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Car, Tricular, Bicular, Unicylclar, Feet (Cyclers)

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The Cycler cards are a small archetype used by Yusei Fudo in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Season 2. They are released in Absolute Powerforce.


The Cycler archetype consists of 3 monsters: Unicler' date=' Bicler and Tricler. Each has the ability to special summon another cycler monster that is 1 level lower than itself, except Unicler. This seems to be representative of the monsters 'losing wheels'.


All the Cycler cards are EARTH Machine-Type cards.




I think they are cute. YCM-kun?

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I love these little guys! I've started collecting them, and since they're common, everyone will just give them away. I have 15 Tricular, 11 Bicular, and 13 Unicyclar. I've been working on a fun casual deck for them to play when I'm bored.


Also, I know about the Bat OTK, but don't know how it works. Someone care to explain?

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