. He had always wished to be able to protect those dear to him. Hirosuke, even as a child, has always despised pain. When he was smaller, he found Thunderstorms to be quite interesting. Hirosuke found deep value in his will to protect. Although, the fact that he cannot do anything to protect anyone, often upsets him. Hirosuke had always wished to be able to combine his will to protect, and his love for lightning bolts. But deep inside, he knew it was impossible. He never stopped dreaming, though. Hirosuke knows that everything has a purpose, and a value, which is why he wishes to protect.

Strongest Subject: Science.



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I would like to be reserved, please. I am assuming though, that not much is expected of me, due to my low level of popularity and the improper grammar I use, but never fear. Well, do what you will, but it takes me time to think of anything creative, especially considering how bored I can get. Actually, if you gave me a day, I could probably make the longest app you'll ever see for this Role Play. Well, that may be my indefinite ego speaking in my place, but does that honestly matter? Anyways, I still wish to be reserved. You probably haven't seen even one of my posts, but I guarantee I will not fail to abide by your rules, excepting the proper grammar and punctuation rule.


Now, I myself do believe my grasp of the English language is...feeble, but we'll see, won't we? My in character posts will be rather short, in comparison to posts I would've made two years ago. My posts will probably be shorter than everyone else's, actually. As I haven't explained yet, (Forgive my incompetence, it is one of my many flaws..) my posts will be an average of one paragraph in length. The longest post I could probably make would be five or six large paragraphs; dissapointing, no?


Again, I would like a reservation and, despite the low level of my account, I assure you my grammar, vocabulary and punctuation will at least allow me to barely remain a member of this RP. Maybe I'm much too expecting. Most here would argue my grammar and punctuation are of at least a decent level. It seems like I'm just starting a pointless rant, forgive me.


Make sure to please read it all.

Thank you,


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And edited as well


Name: Taiga Kyoshi (his nickname is Cub or Kit)

Gender: Male

Age: 15



Taiga has somewhat wild, long red-brown hair that he braids into a ponytail about a foot and a half long. Two or three locks of hair that hangs down to the bridge of his nose and slightly covers his left eye. He has green eyes, and narrow eyebrows. When he smiles, he has dimples and his mouth is often set in a slight grin. His left cheek has a thin scar on it, about a centimetre below his eye and he has another scar cutting diagonally across his left eyebrow. The one above his eye is from a sparring match and the other was from when he interrupted his father’s practice and was injured.


Taiga stands at 5’9 and has a slim, toned and wiry build and weights 143 lbs. His body build is the result of living with his father, the head of a dojo in town. He has a birthmark on the lower left of his abdomen that resembles three slash marks. His fingers and toes are longer than that of normal Japanese and his joints are very flexible, a result of years of acrobatic gymnastic training. The training his master (father) and acrobatic instructor (mother) have given him over the years has resulted in his body being covered in the faint marks left by healed scratches and cuts. His feet are size 12 and his hands are a bit large. He is ambidextrous but favours the left hand.


When out of school uniform, he wears green or blue cargo pants and jeans and a dress shirt open over a normal plain green T-shirt with the kanji for Tora across the back (some have the kanji on the left breast too.) The dress shirt is normally grey, white or blue and has the kanji for Noble on the sleeves.

When in school uniform, he wears his shirt out of his pants and has a badge with the kanji for noble pinned to his left sleeve. No matter what, he always wears a small charm shaped like a super-deformed tiger that his grandmother made for him. The bottom of all his pants (both school and casual) have tattered and torn edges.



Taiga is a mischievous and troublemaking character. A slacker by nature, Tiaga maintains a carefree, laid-back attitude about everything. He has even gotten a signature phrase: "everything will work out" as a way of seeing things. He is rarely on bad terms with anyone and always decides to make friends with the people he meets.


He can be sarcastic at times or annoyingly naive at others. He is also very impulsive, curious, a daredevil and quick to make friends. He loves to take risks and try new things. He can be quite determined when something interests him. Despite his outward attitude, He is deeply caring for his friends and is even ready to die for them or give up his dreams, and can be noble when the situation calls for it. He takes pride in being considered eccentric. He is either late for things of very early and he fills his bag with things others would consider junk.


He had the life philosophy that the weak will be food for the strong beaten (literally) into him by his father. But he mother also taught him that it does mean that the weak should give up, friends are there to provide the strength the weak needs. After all, doesn’t a colony of ants make mountains?


He likes to take things as they come, reacting to them then accepting them as they are. His greatest flaw might be the strange mix his curiosity, laziness and determination make. He would give some things (like school work) only fleeting interest, but if something interests him, he would spend days on it. His hobbies are martial arts, reading, making models from pen covers and skating (specifically street, free, aggressive and speed skating.)


Affinity towards: Particle Trace. He can manipulate the arrangement, bonding and structure of the atoms within close proximity of his body through control of his body bio-electromagnetic fields. The control of this arrangement is best if the target is within close range of the field, so he can manipulate the arrangement of his own atoms the best. With it, he can alter the bonding and structure enough to phase through matter, make his body denser and stronger (not physical strength, but stronger like how a piece of metal is stronger than stone) and, with some effort, temporarily invisible (through manipulation of the reactions with photons), but it makes tired because of the level of manipulation it requires.


The ability also allows him to disintegrate non-living matter or increase the structural strength. The bio-electric fields produced by living cells prevent the complete disintegration (the field interrupts with his own) so he can only causes a lot of pain and bruising that escalates into bleeding with prolonged contact. With control, he can just weaken matter. By altering the arrangement of the atoms, he can temporarily alter the properties of an item by rearranging the structure of the atoms, causing then to exhibit characteristics resembling that of another element. This change last for two minutes if he is in contact with the material and thirty seconds if he isn't. Because he is still mastering his affinity, he cannot complete full elemental change yet.


Because chemistry his not his strongest subject, he cannot make complex compounds. He is capable changing the state of materials, but it takes a lot of energy and focus to get the arrangement of the atoms right.


Strongest Subject: Gym, Kendo and Karate

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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Tanekai Izumi (Goes by Noir)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: http://img3.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/...0_full.jpg

Noir wears a black trenchcoat as in the pic. He wears the hat during non-school hours, and his black boots are silver-tipped. He has black eyes, and black hair. His complexion is fair, like a baby's. He has a wild-eyed look during talks or times that interest him, but otherwise looks normal.

Personality: Snide, sneering, and evil. He is always wearing a cheshire grin, and loves to tell riddles. You would not think it, but he is often reading. He acts like he's your friend, but he is really out for numero uno. He likes privacy, while he does not need to be especially apart from others. He just enjoys some time away from people, or his facade will fall. When he is alone, he is plotting over how to ruin people. He is by no means anti-social, but he is only using the people he talks to so he can move up in the world. Stepping Stones if you will.

Affinity towards: Gravity: Can be used to alter the area's gravity. He uses it to make his movements a little quicker or to slow others down. The more spread out it is, the weaker it is. Also, it can not be used to immobilize anybody, in any way. It can be used in short burst to push someone away, but it is not easy for Noir to use it in that way. He tires quickly. He can levitate about 3 inches off the ground with it, but cannot fly. He can float in the area while levitating, sort of like walking or running, at about that speed, just free of the actual muscle movement. He can only use any of his abilities for a short time (At first) but the repeling tires him out even faster.

Strongest Subject: Grammar/Literature.


As per my regular, I will edit any(and every)thing you want me to.

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@KWL: I guess that is acceptable. Accepted (Redundancy FTW)


@Dark Lightning: Reserved.


@Borealis: I don't really care what others think about you. You should care about what I think of you. Reserved.


@JC: Reserved.


@Zaneko: Manipulating oscillations in atoms don't allow matter to become intangible or change its overall properties. That changes the heat. Fix the power or change it all together. Rejected for now.



@MagnetSoldier: Rejected. Most of your app had too little writing. Your power is also a bit powerful because you have an infinite range of how large you can make a vacuum. Also, the brain can only survive two minutes without oxygen, not five. Also, your character is an anti-social bada$$, so you definitely need to change his personality.


@Marsuvees: Hypnosis is a very powerful power, which could lead to powerplaying, so change the power. Also not a fan of the 'hates humanity' thing. Rejected for now.


@All: We need a couple girls now please...

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